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    1. lazarus78

      Block ID List (with dynamic filtering)

      Most up-to-date list, juch thanks for that. I do agree that a preview image would be very nice and helpful. I find it much easier and faster to look at a preview image then reading the whole name of something to find out if its what I want or not.
    2. lazarus78

      StarMade 0.15 is out

      I keep getting a Null point error after updating when I start the game and it reaches the point when the first menu should pop up. I even tried redownloading fresh. I did send a crash report.
    3. lazarus78

      StarMade 0.15 is out

      How do I make a piercing effect cannon? The update notes don't really seem to get into how to achieve these effects.
    4. lazarus78

      StarMade 0.15 is out

      Shameless suggestion plug: Artificial Horizon as well as other "snap to orientation" features. I noticed this too. There is too much reliance on power, causing a bottleneck. We need to remove the reliance of power from some things, or be able to make dedicated groups of generators for specific...
    5. lazarus78

      Change missiles into plasma torpedoes because...

      Is that supposed to scare me? The Romulan Star Navy will never even see one of my ships. Maybe not real ion engines, but sci-fi ion engines might.
    6. lazarus78

      Moving the Core

      Then don't tie them to the physical block, but rather like a station. The blocks can be relational to a central point, but the core of the ship doesnt need to be that point. It doesn't even need to be a block. If you remove a core block, the ship becomes like an astroid. Once you place a core...
    7. lazarus78

      Hull Armer

      But why would a block get more armor bonus simply because its next to another? Weapons make sense because they are active systems and you are joining them together, much like a super computer consists of many other computers linked together, but hulls are "dumb" blocks with no other function...
    8. lazarus78

      More Advanced Build Functions

      I would love for larger dimensions. Every time I try to make large ships, I get lazy because of the 10x10x10 limit. This is why my largest functional ship to date is like 64m long. I've even made x3 versions of it just to mess around with larger ships, but I've yet to make one functional.
    9. lazarus78

      Spherical Shields

      The current shield system does need some fixing. Shields on the interior of ships, as the OP mentions, makes maneuvering through an enemy ship impossible. Why would you want to do this? To capture, of course. Obviously there is work that would need to be done to make the capturing of a ship...
    10. lazarus78

      More Female skins

      There may be many, but proportionally there are few, compared to the whole modding community. 1000 people is a lot of people, but compared to 500,000+ member community, they are at best a footnote on the total. Those that do make female oriented content tend to make a lot of it, which is why...
    11. lazarus78

      Ideas and personal testing; release of code

      That is literally modding. Mods are just unofficial modifications of the game. Technically speaking, DLCs are just official mods.
    12. lazarus78

      More Female skins

      If you disregard cellphone and all facebook traffic, because tween girls updating their facebook status doesn't count, and focus on game related sites/communities, the number of females is dwarfed by males. As an avid member of that very community for almost 8 years, I can say from experience...
    13. lazarus78

      Artificial Horizon and other stabalization needs

      Thats a HUD all fighter jets use. Useful indeed, but an artificial horizon takes care of those aspects as well.
    14. lazarus78

      More Female skins

      Because this is the internet. A predominantly male population. And despite the use of female characters in many games, few males actually make such content, so the availability of female oriented content is based entirely on the number of people who make it, which in terms of Starmade user-base...
    15. lazarus78

      Sugested Names for the female Dave Counterpart

      Davida Dara Daisy I tried to find some names as close to "Dave" as I could, but my personal preference, I name female characters "Lydia".
    16. lazarus78

      Datapad and applications

      Well if you can hack things, can we beef up their security? IE if the hack mini-game is a "don't touch the wall maze", for example, entirly pulled out of my ass, can we upgrade it so that the maze is larger or add a completion timer, so that the important systems can be made virtually...
    17. lazarus78

      Artificial Horizon and other stabalization needs

      Shameless bump. Just want to keep this semi-active.
    18. lazarus78

      An easy way to change the version

      Kinda like the Minecraft launcher it sounds like. Sounds good to me.
    19. lazarus78

      Change missiles into plasma torpedoes because...

      I like to think it would look more like this.
    20. lazarus78

      Change missiles into plasma torpedoes because...

      Well the powers of SCIENCE! (Yes, its a technical term) could have Ion powered rockets that go much faster. Or, they could use plasma engines. Plasma Torpedo just sounds kinda... lame. Could stay with consistancy and call them "Anti-Matter Rockets".