Who else doesn't like the new planets?

    Jun 20, 2013
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    When out of a ship, doesn't aiming at an object and pressing X orientate you with the object? I'm pretty sure this works with ships but does it work with planets too? This would make travel between ship & planet a lot cleaner without digging holes in your ship!

    Personally, I love the new planets. Massive improvement over the disc-worlds but they do still need some tweaking (like rendering in the whole outer surface first, rather than what ever is closest to the player)

    Lag? not had any, though perhaps my laptop & desktop have enough grunt to deal with them.

    My biggest issue, I want them bigger, though I do see the clear downsides to this!
    you can make them WAAAAAY bigger in the server.cfg
    Aug 6, 2013
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    Seriously. When we had the disk planets ppl wanted something more round. Now that we have something more round ppl want the old planets back.
    I never wanted round planets in the first place, so it hasn't come full circle for me.

    Can't we be happy that the dev r listening to us. i joined this game cuz the Minecraft community had become so cynical and the devs just seemed to do what they wanted. I would hate for this game to turn into that
    I am happy the devs are listening (And I don't share you view of Minecraft's devs), but that doesn't mean I have to like everything they do just because they are listening.

    I love the new planets. Every time i see them I'm in awe. I agree that it takes forever for them to load but thats a performance related issue and i tend to disregard performance related issues cuz they can always be reworked and as well it depends on your comp. Minecraft always required a pretty beefy comp to play on the normal render distance.
    Yes, they look cool, but I just don't like how they are implemented and how they don't really fit the rest of the game mechanics.

    all in all they have their problems but in the long run it was the right decision. besides I'm sure that in the future the devs will allow u to bring the old planets back instead of the current ones. what with customization and everything
    Im not looking for the old planets to return, I just feel the old planets fit better with the game then the current ones simply because you were on the same plane of orientation as them. If it were easier to orient your ship do each face of the planets, then half of the issue would be solved.
    Mar 18, 2014
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    It's space; everything is relative. I think you just need to get over your hangup about having to be "aligned" with the universe.
    Functionality to orient relative to another entity (perhaps 'X' as previously mentioned, though I haven't tried it yet) is a useful idea, although not critical.

    The only time I use 'C' is to make sure I can exit a ship core without getting dumped out of the ship altogether. I assume that this issue will be addressed as a bug or enhancement at some point.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    It's space; everything is relative. I think you just need to get over your hangup about having to be "aligned" with the universe.
    Functionality to orient relative to another entity (perhaps 'X' as previously mentioned, though I haven't tried it yet) is a useful idea, although not critical.

    The only time I use 'C' is to make sure I can exit a ship core without getting dumped out of the ship altogether. I assume that this issue will be addressed as a bug or enhancement at some point.
    It is critical to me. And X does not work. It is used for rolling, along with Z.

    Because by default the player is forced to be oriented along the Z axis, unless under the effects of gravity, using C to align my ship is a critical feature of the game. The game is basically built around XYZ alignment, and the new planets break this.
    Jun 8, 2014
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    It is critical to me. And X does not work. It is used for rolling, along with Z.

    Because by default the player is forced to be oriented along the Z axis, unless under the effects of gravity, using C to align my ship is a critical feature of the game. The game is basically built around XYZ alignment, and the new planets break this.
    You know you can hold CTRL and roll your ship in either direction right? I'm really not seeing this alignment deal being an issue, sure you can 't have instantly perfect alignment with the simple press of a button (which I do think should be added) but that's not an issue with the planets at all. That's an issue with space itself allowing you to be oriented in any direction in 360 degrees with no rules to follow.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    Its still an issue that dampens any desire to go to the planets. I don't like the planets because I can't interact with them properly.

    Space may be relative, but humans are not. We need some sense of orientation, which is why NASA even uses artificial horizons, in space. Because Starmade does not provide, IMO, adequate methods of orienting yourself to your environment, planets are not appealing to me any more.

    Yes, this isn't really an issue with the planets themselves, but this combined with my existing dislike of their shape, I have chosen to direct my frustration at them, because even with proper orienting methods, I still wouldn't like the planets.


    Jun 20, 2013
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    Alignment? Doesn't matter, have round planets.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    As for the new planets, they're a bit laggy, but they're working on optimization. Hopefully with large sector sizes we won't randomly load them, nor will everyone have a homebase planet with the implementation of faction points.
    Agreed, and I couldn't find them on the new site (admittedly I haven't looked closely, so they may be hiding somewhere) But what is described in the OP, the planet-islands, were indeed on the old site HERE.

    View attachment 2270
    This one was made by the Username: Richarod
    I don't think it would be a normal planet, but it could be pretty cool to have. We could have a small island floating above a planet, possibly left behind as part of rare "precursor ruins"(gotta have one of those long-gone, super-advanced races). Could have it be a rare type of planet as well, and with settings, you could eliminate the dodecahedrons and crank up the chance of these generating, replacing it. These could be used for moons, too. Some could be atmosphere-less asteroids in space, populated with some creatures that can survive in space.
    Aug 29, 2013
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    you can make them WAAAAAY bigger in the server.cfg
    Awesome, I did see that in the config but wasn't absolutely certain how it would work out. Now I'm going to go round all the unused planets in my server and replace the sectors with nice new big planets! Or just bin the server and start again, I don't know... :confused:
    Apr 18, 2013
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    I'm on board with the floating island idea. Originally I was excited by the new planets but on execution I just don't care for them. I'd rather have a big ol' landmass that I can construct things on or see different terrain/structures in. These just feel claustrophobic. Just have them rotated around a random axis really.

    Regardless they lag out my pc so much that I avoid them like the plague the last few times I've played. Managed to somehow get my ship into a sector that had about 15 planets in/near it. Couldn't even leave because it lagged out loading them so badly that I had to suicide out.

    Of course, Terry Pratchett is my favorite author, so I have no problem whatsoever with discworlds.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    don't hate me for this but you should get a better computer or upgrade the one you have now. another way is to low the graphics setting and other things not very important like the background


    Nov 14, 2013
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    My problems with planets are mostly either with their performance or with things that result from their performance (Namely, the fact that they're SO TINY). They take way too long to load, their segments are too small to hold a city by default, and if they are set to a reasonably large size, the game becomes unplayable anywhere near the planets... And anyone with a GPU weaker than mine would probably not just crash their computer, but also melt a hole in their table.
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    Apr 18, 2013
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    don't hate me for this but you should get a better computer or upgrade the one you have now. another way is to low the graphics setting and other things not very important like the background
    Believe me I've toned them down a lot, that is one of the things I like about this game. The sheer number of graphics options, unlike *cough* *cough* space engineers. But I have a $60 graphics card, need a new PSU if I want to upgrade that and can't be arsed to bother since I can play most games fine if I tone down the settings a tad. Also before the planet update my system had only minimal problems with them.

    Voxel games are always a tricky beast when it comes to features vs performance though.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Personally I think Ith summed it up. The surface area per chunk is too small to be fun, and scaling up a planet that shape makes it unplayable.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I still believe we should have instanced planets... MASSIVE, possibly infinite, instanced planets. The exit point could be calculated using some kind of square to sphere map thing (Map is divided into massive squares, identical coordinates on each square will put you in the same point outside the atmosphere) and the orbital bombardment problem doesn't even need to be solved, seeing as shooting ground bases from space could easily become extremely overpowered. (Need an enemy ground base eliminated? Forget fighters and ground forces, just shoot titan guns at it. The problems with that are obvious.)
    Aug 6, 2013
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    The game, as is, puts a heavy emphasis on its grid-like design. Everything save for the planets, is generated around this grid. Although it is space, everything has a natural up/down/left/right/forward/backward positioning. the planets break all of this and feel very out of place. They don't fit in with the rest of the game's design, they have ugly gaps between sides, and take forever to generate, etc. I don't feel I can properly interact with them in a natural fluid way like I could with the disc planets. They seem very intrusive, and as I said before, I have zero desire to ever visit a planet for any reason.

    Quite honestly, this one thing is the reason I don't play as much as I used to.

    I'm not saying others can't like them, nor am I saying they can't work, but there doesn't appear to be any effort to make them work better with the rest of the game, and its very... saddening.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    The game, as is, puts a heavy emphasis on its grid-like design. Everything save for the planets, is generated around this grid. Although it is space, everything has a natural up/down/left/right/forward/backward positioning. the planets break all of this and feel very out of place. They don't fit in with the rest of the game's design, they have ugly gaps between sides, and take forever to generate, etc. I don't feel I can properly interact with them in a natural fluid way like I could with the disc planets. They seem very intrusive, and as I said before, I have zero desire to ever visit a planet for any reason.

    Quite honestly, this one thing is the reason I don't play as much as I used to.

    I'm not saying others can't like them, nor am I saying they can't work, but there doesn't appear to be any effort to make them work better with the rest of the game, and its very... saddening.

    The trouble is, there are maybe 2 people working on the game right now...so things are very slllooowww and painful, so features are left with bugs that are going to eventually be fixed, but some priorities are set. What I'm saying is, the planets aren't going to be left like this forever. They've just been left on the backburner until the crafting system is up'n'running. I'm sure the game won't release with planets that have dirty great ugly ass holes.

    That being said, you seem like the exploring type so I can understand why you're not liking this. I loved finding and building on a planet so I can sympathise with you on this. My grouch is the multi-surface planets limit building potential (In my opinion) as you can't build consistently on a whole planet, you have to move about often. And you're right, sometimes the planet refuses to load AT ALL let alone slowly.

    Instanced planets will NEVER HAPPEN ITHIRAD GRRRRR ASDFG