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    1. P

      Kupu's thread

      I think for non-permadeath's sake that won't be a thing(so you can continually respawn), but that could definitely be a mod.(already is a mod in... That game which shall not be named.)
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      Kupu's thread

      Is this... The return of AMCs? Better hope they don't bring their stats back with them! :p
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      Trade party restocking player shop...

      Or scanners could at least reveal shops... If that's too easy, we could even just have them lumped with the stations first, so we at least know where to go(aka cloak-ship scout because of lol-missiles), but that seems silly for a shop, which should be broadcasting its presence. More on-topic...
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      Needed Starmade Performance Optimization: MultiThreading

      From what I've heard, multi-threading ain't easy. The problem is that some of these things have to be done sequentially, making certain things hard, if not impossible, to multithread. Now if there are independent interactions occurring(two collisions are occurring in different sectors), that...
    5. P

      Planned Various ai factions that actually do stuff

      ...And? StarMade is its own game, that isn't meant to be grimdark. I can't actually think of a solution other than NPC-populated planets being barren of resources, though. Unless resources were just the same everywhere, which is not good either. If you attack a faction, they should attack back...
    6. P

      Basic factory can use crystal and metal if no power is available

      I think they'd do that before this, it's just not a priority. Pretty sure a server commands system should be able to handle this(i.e. a time-limited /give *playername* "power reactor" 1). Those wrapper things still work, right? If you want a hardcore server but don't want people completely...
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      Change Hull color by linking to a colored lights

      Are ship-specific block textures possible? I have no idea, but I think it'd be easier on the game than this.
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      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      If it put out a logic signal when finished, then we could have it stop jumping after it jumps once or twice...
    9. P

      Anyone figure out the Wave Manager Yet?

      I personally would rather be a location-based thing, which gives you some warning when you enter it, and having a bigger ship doesn't make them stronger; rather lets you fight through more dangerous territory. That'll take some time, though.
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      Can the bug where ai can lock on to radar jammed entities please be fixed?

      Is that still a problem with the fixed explosion system? Keep your hangar covered and you should be fine, right?
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      Torpedo Issues

      Warheads should definitely be configurable, surprised that didn't happen with the explosion update.
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      Shops stock ships

      It could just buy from the blocks the shop has, merely automating things.
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      Large Ship Constructed with many smaller ships

      Or, if we could have docked entities set to add their stats to the whole as if they were one; have standalone ships join together and create COMBINING MECHA.
    14. P

      New missile explosions.

      So I guess PvP ships will look like 40K spikey armor now?
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      Planned Stack Limits

      If you're talking of click-tedium(MC chests*cough*), then don't worry, the actual ease of cargo management will hopefully be improved. As for limits of storage, your asteroid hauler should be somewhat heavier after stuffing its face full of something its size, possibly made of heavier material...
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      Brainstorm This Astronaut Mode gameplay.

      I think something like this should either be a cosmetic change, or a very-carefully-balanced sidegrade(though with buildable ships of any size it's too difficult to balance already).
    17. P

      Config options: Planet and Asteroid ore density & asteroid size

      Note that the blocks are what cause the lag. I'd actually like a thin crust layer, giving lots of surface(albeit little or no caves) to explore. Perhaps caves could somehow "cut into" the mantle? Dunno how well that would work.
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      It is the year 20XX... Drones are massacring everything in sight, the StarMade population is scattered, and there are still cries of "nerf the titans!".
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      Read by Council Grid based logic computer system

      - "gj biddles" - "griddles" Maple syrup and butter-based Waffle Logic confirmed. :p This has a very major drawback, though: things with logic then become far less viable for use. And interesting failures are, as another person said, unlikely to happen. I've been wanting this for some time...
    20. P

      New helmet / extend helmet functions.

      I think the night vision helmet should have an option to add an outline around blocks(which would also be a nice build mode option). Ever used lighten mode with standard armor? I think the visor should change detection ability, and not vision. This means that you can't just hack away the visual...