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    1. Ithirahad

      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      Those side fins need to be curved somehow.
    2. Ithirahad

      "Captain's Log" storylines to collect and piece together

      There's nothing wrong with faction self-inserts, as long as the faction name is halfway-decent (No Space Cow Federations or anything) and they don't predict future events that might not happen. Workings of systems is okay too, as long as you don't go too far in depth and start talking about...
    3. Ithirahad

      Transphasic Missile, Solution to Missile - Shield - hull problem.

      There IS a Piercing Effect Module... but seeing as none of that stuff works right now, I have no idea if it's talking about shields or just blocks.
    4. Ithirahad

      Engage: Captain Picard!

      Haha, nice.
    5. Ithirahad

      Transphasic Missile, Solution to Missile - Shield - hull problem.

      No... STO and Starmade are completely different games. Having torps that bypass shields is fine in a game where hull regenerates, but here, once you lose your hull, it doesn't come back until you place more down, and there sadly aren't Hazard Emitters or Engineering Teams (Or that annoying...
    6. Ithirahad

      Power should EXPLODE!

      Agreed; that was my idea.
    7. Ithirahad

      Reason for having an interior

      +1 to all of this. Mostly because all of my ships would suddenly get a massive buff. They all have largeish interiors, and usually empty rooms that could be occupied by beds - at least two per room in my smallest ship (at least, my smallest ship that isn't a cargo boat or shuttle), the...
    8. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      You don't need to buy the game to access dev builds. Anyway, Schema... did you give your paws a slave system that's a cannon? Because these dev builds are coming out at machine-gun speed. However, the latest one(s) broke logic. : P
    9. Ithirahad

      Jumping and shift+jumping

      Key bindings and mouse sensitivity are personal preferences, so that's silly. However, jump height is a good thing to have variable... RP servers can have semi-realistic (Minecraft) gravity, "creative"/build servers can have unlimited 100-block shift-jumps if they want, and random people wanting...
    10. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      Make sure that the core is still connected to the master computers. Sometimes computers show up in the weapon bar without being attached and I think that they randomly stopped working.
    11. Ithirahad

      Small Status update

      Personally, my favorite is the cone-fire cannon... Sure it's weak, but it can scare the heck out of people who don't know the game well. It can also serve as a really nice doom weapon against swarmers, at a large scale. I'm excited for the Beam w/ Cannon combo (which apparently works like a...
    12. Ithirahad

      Jumping and shift+jumping

      As with all things. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations, etc.
    13. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      Linking anything to anything (Besides weapon combos with an AMC primary, which all work beautifully) causes a crash. And yeah, Lasers have some odd glitches. They ignore shop invulneraility and the shops' automatic detection system, they don't converge at your cursor, and they (by default) do a...
    14. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      Those are fixed, however the modifiers still cause a ClassCastException on weapon hit and trying to fire any non-cannon-based combos causes an instant crash (Even though the stat modifications seem to work in the weapons panel). ...Also, the combos don't seem to apply to AI turret fire. I had...
    15. Ithirahad

      More interior blocks?

      I approve... If I want anything else added to this update, it's decorative stuff.
    16. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      Not buffs, I've tried all of those and they do. I was talking about: Heavy Cannon - Cannon w/ Damage Pulse slave system Sniper Cannon - Cannon w/ Damage Beam slave system Spread Cannon - Cannon w/ d1000 Missile slave system Machine Cannon - Cannon w/ second Cannon slave system
    17. Ithirahad

      Jumping and shift+jumping

      Just a quick suggestion... You probably shouldn't be able to jump more that one block up by default. However, perhaps by pressing shift and jumping, you could go as high as you can now (With a cooldown if you're on a planet)
    18. Ithirahad

      "Captain's Log" storylines to collect and piece together

      Actually, they're copy-pastes of Star Trek captain's logs with most of the names cut out or replaced (Pirate instead of Klingon, for example). I agree; we do need some more, better ones that add to background lore. Also the logbook GUI needs a LOT more space.
    19. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      ...The results of a smallish scattercannon array. Six individual anti-matter cannon tubes. Looks a lot more threatening than it is (I think that particular platform puts out around 22 DPR, around six rounds per shot-pulse (per cannon), with a somewhat long reload), but could be downright...
    20. Ithirahad

      Release notes for the DEV build?

      The launcher (Or rather, the Connection Setup Window) seems to use the default operating system GUI theme thingy rather than the Java default one (I forget what it's called) now. Is that what you mean? ...Anyway, that's a lot of new builds. What... ? EDIT1: Wow, loving the Heavy Cannon... And...