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    1. CyberTao

      Recognized Qualitative vs quantitative balance.

      But what if I already use Missile+Cannon? Because I do. The cannon slave denotes faster reload, part of what makes the master/slave system easy to explain is that all slaves have a common effect. Cannon is speed, Missiles are widespread, Beams are range, and Pulse is Damage. The reason I use...
    2. CyberTao

      List of in-game formulas?

      The formulas and values can be found in the blockbehaviourconfig.xml, found in /starmade/data/configs. Effects are around the bottom and weapons in the middle and other systems at the top. What each number means is usually found in grey text under a few of them (as examples), but it can be a tad...
    3. CyberTao

      List of in-game formulas?

      To be honest, I have never used effects as a passive since they came out, and only a few as a weapon (slowly building a shell), so while I thought it was wrong, I just assumed it was right. You should be able to edit them if you sign up on the wiki, if you would like. I have a hard time typing...
    4. CyberTao

      List of in-game formulas?

      Well they weren't there last time I checked a week ago, the Wiki is managed by players so it may take a little bit for updates, or some parts may feel mix/matched.
    5. CyberTao

      List of in-game formulas?

      Well, it is definitely outdated now, since I know punch has changed in effect. However some kind gent has been updating and cleaning up the wiki. If you got to the Item ID list and select the effect computers, you'll find the numbers and values you are after. (Punchthrough has yet to be updated...
    6. CyberTao

      Cockpit Block

      A block like this was already planned if I'm not mistaken, just more or less waiting for it to be set as a priority.
    7. CyberTao

      Server editable speed limit for massive ships.

      A set mass would probably have a lot of people building just under the limit, some may view it as a restriction on size or creatibity, but that's just generalizing. What you could try is tweaking the power costs for thrusters, so large ships could not have as much (helps with acceleration), and...
    8. CyberTao

      Question about Ion's defensive effect...

      That only works with instant-effects like push and pull. Effects that are toggled on or off need a player inside the ship, else it deactivates the effect (Think like cloaking and Jamming, which is what they are based off).
    9. CyberTao

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      Then mayhaps we should poke Calbiri and ask why their roles are basically reversed. It is more than a little confusing.
    10. CyberTao

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      No... according to what I just quoted Punch is (Total damage-Estimate block health)/2 applied to the next block. So if you didn't have enough damage to break the block, you could not harm the next block, because the damage would be less than 0 ( a negative) Pierce is (Total Damage)/2 is applied...
    11. CyberTao

      Question about Ion's defensive effect...

      Well, 50% armour on hull is basically x2 Estimated health, so 60% would be around x2.2 I would think?
    12. CyberTao

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      I honestly believe that was a mistake on Schema's part. The first part makes it seems like punch is pierce and vice versa, but when you look at the summery, it's reversed. Notice how only punch takes into account the damage dealt to the block there. I think it was just a wording issue, Schema...
    13. CyberTao

      Planned Fix warpgates inside stations

      Warp gates are based on the /change_sector command, so when you warp, your exact position in the original sector is where you appear in the other sector. I expect improvements at some point, but you could try adjusting the first warp gate to get it to line up with where you want to exist.
    14. CyberTao

      Don't complain about the length of battles

      The only time a reset is needed is when there is a change to universe generation. Ships can be refitted easily, so the HP system will probably not require any sort of reset, nor will rails, nor will shipyards, etc.
    15. CyberTao

      Recognized Rename jump drives to be consistent

      but we already have a /jump command, which moves you within a sector, so jump drive and jump gates would fit a lot better.
    16. CyberTao

      Recognized Qualitative vs quantitative balance.

      If you really think rammy, greify, no-skill-needed-cause-its-fucking-point-blanks-just-tank-the-damage-because-we-dont-need-as-much-room-for-weapons-all-in-shields-praise-Allah will get much support, you may be missing something. The reason all weapons have the same dps (minus nukes) is so that...
    17. CyberTao

      Folders for Templates

      I would assume that also includes changing the load template screen into something more like the shop screen, in order to make use of said folders?
    18. CyberTao

      shield still at old values?

      This is game support, not an interview. Try a PM if you are curious about such things.
    19. CyberTao

      Recognized Qualitative vs quantitative balance.

      Did you know, Swarm missiles are the only missile you can upright outrun? They move at 99% of server speed, therefore are the only missiles you can outrun. They also like to cluster together, so a good spray of PD renders them dead. You are suggesting changing the dps (and hopefully changing...
    20. CyberTao

      shield still at old values?

      Was your blockbehaviourconfig.xml modified at all? Schema set it before so that updated configs would not overwrite custom ones, because you could guess how annoying that would be for those playing with complete customs. If you are playing on a server, you might have to ask an admin about it. I...