Well a config option to turn on the Trading Guild Restock of player shops would be nice to have we should have to do something first before we'll get that. Say you go to a TG shop or station and order a trading party from the selection. You put in the sector coordinates of the shop you own is...
Here's an idea make the tools for us to cook up any kind of mission or quest we want to and let us help cook up the various quests and stories. :) It'd save you a ton of headaches down the road and you could put in things as defaults that could be removed and replaced or added onto.
I've noticed a lot of people wanting salvagers as an effect so I figured why not extend this idea to all secondaries to where their defensive mode is what they are now but when but when used as part of a Primary + Primary + Effect Combo they take the Effect slot.
Basically you could end up...
Could also make it a sort of Computer/module type thing where it has to be built into a specific shape. The Wargates are circles, the shipyards are arches, maybe the Faction Beacons could be some form of shaped box. ??? O_o This box shaped setup could be used to scale the size of the area...
Why not make all secondaries both as they are but when slaved to primary weapons they come in as effects? :) As for the details on how they'd apply their effects lets think a little more. :)
Odd I could swear that connecting the rotator to activation blocks let change the rotation in 45 degree increments. While connecting a speed controller to activation blocks and than to the rotator lets you change the speed of it. Not sure if they've made it simpler yet though.
Oh yes forgot about that soul crushing boredom. X_X Also making it so if the ships spawned for ship escorting that have jump drives use them to get to their destination if they need them would be a nice idea, and just have a displayed timer(s) for the charge(s) on the drive(s) so we know when...
What it boils down ti is what we've been saying, Salvagers salvage things but don't blow them up, weapons blow crap up but don't salvage them, if there was something that'd do both we'd all be using that to levels that would make you change you tune rather fast. The only reasonable combo of the...
Well there are several types of escort missions that could be done in fun ways. In the case of escorting a fleet, the objectives that have to live to the destination would have to be large enough on the Structure, Armor, & Shields levels to live to their destination consistently though or the...
Isn't the nav range 3 sectors? Feels like 2 right now on the server I'm on but I know full well we could see out to beam missile range on the nav before. O_o The AI ships spawned in that way normally start heading for the station or event target that spawned them even if they are out of firing...
Just wondering because since the update I haven't seen a single pirate or trading guild spawn and wanted to check if anyone else's servers had this issue. If you managed to fix it how'd you do so? :) In any event going to pester the bug section again to see what's up.
lol if it makes you fee any better I opted for doing a sort of external room and hallway setup since making an internal one would balloon the Loot Pinatas to insane sizes.
lol my computer even sees that many missiles in my general area and it NOPEs out of the game. XD It's one of the reasons I fight using traps, AI, and logic. So I don't have to be around to play with all that. :)
Yep the devs just nerfed things that were broken but even I agree there should be a way to set some of those single credit prices higher than 1 for NPC Shops. :)
Funny thing is while there is a logical way to solve the issue and it looks wonderfully and very able to solve the issue on paper, in reality it could go down the drain and take the game with it so darn fast it isn't funny. You've got to account for things like cost, time needed, permission to...
I could see a case for allowing salvagers being used on normal weapons to give them a salvager effect so they picked up destroyed blocks rather than just outright destroyed them but making the salvager itself a weapon isn't needed.
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