Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. TheDerpGamerX

      What happened to Starmade?

      If you're trying to prove that youre not an angry whiney RPer then why is the rest of your post a toxic rant on why grr pvp meta exploiters bad? You try to claim that the pvp community is toxic, yet on a consistent basis you are always the first one to start shit by calling people toxic. If you...
    2. DeepspaceMechanic


      Recently, I was locked into circumstances boring enough to make me try writing up something random and cool. An old british heavy metal band, Saxon, once wrote an ode to a train, titled "Princess of the Night". I wrote a prose-form ode to a space freighter I once planned to build, named...
    3. Indigo Slimez

      The Infection Initiative (Now recruiting!, Again!......again)

      Expand And Conquer Again we rise from the ashes! Once more our eyes are set on the Universe. We go forth to expand across the galaxies, bringing destruction to our enemies and prosperity to our allies. Formed in early 2016 Our primary goal has always been the expansion of our territoriy , and...
    4. Dr. Whammy

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Actually, you weren't part of that particular discussion. Just so we're clear; your aforementioned tester was actually the one who originally cited 40k mass as the "standard". On the other hand, I do find it ironic that you acknowledge the negative effect large ships have on a multi-player...
    5. Zoolimar

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      I'm pretty sure that was the goal of the thrust curve. If thrust curve starts to actually curve only at 40k than all the ships of lower mass than that can as well not exist. Bar for people who only start playing on the server. Basically the size at which you can reach top speed or close to top...
    6. crazyf22raptor

      Trade and Economy idea

      ...this is my idea, and i really do think it if added would madly benefit the game, adding in some much needed from to the game and an somewhat end goal or challenge to beat, for new players the first time they finally beat a pirate base would be a really big reward for them and it gives the...
    7. bigdude601

      Dominion Prime Reborn

      We will soon be upgrading the servers hardware to pretty much the limit for what starmade needs. Next step of upgrades: Ryzen 9 3900x 24Gb of dedicated ram at 3600 1tb Dedicated NVME SSD Our goal at this point is to give the server everything possible to provide a stable and fun environment...
    8. TheDerpGamerX

      [PvP and RP] Skies of Eden StarMade Server

      Join Skies of Eden! We are a fast growing server dedicated to giving our players the best StarMade experience! We have custom events and passive mining station scripts. We will have custom NPC factions complete with lore and custom scripted interactivity. Pirates and NPCs will call for...
    9. JinM

      Distributed Monetization

      Hey I don't want to be unpolite, so don't get rubbed the wrong way. But I am not getting paid here and to read so much text is just not worth it for me. I wanted to get a simple yes or no, maybe 5 sentences of explantion. But that's the third chunk of text and I just don't want you to waste your...
    10. MacThule

      Distributed Monetization

      What is your standard for "similarity?" Because as far as I know there is no game 'extremely' similar to Starmade in both format & scope. Demanding an apples-to-apples comparison of 1) game format, 2) game scope, and 3) approach to monetization seems... unrealistic. Particularly when the game...
    11. Code North

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...and the difference would only matter in a spreadsheet game like eve online. If Ai fleet battles with player flagships/heros are still the end goal, a small difference in "build quality" aka interiors should be drowned in all other factors. (-unless the ships are outright crap, then you need...
    12. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      And thanks to tsonak here, we have the first and best example of what i was referring to. A small short answer with a pinch of comments to biais the reader. There is no real question backed up with thoughts or anything like that. As to if the goal is to only ask a genuine question or simply...
    13. AngelusKutona

      Storyline Based Design Competition

      Worth suggesting that we put the competition on temporary hold? Or would we like to go about a 're-visit' of competition stages when the game has reached a stable version with QuickFire? Any responses welcome, from those joining, those already taking part and those whom just want to peak at the...
    14. A

      Distributed Monetization

      Well I'll give you my user thoughts on it. If I have the choice between a free but commonly designed ship, and a paid beautiful / optimized ship, I'll always choose the first one. Why ? Because I don't like - even hate - to be forced to pay for a game content (even DLCs can be annoying...
    15. crazyf22raptor

      Distributed Monetization

      I understand the idea that you are trying to explain here but, for this type of game it will backfire Remember this type of thing has been tried many times over many different genres, remember the horse armor from Skyrim and the Creation club from bethesda, monetizing community content or...
    16. Reilly Reese

      Distributed Monetization

      It's sleazy because it sounds an awful lot like you want to eat your cake too with the "I run a marketing company" statement. Don't pretend this whole thing is about wanting to see the game become a massive commercial success. Why? Because everyone knows this is a passion project for Schema, it...
    17. MacThule

      Distributed Monetization

      'Sleazy?' That's... a little unnecessary, Thad. I've uploaded a few things to dock, but I'm not a huge content creator. So there's nothing to plug; your ships and the ships of dozens of other contributors are far superior to my little toys. So trash my suggestion until you get happy feelings...
    18. DeepspaceMechanic

      Storyline Based Design Competition

      I'm sure if this creative challenge was more of a goal-oriented, reward-motivated, high-stake undertaking than it is, 3 months would've been more than enough. Problem is, it's hard to get oneself to even start, let alone carry through uninterruptedly, when the game/forum activity level...
    19. DeepspaceMechanic

      Big performance increases (I/O) - Universe update dev dump 4 - [30 OCT - 7 NOV]

      I was wondering, were the things mentioned above discussed / revealed on Discord yet? Would be nice to know what's cooking regarding the new planet teaser update. Please tell, cause we like presents, not surprises ;)
    20. philthy mcnasty

      I don't get Starmade anymore.

      Your problem is number 2. It's a voxel game. SO your ship is ugly? so is mine. What gets me is once i build my ship, what do i do with it? Why build the ship? where do i take the ship? what is the point of making the ugly ship? Stationeers: you build ugly station so you don't freeze to death...