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    1. nightrune

      Planetary bases?

      To quote duke...
    2. nightrune

      Multi target group firing system

      To me, this points to a serious flaw in the base system.
    3. nightrune

      Don't use loading screen flying near planets

      Yeah the gif recording is a bit slow...
    4. nightrune

      Don't use loading screen flying near planets

      If you can do that reliably, I'd suggest writing a ticket. I think it's the meshing thread gets backlogged sometimes. I'd need to test it. It'll be hard for some else to reproduce since it depends on a lot of factors, but a gif/recording plus logs might help.
    5. nightrune

      Starmade Trigger Area

      No it only triggers on entry.
    6. nightrune


      Can you get it to happen more if you turn anti aliases on?
    7. nightrune

      Which is easier (on the game engine)?

      Use a rail timer and set the speed to make it 25 seconds.
    8. nightrune

      Type 0 Null Pointer Exception error

      Logs really help, I've had this issue where there was actually a server running in the background. Usually a reboot fixed it since I could not find it in the process list.
    9. nightrune

      Make sure releases are playable and fix the current release

      If you are crashing every 5 mins, please feel free to start a thread in support or create a bug report with steps to reproduce please. It's the best way to really help the game, and it is really appreciated.
    10. nightrune

      Rail rotator block, slave duplication bug and missing cargo pull function

      Confirmed and reproducible bugs are best created directly in phabricator. Phabricator I've taken the liberty to confirm and write up a bug report for both the issues: - Rail rotators Login to Phabricator - Cargo Both of those are private until looked at by lancake.
    11. nightrune


    12. nightrune

      StarMade Dev Update: Spring Cleaning

      There are a decent amount of us. Talk to Lancake or AndyP
    13. nightrune

      StarMade Dev Update: Spring Cleaning

      Can't fix if you don't report though.
    14. nightrune

      Entity Inventory editing

      I would say that's probably not safe at all. Due to threading concerns and race conditions with the server.
    15. nightrune

      Read by Council Factory progression block

      Factories currently do not work when unloaded.
    16. nightrune

      FTL Federation Battlecruiser

      We need pics!
    17. nightrune

      Disaperring entitys (again)

      This really sucks, but to find the problem the team really needs to see the logs from when this happened. In the Starmade Folder you'll need to upload the logs from around the time of the incident. There are number of things that could be wrong that might not be the games fault, or might be the...
    18. nightrune

      The good, The bad, and the horrible.

      I love that turret!
    19. nightrune

      Do... Do you guys like tentacles?

      I can't like this enough!
    20. nightrune