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    1. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Heat tends to be an inefficiency in the system, but also most electrical loads tend to convert power into heat as well. I could imagine the amount of energy it takes to create our missiles and how much heat that would produce. The mechanic works extremely well for mech warrior. I would welcome...
    2. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      That's certainly one way it could play out, but they will of course avoid issues with new players as you can. There are ways you can actually get all of the requirements, and being negative about trying isn't truly helping. One of they ways the new system could play out is to base it on our...
    3. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I've seen many people purpose surface area. While a great idea especially for realism, its just not realistic to simulate in the game. Finding surface area of a voxel object is not as easy as it sounds. Especially given you could build structures inside with surface area as well. There would be...
    4. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Yeah this part is a bit misleading. In life, when you draw from an generator that's not designed to match your load you generate lots of heat due to inefficiencies. The difference with these is that without the heat box there is no downside to having a smaller reactor. There are a ton of...
    5. nightrune

      Welcome the Change

    6. nightrune

      Council Reboot

      I would assume another vote would happen.
    7. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I just asked about a typo. I think that's a horrible assumption. I want to do both, and I think you should be able to. I see no reason why consolidating power into smaller sections will limit your ability to min max. In fact I think it'll be easier as there is likely less need to refit large...
    8. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Variable or viable?
    9. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I fail to see how these must be mutually exclusion in something virtually, creatively designed by humans. I doubt this is dictated by the laws of computing and imagination.
    10. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I'm still waiting to see what comes of this thread, but the more I lay out numbers, the better heat seems to be, at least conceptually, easier to balance and tie into other gameplay dynamics. Which is something I find very intriguing. Including heat being the way you find ships and weak spots in...
    11. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Sunk cost - Wikipedia Possibly and definitely a valid point.
    12. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I agree on the point that considering how it gets damaged is paramount to make sure we do not return to coring, but having critical systems is going to be key to making combat fun (I think anyway).
    13. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      This is one of the first concerns I've heard that I pretty much agree with. That could really be a problem especially if shields were to go that route as well.
    14. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      As its explicitly stated sure, but have some imagination. Are there other ways we could have them work? Maybe some chambers need to be warmer to work better?
    15. nightrune

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      That seems to be why its designed that way. You could have one big core, but you can't concentrate it all in one place. As for my thoughts on the subject. Assuming we give people more scanning information in combat. This is a really cool way to show critical parts. I'd propose that the hotter...
    16. nightrune

      Save me from what I've become!

      Save me from what I've become!
    17. nightrune

      Kupu's thread

      Hey Kupu, the emmisive side for the ship modules refuses to face all 6 directions. For some reason I can not get it to face in what I think is the positive X direction. I can get screenshots if you need.
    18. nightrune

      Goooood Gooooood, Your transformation is almost complete...

      Goooood Gooooood, Your transformation is almost complete...
    19. nightrune

      I am NightRun3, I serve the Mistress of Melody, Symphony. 4/4 will have its place in the circle...

      I am NightRun3, I serve the Mistress of Melody, Symphony. 4/4 will have its place in the circle of metal.
    20. nightrune

      How to make other stations secure - Discussion Thread ***PLAYER SOLUTIONS ONLY!***

      To me this is just calling for a new proximity sensor block, and would be less computationally intensive.