Some things to try.
You may need
Nauvran for this because the server is white listed. Else you could have simply tried a new user name to see if your spawn point broke or your user data server side got corrupted.
Ask Nauvran to try out these commands.
player_info ◦DESCRIPTION: displays info about a player (even when player is not on)
◦PARAMETERS: Name(String)
◦EXAMPLE: /player_info schema
set_spawn_player ◦DESCRIPTION: Sets the spawning point for this player to the current position
◦PARAMETERS: Name(String)
◦EXAMPLE: /set_spawn_player schema
Let him set your spawn in another sector. Maybe that helps. He has to go to that other sector and use this /set_spawn_player Edymnion
Incase the /player_info command gives him your last used sector or you know where it was. Then a /repair_sector x y z might sometimes also solve weird issues.
Make sure to use a brand new directory to absolutely rule out any problems with conflicting or corrupted server/user data.
Should everything fail then you can always become our new favorite target practice on a pvp server near you.
View attachment 40265
could not resist!
Or wait for a dev to brainstorm your problem.