Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. Dr. Whammy

      A Reflection on Quickfire and Power 2.0

      Honestly, that sounds like a bit much; especially given how slowly development moves for this game. System HP was already tried and while not ultra-realistic, it worked well as a StarMade gameplay mechanic; hence why it was mentioned. With the Universe Update (supposedly) right around the...
    2. colonel lacu

      A Reflection on Quickfire and Power 2.0

      To offer my 2 cents into this foreverargument. I think the current state of power is a good base for a fun system. it just needs something that would make it take creativity or challenge the player to get to a great design. if i look at games similar to starmade such as Stormworks: build and...
    3. Celotown777

      INSE -- Commonwealth -- interstellar Colony Ship GEN 0

      Description:______________________________________________________________ A retrofitted heavy freighter, modified to carry and assemble a temporary jump gate and outpost in another star system, through which a future colony could be built. To this end, the Commonwealth was given the most...
    4. Dr. Whammy

      Introducing The United Star Axis

      Titan S.C.R.V - Affiliation: United Star Axis - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc. Volcov Industrial. - Type: Utility Rig / Mobile Construction Vehicle - Armament: *Unarmed* - Special equipment: High Efficiency Wide-beam Mining Array, Astrotech Repair system, Fore and Aft Tractor Beams, Class 3 jump...
    5. Celotown777

      INSE -- "Apollo's Bow" Experimental Warp Gate Prototype

      *Power 2.0 revision passed* Important: 2 for the price of 1!! (comes with a lighthouse warp beacon, aka it has a 0x0 warp gate, completely useless except for exits, just connect it as normal and it should work) Description:______________________________________________________________ A highly...
    6. Celotown777

      INSE -- "Achilles's Arrow" -- Deep Space Explorer GEN1

      Description:______________________________________________________________ A sturdy spacecraft constructed specifically to resist the strange forces of warp-gate travel, due to time and budget constraints(much of which went into the gate itself), the vessel was haphazardly assembled with...
    7. docpenguindoc

      Starting a big project. Hoping to meet a Saturday goal.

      Starting a big project. Hoping to meet a Saturday goal.
    8. IR0NSIGHT

      Station defense and it's implications

      Lots of text, thanks :) Ill try to answer point-by-point. - I will try to draw a picture, but i can't guarantee that it will explain the idea well enough :P Admins setting up event/RP stuff: - i have abstracted and changed the internal code of the prototype, to allow the concept of "stronghold"...
    9. JinM

      Station defense and it's implications

      hey nice to see that you have this project going! I like the idea of fleshing out station mechanics. Regarding your request towards feedback: Submit some pictures of how important game mechanics are made visible for the player. The idea of controlling strongpoints is great from a roleplay and...
    10. Tshara

      809 JunkPile 1.1

      This year’s entry to the JW608 community challenge. The goal was to build a replacement pirate fighter. Size and mass constraints were given. I proudly present to you to you the Junk Pile. Sneeze to hard and it will probably shake apart. Cobbled together by an inventive pirate from salvaged...
    11. Ithirahad

      Resources ReSourced - 0.5 Release - Localized Shop Pricing

      🛈 This version was built on StarMade version v0.203.106 and later. As of the time of release, that is a development build. It is unknown if this version will work on previous release builds. Good(?) news everyone: The Trading Guild just got greedier. yaaaaay... Resources ReSourced v0.5...
    12. Ithirahad

      Resources ReSourced 0.9.2c - Bussard

      🛈 Please note that this is a beta release, and some issues are to be expected. 🛈 It is highly recommended that you install the Moar Void mod alongside Resources ReSourced. Zone sizes and mechanics are balanced around that mod's default config. Resources ReSourced overhauls aspects of the...
    13. IR0NSIGHT

      NPCController 1.0

      DISCONTINUED INDEFINETLY CURRENTLY BROKEN WORKING ON FIX (15 sept 2021) This mod allows a basic control over what blueprints pirate(any faction) stations can use, and also allows to automatically replace already existing, unwanted stations (like power 1.0 vanilla stations). !!There are NO...
    14. MossyStone48

      Bug Guest login and Local Server

      well nuts... i was doing this from my laptop and i just realized i'm at my desktop in my office and, what do you know, no log files... cuz they on the laptop. bbiab ok, log files.. attached, its the whole shebang just zipped up told ya i'd follow up :3 but yeah i've not even looked at them tbh...
    15. JinM

      Ideas for reviving the multiplayer community

      Question: What can a player do to cope with the lack of gameplay? A: You can just stick to self made challenges and roleplay rules. Lay them out in a thread, and have display modules on your public docking ports and big signs that explain how you want to play the game. Goal: Others join your way...
    16. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement 0.2.008

      Factory Automation Enhancement is a mod to allow for the automation of factories and factory setups, and reduce the burden of micromanagement on the player, with the addition of two blocks: the Basic Factory Assistant and the Advanced Factory Assistant. The Basic Factory Assistant The Basic...
    17. DukeofRealms

      State of development and where do I go now?

      This not the reason for us to consider open source, and we really wouldn't have the resources to verify and integrate so many large contributions. This has already been discussed in other threads, discord and in the google doc here: Thoughts and research on StarMade open source We will not do...
    18. RabidBat

      What happened to Starmade?

      Been a while. Good to see nothing has changed around here since I stopped playing. Not the remaining playerbase, or StarMade. I could tell you why everything is like it is, have tried in the past. Heck one of my most watched on and commented videos is about many of the problems. But as usual...
    19. DukeofRealms

      What happened to Starmade?

      Commercialising open-source software is quite common, dual-licensing commercial software under GPLv3 for the community and under a separate commercial license for those who pay for it is a standard practice. There are plenty of successful commercial applications that have achieved this. It's not...
    20. Olosch

      What happened to Starmade?

      I said it in the other thread, I don’t think open sourcing will help. After going over your google doc I fear your goal of retaining the possibility to commercial distribute Starmade and also get free code from an open source community will not work out, or get you in a licensing hell no sane...