Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. chetyre

      Do not make this game die

      Here is a quick sum of the comments I have found here: Top comment: I suck at making even small ships, this is daunting D: Other comments: I don't like that at all ! Too complicated, design will be a nightmare for builders. Sad face... Nice and clear explanation. But what does it change in...
    2. IKindaCrashAlot

      The X Empire

      Our Goal is to Dominate the Galaxies we occupy by using Overwhelming Military Strength If you think you have what it takes to join us, apply today. By joining the X Empire, you will be taught the basic and advanced skills necessary to become an excellent pilot, ship builder, logistical...
    3. GnomeKing

      Beta systems reward redundancy

      I agree to an extent - 1.0power did allow a lot of fun/function, even with the 'excess', However when the goal was an ultimate min-max-death-boat, 'fat-trimming' was obsessive, worked within very narrow ranges, and (worst of all) produced a min-max-arm race....or just left a few...
    4. JinM

      How to: bigger projects

      # I write this "low effort guide" because I have seen many bigger projects being given up in Starmade after around 2 months. Just do yourself a favour and take my advices seriously: Before you go big, finish some smaller projects that take not more than one month. It allawys makes me sad when...
    5. Tolnorus

      Universe Update: Star Systems, Territory, and Space order to be represented at all. But another part is that the game is still not developed on every front, at least in terms of the End Goal Document. (We still haven't seen the other parts of that document.) Distances are measured in kilometers. Planets are not particularly large...
    6. Edymnion

      Faction Point Generators/Replacements - Aka food and fuel

      I'm just not fond of non-block based answers here. Its a sandbox voxel game, I feel like it needs to have a block based answer. That there should be something the player has to build to gain the reward, not just simply sit on a specific location. And then the location can become important...
    7. Nosajimiki

      Faction Point Generators/Replacements - Aka food and fuel

      I feel like my idea meets this goal perfectly... Clearly we are on the same page about end goals, but if feels like you have apprehensions about it. High risk/high reward vs low risk/low reward is measured by how many planets your try to control HB = offline storage & safe zone Planets...
    8. Nosajimiki

      Multiple reactor counting as one

      Great idea, but the last part about distances could be simplified if range is calculated from center mass of you primary reactor. That way it does not matter if your reactor is a cube, a stick or a toris; I believe it already does this. Also, your suggested rHP falloff may not be necessary...
    9. MacThule

      [24th of May] Schine Q&A Answers

      Good to hear - thank you! So, without asking for an answer that I know cannot be given, I am going to go ahead and say it looks like I was correct in perceiving that the run-up to Galaxy 2.0 is roughly parallel to a run-up to going beta. It seemed the only sensible explanation for the flow of...
    10. G

      StarMade Weapons Update Prebuild

      I am talking about ships with optimal power systems. If your ship is mostly full of systems, adding nacelles does almost nothing. Stabilizers might be 1/5 the size of your reactor, and your reactor might be 1/5 the size of all your systems. Moving half of your stabilizers to nacelles could...
    11. Scypio

      Multiple reactor counting as one

      So let's give it a shot shall we. The basic idea is simple, a single reactor connected to a lot of secondary ones would work as a single main reactor. For example there is two reactors connected to each others via something. I though about conduits first but then with a bit more though i would...
    12. MacThule

      StarMade Weapons Update Prebuild

      And it still doesn't tie directly to ship size because nacelles let you amp power and spread targets. Which ends up being a counter to coring. If the goal is only about making power 100% tied to ship size, then they didn't make that mark, but I do like the balance they've achieved specialized...
    13. SHD Builder

      Revemp of faction war balance

      first i would like to say that my mother language is not english. so i'm sorry if my sentences are wrong. The second thing is that there is no need of much of coding to apply my ideas Nowaday we have the following problem : - people hide everything in homebase. strong people go around it, kill...
    14. Valiant70

      [12th of May] Schine Q&A Answers

      To put it simply, it makes space feel like space. Space is a place where you can't breathe without equipment. It's hostile, and draws a contrast to the cozy, air-filled interior of your ship or station. I think Galacticraft hit it on the head. You can survive for quite a while with large tanks...
    15. MacThule

      Limit NPC Empire sight

      Yes! Of course this goes back to us all wanting a more comprehensive system of communication in general; comm arrays, long range antennae, system ranges, interference zones ("all right, we're passing by the star now so comms going black for a bit"), and of course interference technology like...
    16. MacThule

      Some way to limit number of turrets

      I don't think that the intent is to nerf turrets, though I suppose that would be the net result. I think that maybe you are looking at the extreme possible result though - turrets are OP. It only takes the most casual look at player selection habits between turrets and fighters to see this, and...
    17. Valiant70

      Universe Update: Star Systems, Territory, and Space

      I. Remove the "Star Grid" One thing about Starmade that's always kind of bothered me is how small space feels. You can still travel the galaxy without FTL in minutes or hours. You can help this somewhat by increasing sector size, but that doesn't change the fact that star systems are SMACK next...
    18. HerrColonel

      Starmade configs and you - bending the laws of nature.

      Good to have a post explaining config for 2.0 The quotes inside your spoiler don't display well though. Must be just a forum flaw. Anyway if you think it address the issues players have with the power 2.0 you missed the point. Correct me if I'm wrong. With the config I can't go back to old...
    19. C

      My ship classifications (Power 2.0)

      These are the classes i use and plan to use. Some elements align with popular ship class suggestions but some are not, if I don't use and don't plan to ever use a class of ship i won't list it here. So just becouse it's not here it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist it means i don't want to use it...
    20. MacThule

      [12th of May] Schine Q&A Answers

      Aaand straight to the totally unexpected (who knew?) name-calling for challenging your interpretation of the reboot as being off-base. White-knighting? The agony! You hurt me... emotionally... 'M8' You are right though that many have left, but obviously you would prefer to pin that on the...