Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. NeonSturm

      Conduits to EVERYTHING!

      For default, I agree. Others might prefer to define it more accurately, especially when the conduit lines make up only a tiny fraction of your ships mass. >> They could appear to be light bars, adjusting rotation to snap to a wall or corner and appear as linked pipe.
    2. NeonSturm

      Rename Chambers

      I agree. Build a survival ship with minimal effort to get desired result: to Skip the first 1-2 annoying steps. Build a special ship with minimal effort to get desired result: have 1 special property out of quite a few. But especially for these "This ship has everything I want", it should also...
    3. Invadr

      StarMade - PvP & PvE balance, Perspective & Direction

      Schema and team. Thank you for really great solutions to some of the directional problems, to really great flexibility and an emphasis on FUN. Starmade is a tricky game to bring together. With so many different ways to play, the most difficult thing is to balance the very diverse desires of...
    4. Reilly Reese

      An Urgent Message to Schine

      The reputation it's slowly gaining will hurt it in the future, no amount of promotions will be able to save it when anyone who gets to the store page notices the massive amount of negative reviews
    5. kiddan

      An Urgent Message to Schine

      Schine's goal isn't to draw more players in at this time. There are enough to test the game in its current state, so it's not worth introducing new players who can decide to avoid coming back later on. Schine is also saving multiple free promotional assets until Starmade reaches Beta, a point...
    6. DeepspaceMechanic

      Accidentally Spawned Spider

      Hopefully the forthcoming "community contracts" thing they mentioned in relation to the universe update will allow players to seriously contribute further content to enrich PvE gameplay. I actually built that science station with the goal to have something that others could add to the abandoned...
    7. IKindaCrashAlot

      The OPFOR Initiative - Bad guys in a good way!

      But OPFOR means opposing force, you’re not opposing anybody like the name suggests. You’re more just a scrub training camp so they can come onto LVD and get nailed anyways since if you’re emphasizing off meta builds, then you better have some serious man power to back that up so that you can...
    8. Matt_Bradock

      The OPFOR Initiative - Bad guys in a good way!

      I think you misunderstand the purpose,TheyHide - this is not a PvP faction or a griefer faction. Primary goal is to assist and educate newbies to overcome the steep learning curve. OPFOR members aren't expected to randomly pick a newbie and raid them with ships designed for AI use. OPFOR members...
    9. MacThule

      Make Chamber Size A Set Percentage (Remove Levels)

      Yeah, they totally balanced the numbers and threw us a loop.
    10. MrGrey1

      Make Chamber Size A Set Percentage (Remove Levels)

      Damn! The numbers changed and I hadn't noticed... when did that happen? Same 19, 199, 1999, 19999 etc sweet spot though the chamber block count has dropped, looks like it's halved compared to my old chart. Guess I should go and check my early v2 designs... moving goal posts. /grumble/sigh
    11. JinM

      Roleplay PVP rules that are easily applied to server battles?

      Who would be interested into pvp "competetive" matches on LvD, that feature some extra restrictions on ship design to enforce non-meta oriented ships? Please dont confuse it with classic roleplay pvp. I am not interested into enforcing fights between ships that have at least 50% interiour and...
    12. Sol'Varyk

      "StarMade isn't for reasonable people anymore. people just want to fight and be...

      "StarMade isn't for reasonable people anymore. people just want to fight and be lips-and-a$sholes to new comers. we need a new server. A server dedicated to RP i guess you can say. One that is understandable by all languages. A Server that implores design and Aesthetics over functionality and...
    13. Tsnonak

      Beta Galaxy needs more than just Isanths

      Fully Agree, Blueprints are the cream... Builders are an Asset A big Yes to and for New players! I would say, for simplicity, a descent, yet simple Miner for the start, for all. Something to fly until you get your own ship completed (good ships take time). Blueprint variety on the server and...
    14. Zoolimar

      Weapon Stream Q&A

      And that "okay I'm safe against this amount of damage" is mostly worthless as even ships with absolutely identical reactors could deal wildly different amounts of damage per shot. Trying to balance anything around similar patterns seems like an absolutely futile matter at least if you still want...
    15. DukeofRealms

      Weapon Stream Q&A

      Greetings, We still have a few questions to answer here, thanks must go to Saber for transcribing them. (Just a quick update on bi-weekly QA posts, it's no longer really accurate to call them bi-weekly. We'll still be doing QAs semi regularly, just not restricted to a bi-weekly schedule.)...
    16. Tolnorus

      Planetary Auras (special buffs/debuffs)

      ...that, it could be the case that some effects are faction specific while others affect everyone within the influence range. According to the End Goal document, colonies are something we can expect to see eventually...
    17. Starjet

      Universe Update: Star Systems, Territory, and Space

      Not bad idea.But this will make an omega lag on older computers and blow up the system requirements for the game including RAM and CPU.Which means there will be longer loading times and it will be a nightmare for multiplayer.
    18. H

      Reorganizing Sensors and Jams

      I am proposing tying a ship's size directly into detectability and combat making it less practical for ships to just keep pulsing jammers and sensor pulses at eachother whenever available. As part of this heavier ships (when using automated fire) would have a slight lose of accuracy (created...
    19. Tolnorus

      G302 Mining Sled Mk1

      This is a very basic miner. The primary purpose is for it to be immediately available to anyone with the starting materials as granted for the given version. The 900 output Reactor has a chamber size of 1, so the starting Mobility Chambers are all used and configured for maximum features and...
    20. G

      Do not make this game die

      Nearly everything you've complained about misses the mark entirely. Too complicated? No, too simple. The stealth improvements are good. Targeting systems is good. Armor has been improved. You've raised non-issues and ignored the true problems. The old power system definitely had room for...