Search results for query: end goal

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    1. DukeofRealms

      Big performance increases (I/O) - Universe update dev dump 4 - [30 OCT - 7 NOV]

      This is the fourth universe update dump copied from our official Discord server, in the channel #universe-update-dev-news-dump. To receive universe update news as it happens, join our Discord channel here: Join the StarMade Discord Server! Previous Discord dumps...
    2. Dr. Whammy

      Pirate Station Assault

      Efficient and sound? Yes. Textbook military. Will the enemy ships keep attacking you? You betcha. Will capturing the station make the turrets side with you? If memory serves, nope! Unless Schine changed things, they'll probably keep shooting at you and the newly captured station...
    3. blackAngel21

      Pirate Station Assault

      I am about to build a heavy stealth bomber with a mission profile to demolish pirate station Faction modules. I will simultaneously deploy a drone swarm to distract station defenses and ships while I make bombing runs. The goal is to build a capability to quickly clear shipping lanes and rid...
    4. DukeofRealms

      Audio system finished, GUI scaling and better resource loader! Universe update dev dump 3 - [11th of October - 29th]

      This is the third universe update dump copied from our official Discord server, in the channel #universe-update-dev-news-dump. To receive universe update news as it happens, join our Discord channel here: Join the StarMade Discord Server! Previous Discord dumps...
    5. DukeofRealms

      More audio work! Universe update dev dump 2 - [11th of October - 20th]

      This is the second universe update dump copied from our official Discord server, in the channel #universe-update-dev-news-dump. To receive universe update news as it happens, join our Discord channel here: Join the StarMade Discord Server! Previous Discord dumps...
    6. joshspaceboy

      J-Tech Industries

      Welcome To J-Tech Industries!!! Who are we: J-Tech Industries is a large industrial company (Which has no imperial asperations whatsoever :D) with the goal of creating some of the best ships in the galaxy. J-Tech prides itself on having some of the most functional ships that look decent, both...
    7. AngelusKutona

      Storyline Based Design Competition

      Fear not as I have not abandoned thee! I have had a few things going on and am finding time very limited, however I am posting the next section for continued story aspect. Section 5 - Extensive Production Production of your mining vessels has increased the yield of materials your...
    8. Tsnonak

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      Very nice... many thanks for the informative post! The test results are looking very good as far as drones damaging armor is concerned... as you stated; up to 3 layers, beyond which it will turn into a grind... I'ts feeling like the double-bonus should-may-be abandoned or nerfed? On the one...
    9. Zoolimar

      Modding + QuickFire balance (dev build v0.202.0)

      As far as I know no one on QF even once gave a damn about anything realistic. The main problem is that there is no longer any system HP. As such reactors/stabilisers is the only measure of how "healthy" your ship is. Which means that if you make them small and "realistic" you will have wild...
    10. DrTarDIS

      I don't get Starmade anymore.

      This sounds like you're too stubborn to download other people's stuff and learn from it. You got ego problems. Blame your parents and teachers for programming your mind to think that 30th place is just as valuable as 1st place. Then sit back and fix that programming error with a mantra like...
    11. Xpertice

      I don't get Starmade anymore.

      Have a table of contents instead of a TL;DR as I want people to fully read through my post before giving it any feedback to clarify any misunderstanding and prevent flaming: 1) Understanding my motivation 2) Explaining my problem 3) Explaining my problem with others' help, or from my...
    12. JinM

      Engineering for Roleplay - Brainstorming

      Hello my fellow Starmadians, I patched together some roleplay building ideas. - They are suggestions I don't use all of them myself. The very point of this thread is to share with you, about how I think building can happen. I try to impose some rules onto myself, to have a better gameplay...
    13. falco708

      Galaxy restructuring

      I don't think it's a good idea for me to have so much space between systems it would make jumpdrive a must have and regular moving just boring as hell with pure empty systems like that For me the universe update should make everything bigger with real planets that actually looks big and the...
    14. Energywelder

      Balancing blocks gut-check

      Well wait, that's something i'm actually interested in. I've been trying to to refine my idea but have never gotten much constructive criticism. In what ways does my idea not discourage exploiters?
    15. Dr. Whammy

      Balancing blocks gut-check

      I don't see what's so confusing about my idea. There's nothing "circuitous" about it. According to your original post, you want to remove the benefit of overlapping multiple blocks within the same physical space and thus, disincentivise people from doing it. Am I right? With respect; my...
    16. Dr. Whammy

      Balancing blocks gut-check

      No. Yes. No. When the weapon hits, all four would take the full 1000 damage EACH. Blocks would not mitigate any of the damage since they all simultaneously take the same amount of damage. In your example, all four blocks would be destroyed. The point of this is to eliminate the armor...
    17. M.Waites

      Balancing with Mass is fundamentally flawed!

      Hm, isn't the only thing affected by mass basically just the turn rate of the ship (plus the dimensions?)? I mean speed, shields, weapons etc mostly depend on the power avaiable to...well power them :D That said I wish there'd be basically massless "deco armor" so interior wouldn't add much to...
    18. Scypio

      Modding + QuickFire balance (dev build v0.202.0)

      It alls depends on what is your goal and how you manage it. If you just look at power consumption the configs should'nt change much regarding that. Reactors/stabs will always produce the same amount and systems that draw power will always take the same amount per blocks. However, of course we...
    19. DukeofRealms

      Modding + QuickFire balance (dev build v0.202.0)

      Greetings, We've released a dev build that introduces two things: Implemented QuickFire balancing project configs as default. AND: This build has been (mostly) unobfuscated, to reduce the barrier for our community to mod StarMade. See image below for how to install the dev build. In the...
    20. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      They are still here so any build made with stabilizer distance should be able to function properly, aside from the fact that the configs asks for 100% stabilization rather than 25% to get full power generation. Plus, re-enabling stabs distance is pretty easy on the configs so anyone that wants...