Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. Nosajimiki

      Resource bonus stations to fight over

      While I agree with the jist of the suggestion, I think I've heard less exploitable and less complicated variants of it. The major problems I see with this idea are: These stations will not be the big fancy things you might expect. Much like current claim stations, people will build the...
    2. Muffin_man17

      MC Badger Class Vessel v0.201.200g

      The End and New Beginnings The Miners Coalition have suffered many setbacks in their short time in space and many more in their long history. During the Coalitions initial foray into the stars they discovered large quantities of usable resources in the abundant asteroid belts surrounding their...
    3. Nosajimiki

      Any news on the weapons update?

      hmmm... cool demos. I hopes someone told schema that rotating shields won't matter since your lock would be on the main entity and not on the docka. Now there are other turning exploits that I expect to get retarded, but that one should be fine. Also, Valent, you need to stop complaining so...
    4. Aesthetics


      You make a good point.
    5. NaStral


      I voted no because Titanmade is dull, excessively ostentatious and wasteful. Just like the ever growing size of SUVs and other unnecessary vehicles has made roads worse, the increase in vessel size has also made servers worse as a result. Most entertaining and meaningful combat in starmade...
    6. Nosajimiki

      [31st of March] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      Yes, that has been discussed as major goal in the galaxy update (the next major update planned after weapons)
    7. YamiHikari

      Data Transmission Chamber

      I never once said that the chamber would be used on combat ships. My idea was to make it so that a ship can be specialized for scanning and then be able to transmit that scan data to other entities. My thought for ignoring affiliation was because it would be difficult for the ship to specify...
    8. Nosajimiki

      Data Transmission Chamber

      Generally, I like the idea of data sharing, but I think you are overthinking it. If the goal of chambers is too add more ship roles, then something like the Boeing E-3 Sentry should be considered as a model for how to do it. It is specifically NOT a combat plane, but instead packs really...
    9. Nosajimiki

      Shields, regen and bypassing

      Here's the thing: alpha striking someone to 50% shields or less is really easy now. Current shields (with ion passives removed) are about 2x durable as they were before but weapons are 5x as strong. This means that you all of your weapons are proportionally a bit stronger vs shields than ion...
    10. Antikristianos

      Thought these might be worth discussing?

      what no one seems to see is that this still achives the goal to make any shape possible without the need do go extreem long in one singular direction. you just found the new meta for placing reactor and stabilizer blocks... that does not neccisarily make any other placement less viable. and...
    11. Benevolent27

      How to effectively protect yourself with shields (Power 2.0)

      Even more problematic is when the ship starts taking damage. Particularly from damage types like lots of cannons where the system gets shredded and gets negative integrity very quickly, then it all blows up causing massive lag storms.
    12. Dire Venom

      Improvements to the AI Module: Fire Control

      Simply just some reasoned suggestions to improve AI fired weaponry groups and add more flexibility. With the weapon update around the corner, this seemed like a prime time to make some other minor weaponry related improvements. The goal of this suggestion is to reduce the entity count required...
    13. PriZm

      How to effectively protect yourself with shields (Power 2.0)

      Concerning Integrity: I figured out that especially medium sized ships suffer from it. While very small vessels profit from the (rather) high integrity value you start with and big ships have enough space to add a big block to get a nice integrity buffer, especially medium sized ships are having...
    14. DukeofRealms

      StarMade Dev Blog 15 March 2018

      Greetings citizens, ~ Development Weapons Update The first prototype is about 1-2 weeks away. We will going to do a full news blog for all the changes and additions when it hits to give players something to explore and test for themselves, since trying it out is always better than just...
    15. EricBlank

      What makes a good faction?

      My favorite factions have been those with close friends to play alongside and an interesting goal to pursue. Least favorite experiences is a leader thats never around or doesnt give any other members authority to make even small decisions related to the faction, or doesnt listen to players...
    16. NagasGuardian

      A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI

      Assumption Four: People are not players, for they want their heigherarchy of needs. AKA "Everyone wants resources security sociality and self fulfillment" There's a reason that, most of the time if two players work together, most of the time each one flies their own ship rather than having one...