Search results for query: end goal

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    1. Raisinbat

      [12th of May] Schine Q&A Answers

      When you're done fondling yourself take a look at this: 10 reasons why software development projects fail – Specstimate – Medium or any of the other "how not to develop software" guides floating around. Poor Communication Checked and checked. Noone knows what starmade is supposed to be, not...
    2. MacThule

      Global Ship Classification Project

      I laughed so hard when I saw that this was yet another one of these and not even a bump of one of the many, many old ones. So, first, go back and look at all the other threads on this because there are pages and pages of references and discussion about how even in real life ship classification...
    3. MacThule

      PVP focused gameplay is the majority over all the other playstyles

      I love the kiosk system they made for LvD. A brilliant workaround for a major gap in the game. Fantastic work, really. I do think that shop-integration of ship sales to allow trade network access, along with virtual ship touring/testing capability should be a goal for vanilla as well though.
    4. Nosajimiki

      QOL Improvements to Recoil:

      The problem with this is that when the game comes under lag, the sim rate slows down. This mean more shots are stacked in the queue between cycles forcing their recoil to add up without any time to cool down; so, even a small recoil that might be 0.3 deg when normally compounded can spread out...
    5. Valiant70

      QOL Improvements to Recoil:

      Cannons have always been kind of bad. Sticky beams don't help the situation. Cannons don't need more nerfs. The only way I can see recoil working is to apply it only to rapid guns, and only at a very small angle. Half the reason to use rapid-fire weapons is to spray down an area with...
    6. Briaireous

      Ship size

      Well, I definitely hope to one-up ppl. But also it figure out the upper size of current titans and to hopefully see images in regards to the build process. also to figure out what size of an alpha weapon will be crippling to a hull the size of those ships.
    7. MacThule

      Ship size

      People definitely build over 1km in a dimension, but not often. Just out of curiosity, why? Is your goal to one-up the biggest one-upsman in "going large," or are you trying to figure out the practical build size ceiling, or something?
    8. Comradecolonel

      PVP focused gameplay is the majority over all the other playstyles

      I see that you only have the badge for playing about 1 year. I think you just might have missed all the people that would play like this. Shattered skies and mushroom fleet were two servers that specifically facilited these types of things. I also used to play with people on the genxnova server...
    9. Nosajimiki

      Stations 2.0 -BEFORE- Galaxy 2.0

      DS-9 scales because it it is fiction. Star Trek says, if it's this big, that's how well it will perform. A: Star Trek also does not make a big deal about evasive action, Yes they say they are doing it, but it never seems to offset the outcome of a battle. In starmade, evasive action is a major...
    10. Lumen

      Traffic Jams and Collisions

      Getting back into Starmade I'm sure many people have a problem with how the A.I. operate, more notably, the desire to ram into and lock onto other entities and stay there. I'm no expert in coding and handling process management, but these kinds of lock ups are going to cause several problems...
    11. Nebulon-B_Frigate_FTW

      Stations 2.0 -BEFORE- Galaxy 2.0

      I would like to note I've been watching DS9 lately (ep where they mine the Wormhole last night) and I think it has things about right on station strength: DS9 is like 30 Dominion ships because of a ton of turrets and can twoshot medium ships, but wears out in minutes against dozens of ships...
    12. A

      PVP focused gameplay is the majority over all the other playstyles

      I do think that exactly like MC, this game's development can never be finished. The basic idea has almost infinite possibilities to enhance the gameplay. One day, when Schine gets really tired of development of StarMade, they will make a final bug-smashing patch and say "This is the game, please...
    13. MacThule

      PVP focused gameplay is the majority over all the other playstyles

      I share this feeling - fighting humans is the most fun. That's a general PvPer mentality, and I also enjoy Starcraft I/II, DoTA I/II, etc. It's not universal though, and JinM makes a good observation, one that is compounded by your observation. Starmade is all about that PvP, but even under...
    14. Nosajimiki

      PVP focused gameplay is the majority over all the other playstyles

      One of the most often overlooked challenges in starmade is optimizing your ships to the system For example, optimizing weapon output count to prevent weapon phasing, finding ways to create more weapon spread with fewer turrets to you have less collisions, optimizing exploit tech to create less...
    15. JinM

      PVP focused gameplay is the majority over all the other playstyles

      The confusing part for me was, and still is, that there could be other parts in the game worth playing, if the players would build them: Interesting stations with some mini lore, Minigames (chess, jump'n run, races, riddles), manually trading, roleplay between player driven faction kingdoms. And...
    16. A

      As the years go by...

      I was thinking about Need for Speed World. I guess it is (was) pretty OK financially, but I doubt it ever had a community. But it was simple, a reflex trainer just like Counter-Strike. By the way, Counter-Strike has some success. Does it have a community?
    17. ObiShawnKenobi

      As the years go by...

      If people like a product, they may buy it. It's not quite a level of IQ that will just buy it for little to no reason. Schine's goal may be maximizing profit, but due to their misdirection and ignorance, they have lost their biggest factor to creating profit: the community. Unless the entire...
    18. A

      As the years go by...

      Because what we perceive as a lower quality game and ignoring documented and thought suggestions from people who know the game could be just the attempt of turning a great complex and full of freedom game into a simpler game, for simpler people? I mean, Schine may be not dumb and ignoring us...
    19. Nosajimiki

      [Weapons Update] Missile capacity blocks should have inverse effect strength with missile strength

      I'm not sure I agree with his reasoning in the sense that the mechanic feels illogical, but it does help idiot proof the game against people DoSing sectors. One exploit people were using was firing so many tiny missiles that they would cause their enemies missiles to glitch out, then they would...
    20. arkahys

      Does people still play this game?

      Lol, same behavior, I play logic and regex... I try Dev because bored by current but no real interest expect unexpected bugs. Duing some days I played... wiki ! good results in a way, but not shows nothing but boring... As a recent post, my goal isn't war or domination, but expand manage create...