Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. kikaha

      Weekly Challenge from Xanth Industries

      Hello ! I thought it could be interesting to recreate pictures i find on the internet in Starmade. All pictures will be space and SF related. The goal is to do a 3D scene from a submitted picture, take a nice photo and post it along side the original artwork. From the day the pic is posted...
    2. Ramorill

      The Black Templars

      Messages: 158 Black Templars The Black Templars is a proud faction. We are relatively new but grow in size every day and we intend to stay that way. Foreign Policy: While the Black Templars are a conquest driven faction our goal is to dominate the known galaxy, We still attempt to make...
    3. Tsnonak

      This community is dying. WE NEED TO ADRESS THIS.

      Yes this! Also a "big" Yes this! "Full speed ahead Scotty!"... with the upcoming Uni-Update, Beta-phase, Bug-fix-phase, finished Produkt, and the planned advertising, "StarMade 2020" is looking good! (imo*). Please remember folks, StarMade is made with the intention, that you can customize...
    4. Ithirahad

      StarMade v0.201.337 LOD Blocks, Rule System, Balance, Fixes

      You'll probably have to wait a year or so for that. The Regions system coming with the universe update, combined with good user tools to manipulate it, would be able to essentially do what you're describing.
    5. Nebulon-B_Frigate_FTW

      PLEASE Rework Missile Capacity

      I just want SotS dumbfire missile volleys alongside stuff like Star Trek's firing of 6 torpedos sequentially, without unlimited spam of either. Ultimately, I think that just needs a very very small reload for firing delay (like .1 seconds) alongside a capacity that scales somewhat linearly.
    6. Chckn Wildstyle

      StarMade v0.201.337 LOD Blocks, Rule System, Balance, Fixes

      I was supplying an example. The end goal would be to be able to slowly expand the playable area as more people join a server and in general create areas of space with different rules engaged. i.e. having a section of space determined by coordinates where any ship or station has its shields...
    7. NeonSturm

      PLEASE Rework Missile Capacity

      Mathematically it sounds sane. But I prefer if players need to make a choice whether to hold large or small missiles. Right. But as long as it's a choice inferior to one big ammo supply, it's against meta and nobody desires it even tough it would archive the goal to let players make a...
    8. NeonSturm

      Weltenwind - NeonSturms Productions

      My cockpit for a fighter may be 1 block wide and 2-3 blocks long. But "good Shuttles" already require 5-7 blocks wide and 5-7 blocks long cockpits and double-wall or slabs and heavy shuttles have even more space for crew along that bigger cockpit and considerable more cargo capacity of 1/2 that...
    9. G

      Beam / Beam penalty mechanic.

      You can charge beam/beam while cloaked, so it makes for a good stealth alpha weapon. That's about it besides drones and some exploits. Not a fun mechanic. That being said, I wouldn't discount armor too much since the goal seems to be to make it a viable alternative to shields. If the repair...
    10. MacThule

      Universe Update Brainstorming

      Tradewars 2002 original style. Agreed; I've long wondered why this sort of thing isn't being used to protect and/or semi-protect regions of space rather than invulnerability. The same dynamic is how player-owned stations would be best buffed/protected as well - automated fleet response to...
    11. B

      Mining drones in 2019

      ...level. For now though, I just need to get one drone to point itself at an asteroid and fire its salvage beams. ~~ initial effort and end goal ~~ I tried for the last couple of days unsuccessfully to get any drones to mine. At first I was building more or less "finished product" drones. The...
    12. crazyf22raptor

      Some universe 2 ideas

      Some universe 2 ideas Over the years i have played this game i have seen many updates, most i liked, some i did not, and others were questionable if they are a “benefit” to the game experience. But something most of the update (excluding a few) all share a common similarity that fits into...
    13. NeonSturm

      Lets make a SM slang guide - I will start =)

      reminds me of Orwell's 1984 ... not good. I agree. But I don'T try force. I try to open up opportunities and show alternatives. I explain downsides of current behaviour, possibilities we can use. I define opportunities which can be catched up. Rather than force, I only posted not what I think...
    14. Daniszen

      Dan' Stargate ships Emporium

      Made some more crew quarters in some of the only available space large enough, and increased capacity by 96, so now we have a capacity of 133 so we have reached the goal of 1/4 of 500 and then some. Don't mind the fact that the wall is missing back there, didn't notice at first but it's...
    15. Forsyth

      Random fun challenge: let's build a fleet :D

      I was thinking that the first ship's backstory would be a converted harvester. I kind of went for a more industrialized, functionality-over-aesthetics design and the flamboyant colors to help it stand out among asteroids. I guess I forgot to mention that with the original post In other news...
    16. DeepspaceMechanic

      Random fun challenge: let's build a fleet :D

      Regarding the first ship you have shown, you wrote that it's a very early work-in-progress, and I have to agree that it seems so ;) In its current form, it's too basic structurally, and too funky color-wise. But I ain't one to not see potential in any creative effort, so I wish you fun with...
    17. BoomMicGuy

      Star Corps Shipyard

      Brief Description: The shipyard focuses on Ship Construction and Maintenance to allied factions. Our main goal is to supply Allied Members with basic Patrol, Defense, and Offensive craft. That are cost effective and can be modified easily to suit the needs of the faction. This shipyard does not...
    18. R

      An Urgent Message to Schine

      If the plan isn't to draw in players, why is the game for sale? Is it because there are only 22 active players on at 3:14 eastern time across all updated servers?
    19. kikaha

      Why does flying still suck so bad?

      I like that and think its close to what i believe is missing for an enjoyable flight. What is missing imo is the "feel"of where you are. I mean its space ok but i'd like to know where i'm going. Up, down etc. So maybe just a sort of compass with an "horizon" line would help showing me what my...
    20. Dire Venom

      Why does flying still suck so bad?

      Personally I would like to see flying become a lot more user friendly (which could be achieved via the ui and other features). I would love to see: -Auto-align with target ship -Lead/Acceleration indicators for selected targets (so you can tell what on earth they're doing!) -Improved flight...