Search results for query: end goal

    1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: end
    1. Tsnonak

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      It seems I have not been clear enough... I have read enough of your obnoxious PvP-Elitist reasoning and petty attempts to pass this off as "creative friendliness". You just don't seem to understand reality, your point of view is only one part of the whole. Distraction, evasion and...
    2. Malum Phasma

      DD-001 Praetor 0.93

      The Pitch: Introducing for the first time available for the public to laugh at, Malum's Malignant Machineries proudly presents the DD Praetor! Don't like blocky shaped craft? Need that coffee break room in your ship? Then go elsewhere because here at MMM we pride ourselves on building nothing...
    3. SchnellBier

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      I really have a hard time to get any clearer. Undermining Power 2.0 is the goal of this. It is a terrible system. It restricts creative building by making the ships ineffective if they don't follow obnauxious design rules and all the pvp ships don't care and just make their vertical power stick...
    4. S

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Then perhaps you can explain how reducing top speed and increasing already stringent power requirements for thrust on larger vessels, rather than simply doing something like making acceleration and maneuvering profiles change as dictated by mass and any reasonable facsimile of physics in this, a...
    5. Ithirahad

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Swiftstone In response to your concerns about cooperative MP and mobile bases: Long-range transportation is intended to be accomplished using jump drives, not engines. Jump drive balance is definitely an area where I - and hopefully the rest of the team - are open to discussion and adjustment...
    6. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      I see i am needed. Concerning thrusters. Every size of ships should be able to get the max tmr : 3.0. However, this cannot be done without investing a large portion of your mass into it. For some numbers coming from my sheet : a 500k mass ship should invest 80% of its mass toward this goal. Aka...
    7. DukeofRealms

      CS: Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade

      This post is a Community Spotlight (CS), where we're bringing attention to cool community-driven projects for StarMade. We'll be posting some more of these in the near future. Check out the "Discuss with the Devs" that happened in our official Discord last month here...
    8. Daniszen

      Dan' Stargate ships Emporium

      Thank you, that was very helpful, adding more capacitors now That should do it
    9. DeepspaceMechanic

      Dan' Stargate ships Emporium

      If a single central shield recharger's bubble doesn't cover a structure in its entirety, try increasing the shield recharger block count (sometimes a drastic increase is required, due to having been previously used to small amounts doing the job just fine, ie. from the times when shields didn't...
    10. Tsnonak

      Discuss with the Devs July 18 2019 ([SIS]-Shortform)

      ...However, there are several ways to play this. You could also go full military with a lot less management and just take over by force. The end goal would be to gradually take over bigger and stronger regions as you expand your own territory. Planets will be viable for reasources and...
    11. EricBlank

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Ah, that's a fair goal. But this config did bring back the dreaded perma-cloaker, and made it easy to do at max stealth strength. And simultaneously run a permanent max strength scanner. And that combo doesnt even use more than 40% reactor power on the little test ship I made, no attempt to use...
    12. SchnellBier

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      That's exactly the point of low RC costs. If they're too high people will have to spend their RC points on the best options without having any variance. Our goal was to make ships good in 2 things at least. For example if you want to build a scout you want to have a ship that is fast and has...
    13. ManhattenProject

      What actually failed in Starmade - if you care to listen.

      it doesnt matter how much advertising you do when any new players first impression of the game is this the game didnt only die from a lack of content, a player base can make content in a sandbox what a player base cant fix is broken game mechanics p2 and w3 both killed the game, as they...
    14. petlahk

      What actually failed in Starmade - if you care to listen.

      This post was a reply I made to the recent thread discussion about "what happened to this game?" I don't plan to stick around, and I think that one of the suggestions there about perhaps trying to get old players back to revitalize the game is interesting, but I think it's too late. So, I hope...
    15. petlahk

      What happened to Starmade?

      Hello. You probably don't know me. I've been poking around Starmade for a while, and my thoughts on this subject actually go almost entirely against the grain of what people in this community believe is the reason why starmade died - I think partly because I'm not afraid to be honest. I doubt...
    16. Daniszen

      Dan' Stargate ships Emporium

      My toes are dead and I am tired, my fingers hurt because I accidentally cut myself when helping to move a goal, so even though I did plan on doing work on the ship when I got home rip I'm just going to go to bed and maybe/hopefully die of an infection (y) Anyways here are some nice pictures I...
    17. JinM

      Draft for an Faction Coalition whose members each focus on one Theme [TBSC]

      Thanks man. I wrote another draft. Maybe this is explaining it better than the OP. Immersion and Coherent Universe Build Challenge "IUBC" Goal for builders: To give a general guideline for builders, so they are able to deliver an immersive gameplay to roleplay explorers in vanilla online...
    18. meako490

      Ignius Space Corporation stage two mining vessel v0.201.370

      Ignius Space Corporation is gearing up for it's largest ship. Here is a smaller but useful mining vessel. It is equipped with a cloaking mechanism with permanent duration. Cargo Storage space about 21k. Less than a hundred meters tall it is half the height of the next vessel. Hopefully finished...
    19. NZSmartie

      StarMade Launcher open sourced

      ...I'll continue to update the launcher to support latest stable packages and hopefully make it easier for others to develop with. My end goal is to support launching the game with a custom mod loader (in my case Frabric's loader). With a secondary goal of supporting multiple versions being...
    20. JinM

      Draft for an Faction Coalition whose members each focus on one Theme [TBSC]

      Hey guys, I had an idea for an faction coalition/build challenge. Even though I might not find alot of interested people, I still think I will use it for myself. What do you think of the general idea and direction? The next idea is to add in lore guidelines. The problem is any guideline for...