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    1. R

      Survival! And other ideas!

      I see no problems with this that need to be mentioned since the fuel asspect could be used faster when using the ftl drive or whatever people would like to call it which would also make space battles more exicting since you can\'t avoid shots. But I would like to add one thing to the gameplay...
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      What is the difference between the free and paid version?

      This doesn\'t make any sense though because I recall seeing a an forum post somewhere saying that he planned for it to be a free game. Will the game be free on release? Currently, there is no solid plan, but it\'s likely that the game will have a free version to play. That was posted on...
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      Sheald Battery/ and sheald.

      That would increase the size of ships even more and I find my ship to be slow enough already sorry but I disagree man.
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      Better Pathfinding

      HELL YES PLEASE I find it so annoying to keep turning to do it right especily when doing long distance journey\'s.
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      New Controls

      Keys should be rebound since I do find somethings annoying when I destroy my computer when I meant to place an powertank next to it.
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      GREAT IDEA!!!!

      I like the bigger planets however the earth part of defending or attacking I\'m against since earth would be the spawn plant and people don\'t want that being blown up while their building. However with that said it could be an event thing which can be voted for by everyone online and it moves...
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      Auto Shop Restocking

      However for me right now in this server the admin refills all the shops but only to around 100 with much needed items like docking enhancers and hull acutally and some people don\'t want to be crafting most of the time instead they want to get going which is why there\'s so many shops becuase...
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      Pirate Stations

      Hell yes to this beucase I raided 3 pirate stations and my credits went from like 100 mill to 2.134 billion or at least make it so that the blocks they\'re made out of disaper from like a self distruct thing or reactor overload. This makes it so that you get less hual since the stations hulls...
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      A way to move the ship core without destroying and rebuilding the entire ship..

      Right now I know so many peopel that have done their ships in a way that works but bugs means that their cores have to be at the back or the ship or at least behind the weapons for them to not bug out. Also they should put in an delete ship option which just deletes the entire ship so that you...
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      Beating Cloaking

      There is just a simple answer to this which is that when you have a ship near you and you go cloaked when you come out of it by shooting or fireing weapons you have a cooldown time. Or you have to rengage cloaking since the enemy ship can then scan and lock onto your cloaking signiture which...
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      Creativemode and more ..

      I like all other ideas execpt with the missile that it should be used instead to disable the sheilds for about 5 seconds. However you need time to switch your weapons back on forth so that uses up around 2 seconds leaving it to be 3 seconds or so of aiming and firing. This makes it so that not...
    12. R

      Sprint/Jetpack boost

      I support both of these however sprint should have a time use and that while your close to your ship you have infinate for the jetpack since you can have a fuel line attacted. Also if you have grav units and you go into the inside of the ship through a plexdoor the gravity auto turns on so it...
    13. R

      [IDEA] Pirate Command bases

      I agree it would make it so that the NPC ship that\'s got powerful sheilds isn\'t annoying you right from starting and you also get attacked perposly more often as well if your ship is below certain levels so that newbies have to build up their ships so that pirates are more intimidated and so...
    14. R

      Fleet tracker

      Hum I like that you should have a list of the ships and their cords but with spawning far away from your ship or jumping suddenly they should put in a dectetion so that if you suddenly jump like over 300 blocks from your core or last position it then says stay still and tps you back.
    15. R

      Landing a ship...

      @SilverBack Um unless they have recently put in docking ports of incredible size onto planets that isn\'t possible. @Apocalypse so maybe if the devs plan on putting civilision onto some planets they can have an platform made for you or if not developed enough or no civilisasion at all you can...
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      Raidable Shops

      Well I think that this should be allowed but you can only focus on like 1-5 specific items to get within a price range so that people can\'t just get level5 ore strieght away since the limit would be like 50k or that you can try to stay but you risk the fleet turning up. Which if you beat they...
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      This does seem like a nice idea because then if you find your self having pirates coming close to you while your in your mining vessal you can bribe them to go away or call for help. Maybe pirates should give you a chance to surrender which you can escape from their base and get some loot too...
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      Man no ship can survive in the sun since it\'s damage is huge or am I mistaken? Put down the ship download if it can.
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      Newbie Turret Help

      Um is there a tatorial for doing this because it\'s kinda hard to do while reading?