Fleet tracker

    Jun 29, 2013
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    A fleet tracker should be somewhat of a list of ships you have started building by yourself where it tells their location so you can get back to them later even if you go out farm for more materials.

    So, the thing is, as many beginner players i started with the tiniest of ships, but when the resouces where enough I started building a bigger one, while using the small one to go farm when needed. Thing is, as i was going with my tiny ship to the nearest Station, i was only a undred meters from the Shop\big ship, i somewhat got teleported to some random point in space when switching section(bug). And sudenly there was no Station, no shop, and no ship in 'N' panel, only that tiny one i was riding.

    So, how to find my new ship now? there is just no way to, gotta start over. Ever since I've been traveling from shop to shop to see if i can find it again, but it only makes me feel like i'm getting further away from it. Pointless waste of time.

    And so, the suggestion i have is to make a new menu containing a list of all your ships(by that the ones you started building yourself) and their locations.

    Thank you.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I agree, but a good thing to do untill we have this feature is to keep a list of ships/co-ordinates so that you can always get back. another good thing to do is to always set your spawn close to or onboard your ship using the plex-undeathinator, meaning if ypu get lost, you can salvage the parts from your ship and suicide back, and rebuild your ship, although this isn\'t always possible on RP servers.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hum I like that you should have a list of the ships and their cords but with spawning far away from your ship or jumping suddenly they should put in a dectetion so that if you suddenly jump like over 300 blocks from your core or last position it then says stay still and tps you back.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    A fleet tracker would be something I can agree with. Similar to all those plane and boat trackers you can Google up it would be nice knowing where your ships are at. Have another tab holding your ship, a basic icon, and the coordinates within it.

    A secondary helpful solution should be freighters and alien ships docking or even passing next to the shops. You should be able to enter a lounge area and hail a ride to your nearest ship by entering in a coordinate, paying credits or trading an item of course.

    Third solution would be to patch this bug for real. Though, I do like the Fleet tracker to only track your ships and that hitching-ride on on space traffic.