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    1. R

      Droid Control Ship from Star Wars [WIP]

      The size of it should be bigger since technicly it\'s meant as a control centor for all droids therefore is more for transporting and supporting than combat. I would say to get the right scale you would need to restart and have a plan and outline of it since there are other ships which out size...
    2. R

      FTL: Faster Than Light 1:1 ships

      I feel like currently ftl and starmade are sort of the same since all ftl ships can only use 4 weapons at once which is the same amount of weapons that do damage in starmade. (anti matter canons and 3 different missiles) Love to see more recorations.
    3. R

      StarMade 0.093775: Server Hotfixes

      You manualy update by following the intructions given.
    4. R

      Problems with the Docking Beam

      What you suggested is more like an auto win for ship battles since it involves exposing the ship core to any attack when shields go down or quicking docking hard to do when you are in a race. But yes a solution although I would consider it less logical than just trying to have your ship core...
    5. R

      Can't dock

      You do know that what you are suggesting is comprimising a ship\'s core, making hull and whatever is covering the core basicly useless? This is since someone would just need to spam their canons or rockets till they hit the core while the sheilds are down. This is even worse than a ship designer...
    6. R

      Server Jump Gates; a good idea that actually is terrible

      Please repost this on the original forum post and follow the rules becuase they stated at : that - Read before you post. Read through related topics and their comments before posting your own, duplicating idea’s from other players in a...
    7. R


      You do know that you can just log in when you need to and then close them all and leave the browser runing all day and you won\'t have to do it again?
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      Problems with the Docking Beam

      Hello I have found that many people cannot dock their ships because it is too long or far from the dockng module. Like here: this shows that the docking beams must have one of two things done. 1. the docking beam stretchs the entire length of...
    9. R

      Can't dock

      There is a range limit to the docking beam in fact because my friend bought this 200k shield ship which had the core in the middle from the cockpit view you can\'t see the beam from the bow while in the back cockpit view you can see the beam go about 50 blocks or so. Using what I learned I...
    10. R

      StarMade Review by Fish

      I wonder how much he played into and such because there are things he could have said becuase he didn\'t warn about any bugs which could have been useful for people to know about. e.g. clolision glitching and being tped out of it when your in your ship while you have no grav unit or that it...
    11. R

      Spot the difference

      Your fps is 457 in the bottem one as well as having 1 ping also you had two clear blue markers while the top one is 198 fps, 0 ping and one clear blue markers.
    12. R

      Blueprints aren't there,

      You need to upload them from local it\'s the furthermost right coloured button and type in their names and then you should see them pop up.
    13. R

      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      I\'ve gotten that too execpt it lasts for a while and I can see his beams.
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      Um I\'ve seen in videos on youtube that people have a two pieces of a circle which if you have lock on missiles spins around until green. However I do not have this circle so I cannot tell if I\'m locked on or not or is there an option for it?
    15. R

      Finally got cloaking and jamming to work

      ship download for those of us who only have the money and not the materials since all the shops are empty?
    16. R

      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      What did I say you can\'t survive there.
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      How about if someone doesn\'t find it and post it somewhere by the next update we get told?
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      Pirate Stations

      We know about changing the loot but the challange to get the loot is the thing that we want fixing a bit more.
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      That\'s precicsly why it should be put in but I have checked the forums and I can\'t see an forum topic saying what the planned updates.
    20. R

      New Controls

      Um you can\'t rebind some specific keys which we want to change as said in the comment above yours and since when did we mention that we wanted it to be the minecraft binds? (with the first ost being excluded)