Recent content by jdkxspace

    1. J

      Ship AI Modules?

      If this was implemented, the first thing I would do is make that ship from the TF G1 movie, the one that splits in half as a decoy.
    2. J

      Tier blocks

      Brilliant idea! But, whats really the point? If you want more of something, make it bigger. Though it would save a lot of space.
    3. J

      Program For Spawning Everything

      Looks a bit like a nei or tmi for starmade. Will test it and post pictures soon as I can. Might even do a video, for extra proof.
    4. J

      Celestial Maiden - Mothership

      I\'ll be sure to download it when its finished. Then I\'ll be the one trolling people, people on NASSS were trying to take the Isanth_VII.
    5. J

      UNSC Shipyard - TheImperialDonut

      Awesome ships! Keep up the good work.
    6. J

      Time lords faction

      Can I join? PS. I\'m Rassilon. >:)
    7. J

      [ESI] Evolution Starship Industries I Maelstrom download is here!

      Are you guys still hiring? P.S I am kinda hestint to post on this thread, as the last thread i posted on got deleted a few seconds after I psted my comment 8(
    8. J

      [ESI] Evolution Starship Industries I Maelstrom download is here!

      Are you guys still hiring? P.S I am kinda hestint to post on this thread, as the last thread i posted on got deleted a few seconds after I psted my comment 8(
    9. J

      Docking Clamp

      Nice idea, I wanted to see if there was some sort of block (currently) in game to dock with besides just the ship core. But you could have lots of power generators and shields so that you could still dock but have it protected.