Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

    Jul 10, 2013
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    HELP !

    Sector 6 5 -2 is seriously bugged. A friend of mine TP there with his ship and since cannot spawn. Says he is stuck inside a station.
    So i went there with the same command of course. Now I am stuck also. Cannot spawn at all. i get a "requested type 0 is null error".

    Name of the ship there most likely to have caused the thing is LP_Explorer_01. Can someone delete it from affar to see if that solve the problem ?

    Can an admin help ?


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    HELP !

    Sector 6 5 -2 is seriously bugged. A friend of mine TP there with his ship and since cannot spawn. Says he is stuck inside a station.
    So i went there with the same command of course. Now I am stuck also. Cannot spawn at all. i get a "requested type 0 is null error".

    Name of the ship there most likely to have caused the thing is LP_Explorer_01. Can someone delete it from affar to see if that solve the problem ?

    Can an admin help ?
    Im currently not available to get on the server but in a few hours I should be able to fix the problem
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    How's that working out for you noot
    HELP !

    Sector 6 5 -2 is seriously bugged. A friend of mine TP there with his ship and since cannot spawn. Says he is stuck inside a station.
    So i went there with the same command of course. Now I am stuck also. Cannot spawn at all. i get a "requested type 0 is null error".

    Name of the ship there most likely to have caused the thing is LP_Explorer_01. Can someone delete it from affar to see if that solve the problem ?

    Can an admin help ?
    I need to delete your and your friend's playerdata for you to be able to log back in, what is your friend's IGN?
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    IGN: tatte

    Why you want to join the server: I have been gone for a long time, and want to experience a great community once again. Yours seems promising, so I must try even though I'm not an artist. Having preferred black ships probably doesn't help me one bit either.

    Example of your work:

    Your favourite type of cake: (Pine) Cone Cake (let's call it dragon egg cake if it helps my chances).
    Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.
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    Jul 10, 2013
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    I need to delete your and your friend's playerdata for you to be able to log back in, what is your friend's IGN?
    Dammm... Wil i be able to get back to my faction ?

    My friends IG name is Lone_Puppy (maybe without the _ i'm not sure anymore).


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Dammm... Wil i be able to get back to my faction ?

    My friends IG name is Lone_Puppy (maybe without the _ i'm not sure anymore).
    yes or you can make a new one and override the old faction
    Jul 10, 2013
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    ok i'm looking at thecomande to rejoin my faction right now...

    If i can't i'll look into that overiding thing. I'm on theserver right now. thanks for the prompt reaction. Really appreciate it.

    EDIT : I am not allowed to do any of the join or add member comand.

    EDIT 2 : ok i was able to reinstitute myself
    Last edited:


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I need to delete your and your friend's playerdata for you to be able to log back in, what is your friend's IGN?
    Sorry Kikaha.
    Thanks for sorting that out Nauvran. I thought it may sort itself if I waited and jumped on later.
    Jan 27, 2016
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    I believe the server could use a restart, Postosis and I have been getting an odd bug where our ships lose all their energy every few seconds and I've also had trouble getting my turrets to engage targets in combat tests. Is there a restart command? And is it permissible for a regular user of the server to enter it? I wouldn't want to presume too much :)
    Jul 10, 2013
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    I believe the server could use a restart, Postosis and I have been getting an odd bug where our ships lose all their energy every few seconds and I've also had trouble getting my turrets to engage targets in combat tests. Is there a restart command? And is it permissible for a regular user of the server to enter it? I wouldn't want to presume too much :)
    I had that energy "bug ?" too last night.
    Jan 28, 2015
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    Is there a restart command?
    Yes but it is called a shut down command and that leads to great confusion. It does not shut down the server. It restarts the server. Or rather reboots StarMade.

    /shutdown 120

    The 120 is a server broadcasted counter of 120 seconds when it reaches zero StarMade reboots. You can set any delay here. Be sure to log off before the counter goes to zero to prevent your local user data from getting corrupt. You can not log back on to the server if it does and requires a cache deletion to fix. Or you have to wait for the data time stamp to get old enough for the server to push your new user data. If you run the command without a timer /shutdown then StarMade reboots immediately! This command could use an addition where it properly kicks of all connected players on the server before initiating.

    I do not think you can access to this command on Cake. But I could be wrong in do not play on the server.

    I write this reply more as a general heads up. That we need this command as a time set config option in StarMade. A server owner can script it to run at regular intervals. But it would be really great if you could set StarMade to do this in the map setup tab. Like an extra tab for map maintenance. I can name a few other commands i would love to run at regular intervals. Such a feature would help out a lot of people. Who may not understand script. It would be a lot more user friendly if this could be setup and executed from within StarMade it self.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Yes but it is called a shut down command and that leads to great confusion. It does not shut down the server. It restarts the server. Or rather reboots StarMade.

    /shutdown 120

    The shutdown command shuts down the server safely. Rather than just killing the server, it properly saves everything and then ends the process.

    The reason it's used to restart on almost every server is because we use auto-restart programs to bring the server back after a crash. When the process ends, the program notices and starts the server again. If you're running a plain starmade server, no auto-restart system, that command will shutdown the server.[/QUOTE]
    Jan 27, 2016
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    Yes but it is called a shut down command and that leads to great confusion. It does not shut down the server. It restarts the server. Or rather reboots StarMade.
    I knew there was a Shutdown command, but I was uncertain if there was a restart component to such a command. Hence my reluctance to test such a thing on a server that I have some admin rights on, but am most certainly not an admin of, without permission.

    I had assumed there would be a program that would restart Starmade, but that saying about assuming comes to mind ;)

    I don't know I can use that command, and still won't try without being given permission.
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Jul 12, 2015
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    I seem to have gotten a null pointer error while exploring. AestheticEnd tried a few things to move me if it was location related. (killed me etc. while I tried to logon etc.) Looking back a page it looked like others had the same issue (not sure if it was the same area or not.) So I suppose I'll need to have my playerdata deleted or whatever the solution was.
