StarMade 0.157 (optimization & fixes)

    Jun 20, 2013
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    First off, I apologize that this question might not be in the right section, but I think i might get some better answers. I was wondering why it now takes longer for AMC's and the other weapons to reload. Why has the weapons been nerfed? #MissTheOldWeaponsSystems :(
    click c on the weapons computer then v on another weapons computer. then link equal amount of amcs to each weapons computer and you will get a machine gun.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    click c on the weapons computer then v on another weapons computer. then link equal amount of amcs to each weapons computer and you will get a machine gun.
    Thanks man. This really helps me out a lot. Especially with my first huge new BattleCarrier-Class Omega. :) Also, here's a tip if you want dual sets of AMC's but want both to fire.
    1. Make sure both AMC sets have a even number of AMC's in length (100 Blocks long for example)
    2. Split up the AMC's for the 2 Weapons Comp's (give the front 50 on both sides to one Weapons Comp and the back 50 to the other Weapons Comp)
    3. Obviously, link the Weapons Comp's together. And you are set. :)
    I thought that if you had one side of AMC's set to one WC and the other side set to the other WC, it would work like it used to but nope xD.

    Again, Thanks
    Jul 14, 2013
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    click c on the weapons computer then v on another weapons computer. then link equal amount of amcs to each weapons computer and you will get a machine gun.
    Also, how do I get the rings on the Thrusters to show? (I am using the Realistic Pack)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I tried that but, for some reason, it isn't showing the plums. :(
    maybe its your computer, because it seems that certain hardware causes stupid graphical glitches. my computer has glitched pentas for example, and my macbook has a strange lighting glitches with wedges :(
    Jul 14, 2013
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    maybe its your computer, because it seems that certain hardware causes stupid graphical glitches. my computer has glitched pentas for example, and my macbook has a strange lighting glitches with wedges :(
    Lol. How do the Pentas look? And, with the Wedges, does the side of the Blocks next to the slope of the Wedges appear invisible? Because, apparently, that was a glitch/bug a while back.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    maybe its your computer, because it seems that certain hardware causes stupid graphical glitches. my computer has glitched pentas for example, and my macbook has a strange lighting glitches with wedges :(
    I will try using the OldStyle Pack and see it the plums appear.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    1. A block removal type selector in advanced build mode. When this option is selected (via a checkbox) then only the block type highlighted in the hotbar is removed when clicking.
    2. A server option to increase the 10^3 advanced build mode maximum size. This has performance impacts on servers, so its best left with a server set maximum size to prevent trolling (although admins will be able to set this value as they see fit.)
    And just like that, I breathed an audible sigh of relief. Refitting an entire 500-meter warship while it's still under construction is quite the chore, and selective erasure of blocks will make things so much easier. There are so many ways this could be used to quickly make different weapon variants of the same ship, and so forth.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    And just like that, I breathed an audible sigh of relief. Refitting an entire 500-meter warship while it's still under construction is quite the chore, and selective erasure of blocks will make things so much easier. There are so many ways this could be used to quickly make different weapon variants of the same ship, and so forth.
    We seriously need smedit to quickly remove systems to be able to place new ones. it is almost so necessary that schema should update it.
    Last edited:


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Yeah, the removal filter literally might have a noticeable effect on community size, and will certainly cut down on the amount of ragequitters.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    I can't please both parties, we had to remove one of the stats from the existing shield blocks. We decided (partly based on comments in this thread*) that moving the capacity to the new block was the better choice. I did ask schema to add some new features to help reduce the pain of this decision for those needing to refit their ships.
    1. A block removal type selector in advanced build mode. When this option is selected (via a checkbox) then only the block type highlighted in the hotbar is removed when clicking.
    2. A server option to increase the 10^3 advanced build mode maximum size. This has performance impacts on servers, so its best left with a server set maximum size to prevent trolling (although admins will be able to set this value as they see fit.)
    The dev build stats have not been updated yet to reflect the new block (they are still set at 495 cap per block.) I'm updating this right now, and I've added a couple notes to my list of additional stats to control that I've asked schema to include (these require code changes.)

    Try not to get too upset as these changes proceed, this is an ongoing process and yes, calm feedback is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your patience!

    *The following thread was referenced in this reply.
    I have only one concern about shields.
    How exactly will their scaling work? Up until now, Shields were the perfect filler block, and I hope that will not change with this update.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I have only one concern about shields.
    How exactly will their scaling work? Up until now, Shields were the perfect filler block, and I hope that will not change with this update.
    I'd hope going to have to be a little smarter and not just stuff every nook and cranny with them.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Any word on FTL drives? I'm working on a capital ship and I want to be able to allocate space for one when it comes out.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    currently in my titan I'm simply using a massive array of overdrive modules as my warp drive, very effective imo