GHI_Modular Templates and Interiors

    GHI_Modular Templates and Interiors V. 7

    Game version
    The Gmodism Heavy Industries Brings you:
    The Gmodism Heavy Industries Modular Templates are Prefab modules that can be placed using templates option in advanced build mode. The templates can be used for building stations, ships and planetary bases.
    The modules are built on a base of 7, most modules are 7^7^7 or compatible with this pattern in an other way, such as 7^14^7.
    The goal of these templates is to bring a well thought out and carefully designed interiors that are useful and atmospheric with low light levels in appropriate modules. In addition to bring system modules that are crafted with realistic and immersive aspects.

    The modules are sorted in the following pattern:

    GHI_Dock (hangar, shipyard, USD etc...)
    GHI_Ext (exteriors; armour, windows etc...)
    GHI_Exts (exteriors; system related)
    GHI_int (interiors; hallways, rooms, elevator etc...)
    GHI_intc (interiors commons, office, cantina etc...)
    GHI_ints (interiors; system related)

    If you use these templates for your builds that you upload to Starmadedock or similar site, pleas link back to this page.
    Don't reupload these templates themselves or claim them as you creation.
    When you tried these ingame, please consider leaving a rating for us!
    For feedback or help, contact me on YouTube, Have fun! ;)

    Install by extracting and placing files in the "Templates" folder where you installed StarMade,
    If you never made a template before you need to create the folder. If you have StarMade installed on Steam, the location will look like this if your Steam is installed on C:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\templates

    bandicam 2017-01-22 23-41-55-967.jpg bandicam 2017-01-22 22-58-36-846.jpg

    To Get prefab doors for hangar type B, SHOP and C, download them here:
    GHI_Hangar Doors for "MODULAR TEMPLATES"

    Gmodism Industries Shipyard.
    Brought to you by Gmodism Industries.

    Gmodism Industries - Quality and Innovation.
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 11 ratings

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    Latest updates

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    2. Big Power 2.0 Update

      Completely rinsed through and parts replaced to work with power 2.0, new modules added...
    3. Elevator update!!!

      The old elevator sucked, it is removed and replaced by a template set pack for creating...

    Latest reviews

    Awesome templates, I'm much more of an Exterior guy and these templates make interior work much easier and can spark a lot more creativity - of course adding a re-paint where needed.

    Awesome work,

    Glad to hear they enhance your builds, and thanks for the 5 stars! :)
    Im Giving you 5 stars for having an amazing set of templates though it is impossible for me to use. i do not have the steam version. I have located my templates file and dropped them in, when i try to add them to my ship catalog they are not the right file format, however the hanger doors are these are in the .smtpl format but i can only import the .sment files. is there a workaround or am i stuck this way? am i doing something wrong?
    Thank you for the nice review! Reviews make me happy ;)
    I also don't use the steam version but they are the same. Take a look at this video for how to install and use templates:
    dear G.H.I.

    We here at wraitheart re-fitters are thankful for your superb interiors as they cut refit time significantly. please keep up the great work.

    The Gmodism Heavy Industries is glad that the Wraithearts' are finding our products useful!
    Pleas note that the MT&I will be updated with more system components when the research is crystallized.
    - Regards
    Excelent work sir. Looking forward to the updated version of this when the power changes hit. :p. Thank you for shairing.
    Will continue working on it for everyones enjoyment, thanks ;D
    Excellent package ! I'm making mine to be compatible with your's (i try to make it with a coherent design too), because it's awesome.
    Just a problem with the elevator, it doesn't work, but that's ok, i fixed it :) !
    Thanks for the review! Interesting, pleas PM me when it is done :)
    Thanks I know about the elevator, I'll fix it in future update!
    i like the prefab concept lot of thing to do with them very interesting nice work
    Thank you for your review!! Indeed it feels very space with prefab modules, and it is good for lazy people like me ^^
    A goodie as usual.

    Just one question, how does the elevator in the pack work? Anything I attach to the rail never moves...
    Thank you for the review!
    So you make a platform, try the buttons on the other side, it is shown in the video for the templates how to make a platform.
    Oh great, somebody again did something faster than me... Also working on the similar set, but based on 9x9x9 grid...

    Anyways, you deserve your stars. It is a true nightmare to design a station from zero, and this set offers an excellent opportunity to avoid that.
    Thank you, indeed complex templates are very useful!
    Wow, a 9^3 grid would sure offer some very lavish structure potential for sure!
    hey wraitheart here i have been waiting for this love your work man i try to watch all your vids i learn alot from you keep it up
    I am glad you enjoy my videos and buildings! Stay tuned for more nerdery m8!
    Lmao. I love this. I look foreword to your next project.
    Haha thanks! Wow will I top this one though? Well that is for the future to decide ^^