Wild Space Explorers

    Mar 10, 2016
    Reaction score
    • Likeable Gold
    • Community Content - Silver 2
    • Thinking Positive
    This is a project worth showing:

    It's really nice to see this several-month creative effort of mine get a level of recognition which is proportional with the amount of work that went into it.

    I'm very proud of this Watatsumi battlecruiser (and yes, it's pronounced as you did, I think) for getting the seal of approval from a master builder such as yourself.

    Glad that you found the engines and the hull design appealing, I'm still in disbelief that it was me who accidentally built something so good looking.

    Yes, those robots in the reactor room are supposed to be security guards, not maintenance staff, hence the forward-pointed "weapons" in their hands ;)

    And feel free to "steal" as many of my detail ideas as you wish, I've been stealing your designs since day-one of building in SM.

    As for those fighters... When I originally designed them as stealth bombers, the intention was to have support ships that can cloak and deliver shield-skipping nukes (missile-missile combo bombs), ignorantly forgetting the fact that AI ships can't launch nukes, and that they also vanish forever upon being undocked, if fitted with a cloaking setup. I think I'll release the current stealth bomber variant of those fighters separately, and refit the ones in this battlecruiser in the next update.

    Thanks again for the showcase, it's much appreciated! :)
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    Reactions: JinM
    Sep 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Silver
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    It's really nice to see this several-month creative effort of mine get a level of recognition which is proportional with the amount of work that went into it.
    One of the reasons I wanted to do it. Nothing is more discouraging then releasing something after months of work and getting no feedback at all.

    It was worth the wait. It is a fantastic looking ship and well wort its praise. Sometimes accidents provide the best results.
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    Reactions: DeepspaceMechanic
    Dec 5, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Got another ship showcase today. If you have a ship you want me to look at please let me know.
    Tshara, thanks for taking the time to review the build. I was very surprised (in a good way) to see you rated it. I understand and agree with a lot of your points, and will be keeping that in consideration for future updates. I'd like to clarify/elaborate on a few points in your video:

    The yellow lettering on the port side of the ship (Cibus in victoria)is a (google translated) Latin phrase meaning "Fuel for victory." There was probably a better place to put it, and I'll address that in updates.

    I actually worked with a couple of friends on this ship, and one of them added the Darth Plagueis the Wise reference. This also ties into the symbols on the top which are custom symbols we sometimes use as shorthand id.

    We used primarily basic armor to remove the need for lots of gardeners, which can become annoying (IMO) to produce in servers. I will upload a couple of additional versions (no factories, improved hull, no factories and improved hull).

    The docking bays were actually leftover from another sub miner that we had been considering adding. The previous version turned out to be far too large to look remotely aesthetically pleasing, so I decided to just leave the docks and create a miner that flush-mounts on to the platform. The docking bay design was to provide the appearance of an airtight seal, but undocking proved problematic so we went as close as we could.

    One question: when you added the armor to the front of the ship, did that block the door from opening? It looks like it has. That was one reason we didn't do a lot with the front to make sure we didn't get in the array's way.
    btw, setting up the array cycles properly took over 5 hours, so I'm particularly happy that you showed the deployment cycle.

    Do you mind if I use some of the aesthetic improvements you added in future versions?
    Sep 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Silver
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    Tshara, thanks for taking the time to review the build. I was very surprised (in a good way) to see you rated it. I understand and agree with a lot of your points, and will be keeping that in consideration for future updates. I'd like to clarify/elaborate on a few points in your video:

    The yellow lettering on the port side of the ship (Cibus in victoria)is a (google translated) Latin phrase meaning "Fuel for victory." There was probably a better place to put it, and I'll address that in updates.

    I actually worked with a couple of friends on this ship, and one of them added the Darth Plagueis the Wise reference. This also ties into the symbols on the top which are custom symbols we sometimes use as shorthand id.

    We used primarily basic armor to remove the need for lots of gardeners, which can become annoying (IMO) to produce in servers. I will upload a couple of additional versions (no factories, improved hull, no factories and improved hull).

    The docking bays were actually leftover from another sub miner that we had been considering adding. The previous version turned out to be far too large to look remotely aesthetically pleasing, so I decided to just leave the docks and create a miner that flush-mounts on to the platform. The docking bay design was to provide the appearance of an airtight seal, but undocking proved problematic so we went as close as we could.

    One question: when you added the armor to the front of the ship, did that block the door from opening? It looks like it has. That was one reason we didn't do a lot with the front to make sure we didn't get in the array's way.
    btw, setting up the array cycles properly took over 5 hours, so I'm particularly happy that you showed the deployment cycle.

    Do you mind if I use some of the aesthetic improvements you added in future versions?
    I had a feeling this was a ship with a story behind it. Did not know about the symbols or the references. Not that deep into Star Wars lore myself.

    As for the frond. I just outlined those areas to indicate something could be added there. Doesn’t have to block the doors if done correctly witch I did not :D

    You could probably create the airtight seal with the sub miners if your creative with the docking rails by rotating them to the side or something.

    Shoot me a line if your on discord and I’ll throw the BP your way. Just don’t expect the systems to work correctly on that one. It was just a mockup for aesthetic reference.
    Dec 5, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    As for the frond. I just outlined those areas to indicate something could be added there. Doesn’t have to block the doors if done correctly witch I did not :D
    3/4 blocks rotated to the outside probably would still let the doors open while giving an aesthetic...wait, let me write that down
    Aug 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Glad to see someone has been continuing the tradition of ship reviews. Keep it up good sir.
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