In light of the recent news...
The current plan is to open source StarMade, and schema to continue its development with whoever wants to contribute.
I decided to make this post, which to the delight of many,
may very well be one of my last posts here.
It is highly unlikely someone else will say/post it, so I will, I'm just crazy like that.
For all the Blockheads who have attempted to label me as an angry, whiney RPer, that builds "jack of all trade" ships and can't PvP...
The only ones you are BS-ing is yourselves...
I am not angry, nor am I trying to be aggressive, admittingly I do care a little, but StarMade's failure or success will not have an impact on my life. If I had to describe my "Role" it would be a content creator, because that is what I have done mostly in my two (2+) years of server administration (5+yrs total). While I do enjoy a little PvE/PvP, I am not a "Gamer" or a "player" in the normal sense, nor will I ever be.
I look upon StarMade from a business perspective, see its potential and have watched how it came to this point.
What I have to say:
I'm not a smart man, but it doesn't take a genius to see "
what happened to StarMade".
In my opinion it's a classic.
1. Too many planned features for a one-man-dev-team.
2. Too much exploit-META-whining influencing game developement.
If Schine does not start doing things differently, I suspect StarMade will likely never be finished or succeed.
Oh yes... that means deviate from the roadmap, abandon planned features and stop the endless exploit/META battle, and most of all: keep it (minecraft) simple... Big sorry for those who wanted everything + toilets.
The StarMade discord and this forum is dominated by a group of exploity, META-PvP, whiney-haters.
One of the worst I have encountered, with their endless stream of BS it reminds me of goonswarm tactics.
This is the cancer within StarMade, and one of the biggest mistakes Schine has made is to tolerate this behavior for so long (others don't).
The second biggest mistake is allowing this group to influence developement (i'm not the first to say it)...
Allowing this group to dictate what is possible to build and set limits for the entire community in a game like StarMade, from a business perspective, is a mistake.
If players want to build "jack of all trade" ships in singleplayer or multiplayer: who cares, they will never stand up to specialized ships.
Give players what they want, give them freedom, give them "minecraft in space", give them a reason to love StarMade! (jstplsfixbugsmkay)!
The Qf-Custom-Config should be custom-server settings or MODs, period.
This group is not capable of helping StarMade succeed, all they do is complain, and it will likely never end.
They have either bought the game and gotten thier money's worth (or not), moving forward should be the only option at this point.
EDIT: exploity-META-PvP-whiners ruin games for everyone (also classic).
... and just for clarity, as I do not wish to offend innocent members here... I distinguish very clearly between PvPers:
1. PvPer that understand, accept and respect that
this is a game and that
games require rules, constraints, boundries
to function properly.
2. PvPer that brags endlessly about "owning the server" with their exploity/META PvP-ship.
Apologies to Schine for stepping on toes, but QF
forced me to do it, hardly anybody will remember me this time next year anyway.
I hope this post is not discouraging for Schine or Schema... it happens, it's not the first or last time something like this happens.
The vision is clear: a universe rooted in minecraft, and its great, StarMade has the potential to come out on top, go for the rebound!
In an attempt to appease any fears of loosing said group, I believe others will come and help make StarMade the best it could be.