Introducing the Newest ship in the Mining Fleet
She's a light salvage frigate with all the usual UCS accoutrements. While not technically a combat salvager she is a UCS ship and therefore is built like a tank and the duel mode cutting lasers are nothing to scoff at. She's also equipped with an array of defensive turrets, most notably two missile turrets and 4 anti missile turrets should make light work of pirate raids.
The missiles are also great for strike at pirate stations from a safe distance.
To the victor goes the spoils.
This ship was built 100% legit using nothing but crafted items, while she may not be a first day salvager she pulls her weight well, the large cutting head makes quick work of asteroids, stations, and can even mine planets fairly well. The automatic sorting system will also make it easy to manage your spoils (WIP)

She's a light salvage frigate with all the usual UCS accoutrements. While not technically a combat salvager she is a UCS ship and therefore is built like a tank and the duel mode cutting lasers are nothing to scoff at. She's also equipped with an array of defensive turrets, most notably two missile turrets and 4 anti missile turrets should make light work of pirate raids.
The missiles are also great for strike at pirate stations from a safe distance.

To the victor goes the spoils.

This ship was built 100% legit using nothing but crafted items, while she may not be a first day salvager she pulls her weight well, the large cutting head makes quick work of asteroids, stations, and can even mine planets fairly well. The automatic sorting system will also make it easy to manage your spoils (WIP)