I'll just quote my now deleted (thanks, testers!) bug report:
|| Usually this isn't much of an issue in SinglePlayer, but it does occur there on occasion when the number and size of AI ships reaches a high enough number.
In multiplayer on most any server (even locally hosted with 2-3 players), PvP combat and/or combat with multiple AIs leaves ships spazzing out like a person having a seizure. Sometimes cannon and beam fire phase through targeted vessels without actually hitting them.
Missiles also have this issue, where the server and client can't agree on where the thing is. It makes it incredibly difficult to reliably dodge missile fire in a small vessel and skews balance considerations towards missiles.
Large ships probably suffer from this problem the most - I've watched vessels rubberband thousands of meters. It crushes almost any desire to participate in PvP and seriously limits the scale of the game.
I've tested this on my own local server with 3-4 players (12GB allotted over 5-6 sectors max), as well as the MFleet server, which runs 20+GB over a galaxy of 10-30 players at any given time. It is consistent and reproducible in almost any version since I've joined Starmade.||
It's also gotten worse since the weapons update over a year ago.
Lecic, I can't trust any thing that Bench says at face value. He constantly over hypes new features and has literally nothing to do with the actual coding of the game (yay cat god

Boarding isn't just another weapon. It's a completely different combat system. Balancing it requires experience in game balance- which none of these devs have. They are in over their heads.
Final point:
I don't want a crew. I don't NEED a crew. Building and piloting a ship is hard and arduous enough
by myself. How is a crew going to make that process (from building -> piloting) any easier? What about new players? Most people don't fly ships larger than 200m/light destroyer size/30k oldmass anyway. Why the hell do they want a crew?