Here's my two cents:
Is the big concern here making
stealing easier by nerfing transporters? (and yes I know I'm biased. Who isn't?)
There's also a lot of talk about risk vs OP
It sounds to me like some people are arguing that since it's difficult and risky to try to steal a ship, that it's a perfectly legitimate strategy.
It's a fair mechanic- if I can manage to take out your ship with the lowest DPS weapon in the game while using the lowest health of any combat-oriented object in the game, I DESERVE your ship.
Lecic I'm not trying to pick on you, it's just that you summed up the idea very well
Well the definition of
fair is the opposite of stealing.
But what about the risk vs reward?
If you try to steal somebody's ship, you risk what exactly? a trip to the undeathinator? big whoop.
if you succeed, you've just stolen a lot of time, effort, and resources that some poor guy put into his ship. And the only cost to the thief is time.
and if the blue print isn't available to the public, you've just stolen his secrets as well.
Stealing is not cool, and by definition is not fair or legitimate. There's a reason why it's considered taboo by literally every culture on the planet.
and if transporters can make it a bit more fair for people to keep their own ships, then I'm all for it.
If a player death could be made just as costly as the loss of a ship, then that would go along way towards making boarding parties a little less OP.
I still love you guys, that's just my opinion