So apparently the flamiest faction in the whole of SMD has decided to try to ruin our *good* name :^)
This guy decided that he would try to make peace with us, even while he continues to flame! : D Even while his leader has told him not to do that. Now, we don't know why his leader told him not to do that, maybe he knew it would fail, maybe he wanted to keep flaming. We don't know, it's up for individuals to judge.
Now, I'm not a great person. I was openly hostile to this since I was invited to the PM. I've stopped flaming publicly for a while though, but maybe I need to make a momentary return.
Here's the whole thing (in text form so he can't delete it : D)
Terms of the Concordat
The signing factions agree to the following clauses, these are to be practiced both in game, on the forums and beyond.
These clauses will be in effect indefinitely unless one of the signing parties chooses to no longer be bound by the concordat or are removed for violating Clause 5.
Clause 1:- Signing factions agree to cease all flaming and shittalking to others who sign this agreement
- Clause 1.1:- Flaming is defined as insulting, teasing, bullying or just in general being a dick to anyone part of the signing parties
- Clause 1.2:- Shitalking is defined as any kind of slander and libel directed at another person or entity who has signed the concordat
Clause 2:- Signing factions agree to cease all dishonorable conduct both on the forums, in game and beyond
- Clause 2.1:- Dishonorable conduct is defined differently depending on where it occurred
- Clause 2.2:- When in game, dishonorable conduct is defined as conducting any of the following actions while knowledgeable that the concordat prohibits it, Sabotage via alternate accounts, breaching the terms of a prearranged battle, failing to honor a 1 versus 1 battle or any of the like and damaging vessels engaged in combat while the pilot is disconnected as a result of a game/server crash
- Clause 2.3:- When on forums dishonorable conduct is defined as conducting any of the following actions while knowledgeable that the concordat prohibits it, Lying about battle reports, doxxing and stealing potential recruits
Clause 3:- Signing factions agree to settle all differences and arguments in honorable combat, terms of honorable combat must be discussed and agreed to before by all involved parties before battle takes place.
Clause 4:- Signing factions agree to remove all anything that breaches the concordat from the History of Factions Document as well as remove bias.
Clause 5:- Any signing factions that breach the terms of the concordat are to be removed from the concordat and be denounced by all the remaining signing factions.
Clause 6:- Any faction leader or representative of the faction leader may sign the concordat, once signed you are bound by the terms of the concordat until you make the decision to no longer be bound or are removed for breaching Clause 5.
Please sign with your ingame name and the faction you represent below the line.
By signing the concordat, you agree to be bound by all the terms of the concordat.
Now, I should probably state why I didn't agree with this. If you're going to be an ass, like me, you at least have to be a justified ass.
This was probably a good idea in Imaginations head, and probably had good intentions behind it, but here's why I don't like it: It always favors Odiums goals and meets no middle ground.
Here's my opinion on each part;
Clause 1 is basically impossible to be bound by. People on both sides will continue to flame each other from time to time as long as both sides exist. This isn't necessarily a bad thing either, it advertises both factions. It puts us both at the front of nearly every starmade faction discussion.
Clause 2 is extremely broad and could very easily lead to flaming and negative discussions as one side would claim dishonorable conduct, while the other side would dispute it. What happens if you find a mining claim? Would it be dishonorable to destroy it? What about an abandoned ship? What about an afk player, do you need to wait for them to pay attention to you to kill them? Alternate accounts would be banned as well, but what about accounts that aren't alternate accounts? What about members that have gone by unnoticed by the other side that you use to infiltrate them or otherwise harass them. (And of course to flame a bit here) Lying about battle reports? Who would do that, people who admit their losses and embrace them or the people with the "perfect combat record" :^)
Clause 3 is pretty problematic. The Vaygrs want fights, and are having a hard time finding proficient enemies. Apparently they believe that we're proficient enough to warrant a fight based on their attentiveness to us. I refuse to fight them. I'm really fucking petty, and still bitter over their constant attempts to doxx and cause issues outside of the forums. Is this really justified? Probably not, but by agreeing to this document, I would be required to fight them any time I disagree with them, putting the ball entirely in their court.
Clause 4, Salt Boogaloo. I don't understand how the history document is still a point of contention for them, and it probably has a few inaccuracies just in the nature of it, but I have seen them try to erase things that definitely happened. Sometimes things that weren't even that bad to begin with.
Clause 5 is difficult because of what I've stated in clauses 1 and 2. At any point if some newfag runs their mouth off, or some random sets up shop and harasses either side, people are going to blame each other. Because of the stronk alliances on both sides, and their inability to admit any fault of their own, or accept any misunderstanding or mistake on another's part, both sides will be bitter fucks towards each other and *kick* the other side out from their understanding of the concordant.
Clause 6 doesn't really have anything wrong with it. It's really just a bit of lawyer garble.
Of course, I want *peace* too. This constant flaming from both sides is really just annoying and unnecessary at this point. I don't think any solid agreement or contract or concordant is going to solve this though.
We all just have to be more mature than we presently are, and grow tired of it. Like I said at the start of this, I've pretty much stopped flaming outright, and have more or less just been taking small, inconsequential joking jabs at the other side. I'm not entirely sure about the other side, since I haven't even been reading much on the forums at all, but it seems like most people have just stopped. All that's left are the pettiest and saltiest.
Hopefully you faggots on both sides can get over this, I'm out.