The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

    Jul 27, 2013
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    You really just told everyone this? X D

    Way to allow arming up and you WILL be massacred by what will probably be a join strike force.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    I see Obi can\'t help himself but stay on the forums even after making that big saaaaaad sob story post.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Now stop while you still have some shred of dignity. The people you plan on attacking will destroy you in a heartbeat. Take advice from a survivor, an aircraft will stall, then crash and burn if it aims too high.
    Jan 10, 2014
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    May I join the Ministry of Patrol.

    I have well Flying skills, and I know how to shoot farely well.

    Please consider me.

    my name on Starmade is different than my actual account, my name is \"Captian Yans\" btw
    Jan 10, 2014
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    May I join the Ministry of Patrol.

    I have well Flying skills, and I know how to shoot farely well.

    Please consider me.

    my name on Starmade is different than my actual account, my name is \"Captian Yans\" btw
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Captain_Ying and Bananafail, please join our forums at to fill out an official application allowing you to join our faction.
    Nov 5, 2013
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    You are a bit of a prick at times, Obi. However, you have my respect purely out of your ability to actually orchestrate and keep reigns on this faction. Considering that the Rebel Alliance has one of the highest post/member counts (last time I checked), it\'s by no means a feat that can be ignored.

    However, I would recommend going out and peacefully, but more importantly humbly, working out qualms with other faction leaders. For example, you shouldn\'t have an issue with Incap stating they do not see you as a faction. What you should pay attention to is that she didn\'t say we see you as a subordinate. There is a difference upon stating they do not see you as the same as them, I.E. a faction, and saying that they see you as some lesser than them. Her statement, while could have been easily interpreted as a prodding statement, is a simple political maneuver: she doesn\'t see you as a benefecial politically, nor does she see you as being a negative, damaging aspect. She simply states that there is no point on discussing working between her faction and yours because it would provide, in her opinion, no benefit to her.

    As for Ridik\'s faction, Euro-Corp, this has a very simple fix. I did something fairly close to what Incap did. I disowned them, and stated that I would deny any future partnerships with the odium pact, but not the people within it. Also, if you don\'t want to see damage done by his \"information network\", just keep a tight reign on your members. Set up systems of loyalty and respect. As a leader, you should be revered, and you should inspire faith in your abilities among your members. Faith leads to loyalty, and loyalty keeps secrets and information protected by tight lips and devoted members.

    Any other issues can be at least settled to a mutual agreement: stay out of my way, and I\'ll stay out of yours. Naturally, you will see flares among your members with any faction they oppose, but it is easy to keep these contained and controlled. What leaders should not do is be the individuals that flare up negative relations on a purely emotional since. Leaders should focus on what really matters: stability, growth, and their members. From there, engage in civil politics (which due vary naturally by how your faction operates, but even pirates must follow some sort of societal code in order to retain order among their ranks and keep their, albeit violent, system running at maximum capacity.

    I\'m sure you can find a way to, at the very least, find neutral disdain with factions that \"oppose\" you, or simply don\'t like you. On the sincere case of another faction aggresively approaching you over meager issues like you being \"annoying\", simply solidify yourself against them. Show them a shell that cannot be broken by their attacks, wether verbal or violent within the gameworld. But you should strive to keep these conflicts as minimal as possibe.


    -Emperor of the Lazarus Empire
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I respect your words, Emperor, but was it I who caused this whole quarreling and pathetic flame war in the first place? Technically, it wasn\'t really. It was more of some\'s intentions of a hostility on neutrality (Ex. the Vaygr Empire) that have declared war on me or threatened me that have put us in desperate and unfortunate times. I only mention that the Rebel Alliance will not hesitate to put a swift end to any \"aggressive\" conflicts (and we mean actual battles, not flame wars) with our power that is in progress.

    Also, for the record, none of you (except possibly Krosulhah who now takes everything incorrectly) know how the Rebel Alliance is run, how its members enjoy the time they offer in the Rebel Alliance, and plan our endless goals. We are a democracy, not an empire, and we plan to continue our newly formed and successful faction.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    I see it how it really was now, not ignoring it, like i did.

    And yes. yes you did cause this flame war.
    Nov 5, 2013
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    To both of you, it\'s no longer important who started the flame war. It\'s currently active, and even though the event that caused the war will be recorded in the annals of history, in reality, it doesn\'t matter anywhere to the scale of the events during it.

    Obi, I appreciate your respect to me. Even though I can personally vouche for you being annoying at times (we all posses impurities and issues), you have created an impressive faction, and I greatly respect that, and you, in return. However, if I understand correctly, most peoples issues are with you, not necessarily your faction, but are related to it purely by proxy of you being the leader. However, I don\'t want to put blame on anyone.

    In any case, Obi, you are now the center of the flame war, wether you put yourself there or the actions of others caused you to be there. Nonetheless, I would like to say that you still have the ability to work it out with all of these people. Wether it was their fault, like you say, or not, you can still be the better man here and settle it. You can take this \"flame war\" by the reigns, and steer it in the direction of honest argument. If you do so, and do it properly, without letting personal emotions or issues or the emotions or issues of others get in the way, you will be seen as a proper, and respectable member by everyone. Even moreso, since such a \"heel-face turn\" would really be viewed by amazement by all of the members who do not like you.

    Pick a goal: in this case, I would say reaching mutual agreement on peace. Form arguments: why war is not beneficial. Bring up points like how it degrades both members, and has been leading to less practical warfare and more incessant insults and so on. If you do so, and take the reigns, others will tend to either begin to work towards peace (albeit they may not, or ever, support you directly). I sincerely believe that you, as a politician, if you took up a new mantle of peace and order, could settle all those people who are mad, agressive, or just generally opposed towards you into at least some form of more peaceful, stable relationship. It doesn\'t have to lead to alliance, but no harm could come from humbling yourself and trying to reach peace with people.

    And about your faction, I greatly respect the democratic set up. While I run almost the opposite, where I have utter and complete control, and officers are chosen by myself and my Admirals, I highly respect your faction. I believe most governments can be ran effectively. Democracy leads to stability with minimal management, as issues are handled by a malleable hive mind of the people. On the other hand, the more monarchial government of mine, while needing more attention to make sure the people in power stay consistent and able, leads to extreme levels of loyalty and the ability to direct growth and expansion with absolute accuracy. You\'re part of something impressive and great, and I do not deny that. I merely wish to be a benevolent Emperor of my own faction, and lend some of my own experience and advice to others, often those I highly respect, and people I even consider equal or superior than myself.

    And to Kro, I don\'t know what issues you may have. I don\'t mind you having qualms with Obi, or his faction. I see argument as a way to reach an ends to a mean. But lets try and direct an argument somewhere. Bring up an issue, if you want to argue, and support it. I don\'t necessarily see anything you\'ve done outrageously wrong, I just don\'t want issues. On the other hand, towards Obi, Krosulhah is still a part of the Imperium, and therefore is a greater priority to me than yourself. My members are extremely valuable, to me and the Imperium, and I respect them all greatly. So the same goes for you: I\'m not saying you have, but I don\'t want to see any large issues arise against one of my members without having proof of him causing an issue. I don\'t see an issue here, and so I won\'t try to contain it, but I simply just don\'t want to see one arise. I hope you and Kro, and you and those who dislike you, can work things out.


    -Emperor of the Lazarus Imperium
    Jul 3, 2013
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    If you haven\'t noticed, Emperor, it was alliances and wishes of peace that caused war in the beginning.
    Nov 5, 2013
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    But I always believe that peace can be reached, even if previous attempts failed. Or, at the very least, mutual disdain and avoidance.

    In any case, I sincerely hope you can get things worked out. I don\'t want to see another faction suffer as many factions recently have. I wish you all the luck in the world, Obi, despite everything that\'s said against you. I agree with some and disagree with others about you, but you\'re still human, and you\'re still a part of this community, so I wish the best upon you.


    -Emperor of the Lazarus Imperium
    Sep 5, 2013
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    and u may wanted to delete that comment if its a personal email, who knows what people will do to spam u
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hey guys and gals!

    I wish to join too, I got my own Nebulan-B to contribute.

    Plus, I am a big SW fan if that helps.