The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Lots of fights and squabbles in these faction threads. I always thought big groups like this stayed on the front page because of constant operation updates and application requests.

    Now that I am actually here, reading all these posts, I\'ve come to realize (much to my dismay and surprise) that there are so many minor political issues that everyone seems to fight over. The term \"war\" is used too often in situations that should be, in all practical senses, considered a skirmish. They shouldn\'t be difficult to handle politically: Put some restrain on your faction, keep track of your members, and deal with the ones that are causing issues with other factions. If there is an issue politically, instead of throwing anger-laden fists at eachother, it would be much better to simply reprimand the factors circling around the issue, and carry on in mutual agreement on at least some standpoint.

    It truly seems that a good majority of you, while I respect almost all of the faction leaders (even if nothing more for organized and, to at least some degree, controlling a faction), and I highly respect a good number of you, it seems that you are arguing far too much within your own circles. I admit, I argue, often with Admins. I am in no way perfect, I have my own issues and imperfections. But always in my argument I try to focus on an end point: a goal, a premises, something to base my argument on and to give me a clear point of win I have won, lost, or met the opponent in a draw. However, it seems like you are al arguing in circles, just throwing issues back and forth to \"see who has the bigger stick\" or just to prove a point, and then you go to \"war\" over all the quibbles But war should be over territory, resources, and through self defence, not through the culmination of violent, unguided arguments between leaders. Even if the argument had a solid, well-grounded starting point (which I sincerely believe is the usual case, since I know most of you, and you are all generally behaved and amazing members of society), it seems to generally just degrade into what I said earlier, endless circles of one-upmanship and degrading eachothers faction, person, or other things of minimal political usefulness. If we truly want to see the stabilization of factions, and actual \"wars\" occur where multiple factions slug it out over a period of time and engage in real battles, sabatoge, and infiltration, we must first work out the petty impurities that seem to infest so many factions, so we can all focus on the larger picture that all Starmade factions strive for: truly making your mark on the StarMade universe, wether that\'s by being the best, strongest alliance, a massive military superpower, or a dangerous band of pirates and vagabonds.

    I don\'t know how the rest of you can fix the issues, but in my case, I performed a whole restructure of my faction. The Lazarus was already stable, but foresight and forward thinking told me that preparing for the future would be better than relying on the archaic system I had created initially. I added laws, organized the ranks, and gave more power to my officers. And you know what? Everyone was happy with it, and I\'m proud to say we are yet to have had any infrastructural issues, chrashes of the chain of command, or other faction-threatening internal issues of the such, since the creation of the Lazarus. And while I\'m not saying everyone should do this, at least taking a good long look at your own faction, and then your allies, and enemies, will help make StarMade a better place to be.

    Honestly, I\'m not saying dont go to war. But, maybe for just a little bit, we should all band together and be friends. Let\'s fix our internal issues first. If there\'s going to be wars, let there be war, not the cascading destruction of factions from within their own network, even in times of peace. Especially in this game, as it is in it\'s infancy.

    And on that note, goodnight. I hope we can all work things out. I\'m going to sleep.


    Emperor of the Lazarus Imperium
    Jul 3, 2013
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    The words you say are correct, but there isn\'t a very explainable reason to this cause. The main reason being \"just because I feel like it\". The Euro-Corp Syndicate dreamed to crush us for entertainment. The Vaygr called us \"annoying\" and declared war on us. The Tartaran Empire constantly insults us on how \"bad\" we are. And as you states above: \"... war should be over territory, resources, and through self defence, not through the culmination of violent, unguided arguments between leaders.\" My faction and myself are trying to defend ourselves. This \"war\" is really more of a flame war since mostly everyone including me have a mouth instead of a gun. Euro-Corp found the easiest way to attempt to \"cripple us\", and that was infiltration. War should not be a war if there are assaults on a base while players are inactive. War should not be a war when people are spies. If I do declare a war, we will fight like the Rebels we are.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    \"We will fight like the rebels we are\"

    So..... you mean you will use 50 year old weaponry?

    Like modern Rebels?
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Kros please.

    Obi, this is good for you. You\'re under our radar. We don\'t declare war on servers, only factions. Take it and go.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    I have my best cryptologists working 24/7 trying to figure out what you just said.

    You\'re hardly a faction since you don\'t even take part in anything with the other factions, just sit in a private server playing with yourselves.

    Also, I\'ve been getting shit from one of your members. You\'re lucky I\'m not smashing the door to your server down.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    S/He cannot talk in any other way than that of those annoying facebook idiots.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    You will not underestimate us for too long. Besides, we consider the Tartarans to be more mouth and hide at their base on their servers.

    Also, join at
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Insulting people makes you look like a bad person generally, which deters potential recruits, and potential allies.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Revenge for turning on me.

    I dont like working my arse off for people for them to turn around and tell me im not trusted and they think im a spy.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    \"The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped. They\'re more dangerous than you realize.\"

    ?General Tagge[src]
    Aug 3, 2013
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    i knew you werent a spy you WERE to nice to be a spy now you are just a jerkwho hates us like everyone else
    Jul 3, 2013
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    You know I practically accused everyone on the faction for being a spy. Stop being so self-centered.

    Also, nice try, but you\'re banned from my server not only your IGN but your I.P. as well.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    I\'m only a jerk when necessary. and on both occasions it was necessary.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    1,000th post!


    It will be only a short matter of months for the Rebel Alliance to gain our power. Once we do, we challenge the factions that have not only insulted us but have said threats and have done actions that have put the Rebel Alliance in great causalties.

    You laugh at us now. Enjoy it while you can.