now you'll need to invent a portal gun, you must!Hopefully friction is fixed before I unleash this thing at the world:
Quite glad to get this one finished, it was quite a pain to wire.
For the lone wolf, the Mecha-Tank MKI is the perfect solution for anyone who wishes to ride solo. The main controls for the legs are in the turret itself, allowing one person to control his movements without a dedicated driver.
I also have a couple of older things I made, but the images broke, so here they are again:
Blue here is inspired from GlaDOS from Portal 2. It is only a prototype, so it's features only include periotic blinking and one 15 second long programmable animation. Plans are to have one in each of my capital ships, with multiple animations based on conditions, and a scrolling screen in the back of it's lair.
Probably the only mech in existence that can move under it's own power(at the time of this post), this prototype demonstrates some of the potential of walkers, yet is confined to the very rungs that make up it's highways.
awesome! never thought of something like that walker! possible option for docking?
only if thrusters on docked entitys would count..... anyways this isn't more than only 4 rotor blocks and a bit logic, so you'll be done with that part in 15 minutes or so. not counting the artistic buildingI am planning on creating engine pods much like the ones on Ridley Soctt's Prometheus.
wtf m8 i've thought about putting rings around a planet........ never thought of making it usefull
great thinking, i wish i came with that idea.
so how much time does it need to eat a whole planet? gotte know if this is worth inveting xD
know what would be awesome with that? some way to get the satalite in orbital rotation around the planet like in real life.
not that it would improve anything xD