When you say:
"stabilizers that must be placed close don't seem to have any point to their existence", then offer an alternative to the original idea, What exactly
is there to take out of context?
Regardless of what you say here, you saw and pointed out a legitimate problem with that idea and even offered a counter/alteration to it. ...and rightfully so, as you ultimately
were correct in your assessment; stabilizers
do not have a point now. There
were other ways to fix this system but the team settled on this one rather short-sighted resolution. ...one that Schine does not agree with.
When you're building a large ship, this is mostly true. However, under a certain scale, armor has no effect on weapons from ships of the same size and only serves as additional mass to reduce your manuverability and max speed. Hearing 45K mass thrown around as the "normal size for faction ships" in the QF Discord discussions, seeing the size of the ships you and SchnellBier are posting there, reading Chances repeatedly talking about his 35-100 layers of armor, observing that a lot of players seem to have a sort of capital ship fetish (until QF killed thrust and rotation for everything), and reading your "things to know" document, saying "don't expect to tank multiple shots with only 2 layers of adv. armor" (when in reality, any ship capable of fielding 2 layers is capable of
defeating 2 layers; by a wide margin), I really have to wonder if you tested armor/space at a smaller scale.
I don't expect a frigate to one-shot a battleship, but the current setup
does encourage block spam and giantism; while discuraging interiors and system diversity. ...and this is even
before armor becomes a factor.
You are arguing a point that I am not concerned with or even talking about. I'm
not talking about armor as there
are counters to heavy armor.
To clarify; when I say "block spam" I'm talking about the need to fill your ship to the bursting point with systems to be able to move, fight or use shields with any level of relative effectiveness against similarly sized craft. Your ship shouldn't have to be 50% power-generation by physical volume with the rest being (nerfed) shields, (nerfed) thrusters and a giant clump of META weapon, just to have a chance at being somewhat combat effective, even before the (
not universally usable) armor mechanic becomes a factor.
The "proof" people keep asking for.
View attachment 55820
These are two of my older "classic" designs refit to use power 2.0 under current QF configs. The left one (Challenger) has a basic interior and cargo bay with a combined mass of 7,704.
The one on the right (Pathfinder) was designed to have similar mass, exterior dimensions, power grid and defenses to the challenger but with a much greater capacity for cargo. For the hell of it, I filled the extra space as far as I could with system blocks to see how powerful I could make it. Now it
too has only a basic interior but now has a combined mass of 12,539. Power grid and firepower are nearly double that of the challenger for a similar physical volume. While slower due to the increased mass of system blocks, it can now easily kill its lighter counterpart; whereas, before, they were very similar in terms of performance.
If you have to choose between having interior (for whatever purpose; be it for fighters, crew, cargo, decoration, RP, etc) and cramming a bunch of systems into every nook and cranny for the sake of PVP combat superiority over a ship of identical size and shape, then that's
not balance. ...so yes
TheDerpGamerX , QF
did in fact fail to balance the game in this regard.
Regarding armor:
Scypio , your statement does not apply to my situation or that of other smaller-than-average builders; as armor has little to no benefit at this size class unless you build specifically for armor that can stop CM/BM weapons from a ship in this size class.
...which is not as simple as it sounds.
View attachment 55819Pathfinder stuck by another Pathfinder - 5000 BM array 1:1
View attachment 55816 Challenger armed with 2400 BM array 1:1 vs 10 layers adv
View attachment 55818View attachment 55817Pathfinder armed with 5000 BM array 1:1 vs 10 layers adv
In fact, armor at this scale is so trivial that I've built fighters less than 4% of the mass of this ship that can defeat its armor with other weapons besides missiles.
At the scale of what some of QF's members consider "normal faction ship sizes" this is far less of an issue since you have "more ship" to destroy so you won't be killing each each other in only a handful of shots; despite having much more powerful weapons. At the smaller scale, a few direct hits with these kinds of weapons will quickly drop your shields in a few shots, then vaporize a nice chunk of your ship regardless of armor or open space. This encourages META weapons and giantism. Once again; not balance.
Regarding META weapons themselves: While fun and impressive, they are the antithesis of balance.
You guys can get upset at me for pointing these things out if you like. If it helps you sleep at night, you can claim that I'm trolling, disruptive, or bad mouthing QF, etc. despite my trying to remain calm and diplomatic. You can even claim that I have "no proof"; in spite of the obvious examples of what I'm talking about. ...but the truth remains; this game is
not being balanced but rather altered to suit one limited-scope play-style to the exclusivity of all others. ...and whenever someone grows a pair and points this out (whether diplomatically or in the crass manner; typical of online gaming forums), the tribe invariably gets defensive and then...

This is a key reason why I and other players test independently of QF, away from their records/documentation and outside of this forum. We know that no matter what gaps, exploits, bugs, solutions, breakthroughs, etc. we find and record,
you simply don't want to hear it.
...and that's perfectly fine; as I'm sure we'll
all be thoroughly revisiting this topic if/when Schine releases the universe update.
See you then.