The Order of Bogatyrs


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Order of Bogatyrs

    Striving for prosperity and enlightenment for all

    Stellar Bilbiotheca [click to go to our wikia]
    Application through Google Forms
    Click here and fill out application form.

    Application on this thread

    (you can also apply on the faction recruitment thread)

    Post an application as a reply to this thread, copy-pasting and answering these questions:
    1) How long have you played the game?
    2) What part of starmade interests you most?
    3) Have you previously been in any factions? [If yes, which ones?]
    4) Have you got steam and/or discord?
    5) Why do you wish to join the faction?
    6) Are you prepared to join the faction long-term and not abandon it?
    7) Do you understand the rules? (If no, ask question here)
    Amd koae Sqaeosusur sieda uir orkk su bossra, kur vesr rek bae uir keda, resrs krorr ba rodeosad kruk ik emsu sra kedks uk uir amakeak omd sraae krorr kcossar reda raoqak bakura om oisikm vemd

    [And may Svyatogor guide our arms to battle, for with him by our side, light shall be radiated from us into the midst of our enemies and they shall scatter like leaves before an autumn wind]

    Fur es ek umrae vesr rek siedomca, sros va com raocr kur sra raoqamk omd roqems vokkad sra saksk uk qoruir omd vekduk, raocr sra oksarreka
    Translation from Bogarish
    [For it is only with his guidance, that we can reach for the heavens and having passed the tests of valour and wisdom, reach the afterlife]

    [You will never do anything in this world without courage-- It is the greatest quality of our mind next to honor]

    1) Respect everyone. That means you respect those of greater rank than you, be polite and don't bully nor abuse anyone on the server . That also means that you act honorably, showing yourself to be superior (e.g. in a war, you show clemency, not out of weakness, but to show you value life more than the enemy). That also does mean that you are expected to be mature in all faction related dealings.

    2) Never steal from the faction, allies or neutrals. If a ship is unfactioned, it can be stolen (unless obvious that it belongs to our faction or our allies). Otherwise, do not steal ships, blocks, blueprints, designs, material, harvested parts, ideas, theories, credits, ships, outposts, planets, asteroids, credit cards...nothing!

    3) You are required to remain on the server where you joined the faction permanently. You are allowed to use alternate accounts should family or friends insist on you playing with them separately on the account that you do not act against the interest of the Order. You are also advised (however this is not compulsory) to join the Order on at least one other server. (this helps to get promoted quicker).

    4) You promise never to disclose OOB vessels to foreign powers. Never reveal blueprints or confidential faction information to any other organisations without first consulting an officer.
    September 31st (2015): Hypercore Colonised (colony abandoned due to reset)
    October 2nd (2015): Aetherion Colonised (colony abandoned due to reset)
    October 27th (2015): Vyzion Gaming Server Colonised (colony abandoned due to reset)
    October 31st (2015): Aetherion Colonised again (post-reset)
    November 5th (2015): Aetherion Colonised again (post-secondary reset)
    November 8th (2015): Colonised SystemHack
    November 9th (2015): Colonised NFD Build server
    December 10th (2015): Colonised Grkota
    January 5th (2016): Colonised Shattered Skies (colony abandoned due to insufficient supplies)
    January 12th (2016): Colonised Shattered Skies
    April 13th (2016): Colonised Light vs Dark (colony abandoned due to to reset)
    May 17th (2016): Colonised Light vs Dark (post-reset)
    June 2nd (2016): Colonised Nasszone

    Faction Overview

    Name: The Order of Bogatyrs
    Political Structure: theocracy

    Strong Influence: merchants/corporations
    Motivation: power, wealth, enlightenment

    Influence: above average
    Reputation: mostly good
    Age: well-established

    Leadership: group
    Size: medium
    Stability: very stable
    Personal Freedoms: good
    Scandals: infrequent
    Foreign Relations: trading with multiple factions

    Enemies: Dark Corsairs, CANARIES, Kourinn*
    *=this is a player operating individually
    Allies: many

    Enemies Include: brigades, pirates, disloyal mercenaries, quite a few merchants,
    Allies Include: large majority monks, vandal alliance military advisors, Great Novgorod Republic,

    Resources: Too great to count
    Resources Include: Huge stacks of building materials, ship designs etc.

    Other: rumoured to often help commoners, relatively quiet community working towards general enlightenment,
    14 major colonies, multiple minor colonies. Biggest 9 colonies mentioned here.

    (~50 members working for faction)
    (~13 members working for faction)

    Cake Build Server
    (~12 members working for faction)
    (~21 working for faction)

    Light Vs Dark
    (~25 members working for faction)

    (~11 members working for faction)

    Freaks R Us
    (~9 members working for faction)

    (~4 members working for faction)


    (~5 members working for faction)


    (~12 members working for faction)

    Current Leadership
    Qualifications: elected for indefinite period of time
    Bribes: unheard off

    Cooperation: total co-operation

    Group Size: one major leader and multiple minor leaders
    Meetings: private
    Meetings Occur: only when issues arise

    Quality: opulent
    Location: just inside the city
    Interior: well-furnished

    Guards: a few men here and there
    Dungeon: not-much-used (yet)
    Traps: none that guests know off


    Contact any OOB officer for details about the Bogatyr Development Bank or click here find out more

    Requirement: at least one referral. Read the rules before applying.
    Initiation: is rumoured to be interesting
    If you wish to join, please reply to this post or contact us in game.
    Teamspeak: (group: Order of Bogatyrs with password oob)
    Steam: Steam Community :: Group :: The Order of Bogatyrs
    Identifiable By: knowledge of Starmade, respectful attitude, OB ships
    Common Trait: highly professional
    Note: Not all OOB members are registered on this list. 4 members have requested on not appear on this list to not compromise their identity. The OOB Management department predicts that a further 8-15 individuals are not officially recorded on this list.
    • Bogdan- Grand Master
    • Markonius- Head of Finance
    • Archlouiscool- Boyar (M&F) (Management and Finance) ON LEAVE +SunSkull Pirates Commander+ Techno Engineering Commander
    • Nikicon- Officer
    • Kaban- Veteran Builder builder (P&E) (Design) ON LEAVE
    • Peoplekind- Warrior (Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • Applejack- Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Lavender- Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • oopisy- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • color98dove- Veteran Builder (P&E) (Design) ON LEAVE
    • moontree- Veteran Builder (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Ivan- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • CrimsonDuck- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • RainbowBiscuit- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Fearlessjet- Officer
    • 111- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Ranulf- Shipwright (Research) ON LEAVE
    • the_m4ch1ne- Sub Agent (O&I) (Intelligence)
    • killer4utoo- Sub Agent (O&I) (Intelligence) ON LEAVE
    • Essenmacher- Sub Agent (O&I) (Intelligence) ON LEAVE
    • finvincible- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering)
    • MissCaptainRori- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Zunghan- Sub Agent (O&I) (Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • DefMunky- ON LEAVE
    • Lerox- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering)
    • ryanlllwolf- Scientist (Research)
    • xXDinoKillerXx- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Keras- Vice-Admiral (O&I) (Governor)
    • Matt- Summus Marescalcus (Admiral) +C.E.O of HS
    • Zosski- Warrior (O&I) (Military Operations)
    • Akato- Officer (Governor) (O&I)
    • RoYdY- Shipwright (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Captain_Waffel- Veteran Builder (P&E) (Engineering)
    • CyberCat- Warrior (O&I) (Military Operations)
    • Kudosil- Veteran Builder ON LEAVE
    • TheMafia00- Sub Agent (O&I) (Intelligence) ON LEAVE
    • Darkarma- Amateur Ship Designer (P&E)
    • Lilshoe3- Engineer (P&E) (Semi-Independent)
    • Voevoda Rostovskii- Head of Inquisition +TSA Commander
    • Captain_Bravas- Retired Boyar (M&F) (Management and Finance)
    • Naploeon- Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Brittlerock- Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • InfernoFox45- Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering)
    • jacktom1234- Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Skittlesbag1- Sub Agent (O&I) (Semi-Independent) (ON LEAVE)
    • ATD- Warrior (O&I) (Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • Noisi- Head of Engineering
    • Morviuz- Officer +Aeron Empyrean Commander
    • Pootkov- Officer
    • gmyash- Outpost Builder(P&E) (Engineering)
    • EratoNysiad- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering)
    • vinster7- Elite Scientist (Research)
    • 60Hz- Base Builder (P&E) (Temporarily Independent) (ON LEAVE)
    • Wahlberg- Veteran Builder(P&E) ON LEAVE
    • Azuramaster- Agent (Intelligence) ON LEAVE
    • Arado- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Boryakin- Head of Inquisition ON LEAVE +Bucaneers Commander
    • jcmperry- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Jotonex- Head of Diplomacy
    • Mathex319- Military Officer (O&I) (Military Operations)
    • Jacktom123- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Overlord_Melon- Officer
    • The_Average_Pro- Military Officer (O&I) (Military Operations)
    • Herock- Veteran Builder (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Deathga- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Jittery- Officer
    • methodman- Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • RustyTheGunMan- Warrior (O&I) (Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • ZektorSK- ON LEAVE
    • The_Baltic_Baron-Amateur Ship Builder (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • Bagatur- Head of Exploration +Techno Engineering
    • Toren-Engineer (P&E) (Engineering) ON LEAVE
    • TimeWornBlade- Veteran (P&E) (Engineering)
    • Itoni- OOB Academy Owner
    • CardinalWalrus- OOB Academy Member ON LEAVE
    • Bongojones- Crusader (O&I) (Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • Sarkos96- Crusader (O&I) (Military Operations)
    • tyleek123- Crusader (O&I) (Military Operations)
    • hjortur- Warrior (O&I) (Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • CattleCow- Crusader (Military Operations)
    • Broomsage- Head of Research
    • tyfang360- Ranger (Exploration)
    • Pilot112- Officer (Military Operations) +TSA Commander
    • Psychotic_Blaze- Amateur Ship Builder(Engineering)
    • Indigo Slimez- Elite Scientist (Research) +Infection Initiative
    • darkpillar- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • kingreaper1234- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • mustkillidiots- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • nukeu- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • serge1944- Crusader (Military Operations) +Infection Initiative
    • simmons- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • SgtWisky- Paladin(Military Operations) ON LEAVE
    • Stowbag- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Mds19- Engineer (Engineering)
    • TheAcesGamble- Veteran Builder (Engineering)
    • Darthpiggy526- Crusader (Military Operations) +SunSkull Pirates
    • Admiral-Akcbar- Engineer (Engineering) +SunSkull Pirates
    • FernoXL- Engineer (Engineering) +SunSkull Pirates
    • Baguette- Engineer (Engineering) +SunSkull Pirates
    • Lerith- Engineer (Engineering) +SunSkull Pirates
    • Davy_Jones- Engineer (Engineering) +SunSkull Pirates
    • Invinciblel - Scholar (Research)
    • Struttas_of_Borg- not chosen department yet
    • theWendigo-Shipwright (Engineering)
    • cmm_satx- Warrior (Military Operations)
    • Game_Forge- Warrior (Military Operations)
    • Madame_Sylveste- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Agent_Hound- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Trizd- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Jor- Engineer (Engineering)
    • littleking_soul- Warrior (Military Operations) +TSA
    • Magpiie- Warrior (Military Operations) +TSA
    • Hugh Mungus- Engineer (Engineering) +TSA
    • Valkyrie Snowpaw- Warrior (Military Operations) +TSA
    • Become Dust- Engineer (Engineering)
    • H4zardZ1- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Lerith- Audit (Finance) +Infection Initiative
    • Jimbobzz77- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • Russian_hoovy- Engineer (Engineering) +Infection Initiative
    • Obak- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Lachlan- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Cameron2310- Crusader (Military Operations)
    • OG_Nexus- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Greencvbn- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Qunite- Paladin (Military Operations) +Aeron Empyrean
    • ilian4o96- Crusader (Military Operations) +Infinite Legion
    • caliber00- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Dj4544547- Designer (Design)
    • Likan123- Engineer (Engineering)
    • Phelfire-Ranger (Exploration)
    • MrFuz- Designer (Design)
    • -
    • -

    Type: polytheism (very patriarchal)
    Direction: outwards
    Focus: making yourself and others rich and enlightening the world
    Main God: Father of Knowledge
    Ruling Deities: the God of money, the God of Justice
    Important Deities: the God of Oaths, the Goddess of Joy, the God of Knowledge

    Divine Interaction: only during desperate times of war

    Involves: astrology
    Afterlife: is incomprehensible to the living and cannot be reached while alive
    Supernatural: prophets from Svyatogor

    Worship: joyous individual daily prayers in temples
    Holidays: fairly often
    Holidays Celebrate: the solstices, past battles, full moons, heroes, saints, historic events
    Major Holiday(s): involve great feasts and colossal gifts from the state to all citizens.

    Clergy: males only
    Function: missionaries, protectors of the homeland
    Lifestyle: ascetic or celibate
    Family: rare (celibacy encouraged)
    Chosen: through showing signs of great knowledge or strength
    Distinguished By: dedication to the temple and the order

    Cultural Aspects

    Symbol: a red cross on a black background
    Holy Colour: blue

    Passed Down: via a strong oral tradition and national literature
    Creation Myth Type: order from void/chaos
    Mortals' Origin: dust
    Major Myth/Symbol(s): the stars

    Deadly Sins: apathy, depression, apostasy and infidelity
    High Virtues: thoughtfulness, diligence, patriotism, loyalty

    Associated Artform: mosaics, murals, ballads

    Coming of Age: 15 years old (males only)
    Coming of Age Rite: involves a declaration of intended profession upon which, if accepted into the ranks of said profession, he is given materials to set up his work

    Marriage: is an affair of the heart
    Marriage Rites: are performed by clergy

    Death Rites: last 3 days, after which there is a celebration to honour the dead

    Major Taboo: perfidy, disloyalty

    Prevalence: believed by some
    Outsiders: are welcome to our shops

    Strength: Strong and developing
    Focus: space
    Main Unit: cannon fodder

    Soldiers: volunteers
    Main Use: exploration
    Rank: awarded for service and/or loyalty


    This army relies heavily on wave tactics and the use of fighter ships. They have been known to use torpedoes. They are famous for giving aid to weaker forces they encounter and for their fondness for diplomacy. The standard army contains 8 forces made up of 15 battalions of 100 soldiers. They have a very loose chain of command, with ranks based on wealth. Currently, they are residing at the capital city.

    Latest Prophesies

    The pious man will not enthuse with the foolish alchemist.

    The blindfolded sparrow will finally rush.*

    A rebellion shall take place on a hill when the days grow short.

    They will recover on the road in a time of truth.*

    An act of cruelty must happen in a time of hope.

    *has come to pass

    Seeing a mockingbird during a storm often foretells conflict.

    Spotting a tiger at dawn is an omen of a journey having to do with a blacksmith.

    Running across a gold coin near a tavern often foretells a reconciliation.

    Recommended visiting places for tourists

    Shortring Hills

    Kicklean Road

    Gullgrey County

    Latewake Cliff

    Nalyael Lagoon

    Fivegrand Falls

    Urban: 90%
    Rural: 10%
    Literacy Rate: 100%

    Gender Ratio: 1.1 male(s)/female
    Fertility Rate: 1.8 children/family
    Life Expectancy: 88.5 years

    Main Export: technology-related
    Main Import: military-grade resources
    Technology Focus: cybernetics, overdrive technologies, weapons systems
    Trade: imports and exports equal
    Currency conversion rates:

    New Order Credit= 10 marks | 1 mark=1000 intergalactic credits | 1 denarius=10 credits
    Not Available Yet
    Not Available Yet
    Strength: very strong and improving
    Wealth: mostlygovernment-controlled

    • GrandArmyOfTheRepublic*
    • Space Trades and Merchants*****
    • Xel-Ith Flotilla
    • WookWook
    • Manticore
    • ParHelion Interstellar
    • Void Runners
    • Interstel Space Service
    • Manticore
    • Cosmic Corp
    • Yeti Trading Corp
    • Dark Matter
    • Phoenix Warriors
    • Moravian Empire
    • Nightstar Industries*
    • Trinova Technologies**
    • Dog Clan
    • Jupiter_Mining_Corp
    • The Crusaders
    • Malcorian Empire
    • Apocrypha
    • nomads
    • Dygrelans Imperium
    • E-Corp
    • eXcluZion
    • My personal space
    • The East Spacia Company
    • Toast King**
    • Notsodangerous Dragons
    • Red Faction
    • Magitek Knights
    • Serbian Astro Fleet*
    • Nanihwaiya
    • The Woxtron Fleet
    • Terran Gossamer Technologies*
    • Dovan Empire
    • Black Sun
    • Chaos Corps
    • Barander
    • Void Spawn
    • Wishmasters_clubhouse
    • Open Element Industries
    • Khanid Domain
    • Tygeria
    • Aeon Raiders
    • von Scweets Empire
    • beastcrafters
    • Poland (Organisation's name is Poland akin to the Republic of Poland, however this is an organisation in the Starmade multiuniverse, not the 71st largest country on Planet Terra.)
    • The First Order (Non-Aggression Pact)
    • illumi nation (Non-Aggression Pact)
    • Actio Onis
    • Undivided Chaos
    • Swadian Rebels
    • The Sith
    • Manski Collective*
    • Ricardo and Co.*
    • Knights Belligerent*
    • Adeptus Mechanicus*
    • Respawn Men
    • Craunched Marmosets****
    • Atraides*
    • TBAA Mining Industries****
    • Galactic Adventurers
    • The Nightshade******
    • Earth Federation Forces
    • Aesir
    • Null Sector Exiles*
    • PandaWoo*
    • OOB Academy*****
    • Salvage Corps
    • Empire of Britannia
    • Knights of Ni (Non-Aggression Pact)
    • Zodiac Empire****
    • Weeping Angels****
    • BlackCon Labs Corporation
    • OTK-WoG
    • Volcom Pirates
    • Shadow Armada
    • WorldStar
    • Doom Bringers
    • Space Patrol R
    • THE TECH
    • Ascension Armada
    • Paragons of a New Age
    • American_Republic*
    • Cat Guild*
    • DarkFire*
    • Black Sun Academy*
    • Nacon Empire*
    • StromGuard Flower Shop*
    • The_Kern_Empire*
    • inbred****
    • United Builders*
    • Ancient Shipyard*
    • Phoenix Organisation*
    • 7th Armored Division**
    • greenleaf builders*
    • Terran Spacial Academy******
    • Fiction*
    • The Dark****
    • Pirates****
    • The Light****
    • Vikings*
    • STAR Industries*
    • Shadow Deliveries Inc*
    • Green Rebels*
    • Mechanical Wings****
    • New Remnant****
    • The Krake`stia Empire****
    • Alco 1 Trading Company
    • GreenCo
    • ValkyriaCraft****
    • Garden of the Sun****
    • Inner Light****
    • Trident Foundries****
    • NickCo****
    • Skipper*
    • The Rogue Shadows****
    • Infection Initiative******
    • Mortarian Legion*
    • DarkStar Inc*****
    • Forgotten Colonies*
    • Fat Cobra Labs*
    • Onus Autonomous Singularity**
      The Syndicus, United Gamers Alliance, Skaliwags, The Federation
    • Avalon*
    • Voidcraft*
    • Nicht Oligarchy**
    • Reclusive**
    • Tuiee_Corp****
    • Destinyscape****
    • Procyon Engineering****
    • leedle gang****
    • Green Army*
    • The Swarm
    • Pkunk Federation
    • the 3 ppl fac
    • Task Force 17*
    • baddde
    • Star-Crusers
    • Boldanian Space Program
    • Aeron Empyrean
    • Irathi Creations
    • Holy Empire of Faust*
    • Artemis*
    • The Forerunner Ecumene*
    • eclypsia*
    • Terra Mining Corp****
    • Exorians*
    • T-I-M-N
    • SKY3NET*
    • Nexium****
    • British Empire**
    • El Snipoo*
    • Techno Engineering*****
    • 118 Industries
    • Wonder Waffles*
    • Blaze Industries*
    • temp12****
    • GameFac*****
    • Void_Runner****
    • Ancient Ones*
    • Hyperion Union*
    • Emilion Republic Empire*
    • Cold Corpses
    • Ethereal Union*
    • Alliance of Gentlemen**
    • Free Pirates of Nassau**
    • Golden Claw****
    • ShippedFoods exe*
    • Red Arrow
    • Sanctum Solaris**
    • The Order****
    • Scrapyard-Bots*
    • The_Dog_Bites*
    • Tourists*
    • Two Suns Shipping Co****
    • Focused**
    • Legacy Mining Company*
    • The Borg****
    • Galactic Republic*
    • escApes**
    • Shattered Reality**
    • Union of Worlds*
    • Gailandian Empire****
    • Aquatic Industries****
    • Merc Dragon*
    • Insync****
    • The Steambrothers****
    • Tenebris Lux****
    • helios
    • Punishment Crew****
    • Principality of Minerva****
    • Nons faction for Non****
    • Nikos Space Depository****
    • Naddah****
    • Pistoleros del Eclipse*
    • Ascalon Corporation**
    • The_Asguard*
    • NRE****
    • TAA (Trading Alliance)
    • Hoodiers****
    • The Atharian Sovereignty**
    • Sons of Plunder
    • The Fallen Empire**
    • Interstellar Alliance*****
    • Cerian Navy*
    • Demi-Griff Legion***
    • Atlandian Royal Navy*
    • Corn Co****
    • Inbreds****
    • pheonix*
    • miner1*
    • The Fringe****
    • -
    • -
    *Defensive Pact Conditions: Provide financial support in the event of a war. In return receive military support in the event of a war.
    **Non Aggression Pact: No offensive actions carried out against each other across servers where both factions are active on.
    ***Enlightenment Pact Conditions: Provide starting funds to develop economy on server. In return receive military support in the event of a war.
    ***Trading Pact Conditions: Same as respect pact, with additional trading opportunities.
    ****Respect Pact Conditions: Respect each other and provide support if you can. Advise and help each other in times of peace and conduct open trade.
    *****Protectorate Conditions: Protectorate can claim an enlightenment package anytime. Protectorate acts under the protection of Order of Bogatyrs and Order of Bogatyrs will respond if any action is taken against the protectorate.
    ******Suzerainty: A faction over which the Order is sovereign, will benefit from a wide arrange of benefits and yet maintain full internal autonomy.


    Our Inhabited Planets:

    1. (Keuter) This planet is in the Paleogene period and is 19% land mass with 10 continents. It has 32-hour days, a 500-day long year and 3.13x earth gravity. It has 3 moons and an axial tilt of 193.5°.

    2. (Brufephus) This planet is 2.5x the size of earth. It has a 193-day long year, 18-hour days and 0.59x earth gravity.

    3. (Crabogawa) This planet is in the Quaternary period. It is 67% land mass with 4 continents and is very far from its sun. It has a perfectly circular orbit and an axial tilt of 27.9°.
    4. (Harahadria) This planet has a 465-day long year and 14-hour days. It has 2.92x earth gravity, an almost perfectly circular orbit and an axial tilt of 290.3°.

    Planets controlled: 3
    Preferred Climate: temperate - plains
    Ocean (on 1 planet): on three sides
    Mountains (on 1 planet): a few, including volcanos
    Wilderness: 69%
    Wild Animals: very common
    Natural Resources: very abundant

    Highly Values: independence
    Known For: exotic wildlife
    Popular Entertainment: gambling
    Respected Profession: homemaker, base builder, architect, priest, diplomat, warrior, teacher


    Grand Priest: Head of the Order of Bogatyrs managing large-scale financial distribution, covering costs for faction-wide projects and having a relatively multifaceted job.

    Current Vacancies:


    Magnus Commendator: Assistant head of the Order of Bogatyrs. Manages the order while the head of the order is away.

    Current Vacancies:


    Summus…: Adviser to the Grand Priest and the Magnus Commendator. Very high ranked and thus having a high salary and harbouring respect from all in the order. Summus Hospitalarius= Highest of the Hospitallers. (Military department) (Controls the army). Summus Marescalcus= Highest of the marshals. (Military) (Controls the navy). Summus Thesaurarius= Supreme Treasurer (Controls the finance and management). (Administration). Summus Trappearius= Supreme Cardinal. (Administration).

    Current Vacancies:

    Summus Hospitalarius

    Summus Thesaurarius

    Summus Trappearius

    Head of Department: This is a head of Department i.e. an officer in the faction. This is a respected role with a more than average salary and is considered quite prestigious.

    Current Vacancies:


    Head of Diplomacy

    Officer: This player is a minor officer in the faction. This is a respected role and all members of this role are expected to regularly contribute to faction discussions/affairs on the server where they are posted (at least), on a weekly basis.

    Current Vacancies:






    Professional Structure Designer


    Veteran player: This player has gained the trust of the faction through continuous good service, loyalty and contribution to the faction. Moreover, this player is required to have a clear idea of whether he/she wishes to work in finance, engineering or other operations department (s).

    Current Vacancies:

    Veteran Builder

    Server Analyser

    Recruits: A new or recently recruited recruit to the faction who is yet to show major contribution or to prove his loyalty. Moreover, this player has most probably not yet decided on a department of interest.

    Ranks Diagram (Slightly Outdated. Now bigger)

    Departments are as follows. Players can work in major department or can specialise in a sub-department.
    • Management and Finance
      • Propaganda
      • Diplomacy
      • Inquisition
    • Engineering
      • Design
      • Infrastructure
      • Research
    • Military Operations
    • Nightshade
    • Intelligence Department
      Our Intelligence department functions as the OOB Intelligence Agency.
      This is a government department responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information and intelligence in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis, cooperation with other institutions, and evaluation of public sources. The assembly and propagation of this information is known as intelligence analysis or intelligence assessment.

      In general, Intelligence Agencies/Departments can provide the following services for their national governments:

      • provision of analysis in areas relevant to national security;
      • give early warning of impending crises;
      • serve national and international crisis management by helping to discern the intentions of current or potential opponents;
      • inform national defense planning and military operations;
      • protect sensitive information secrets, both of their own sources and activities, and those of other state agencies;
      • may act covertly to influence the outcome of events in favor of national interests, or influence international security; and
      • defense against the efforts of other national intelligence agencies (counter-intelligence).
      • Scouting
      • Exploration

    Management and Finance: Markonius
    Propaganda: Itoni
    Diplomacy: Jotonex
    Inquisition: Boryakin
    Engineering: Noisi
    Design: ________
    Research: Broomsage
    Intelligence: Voevoda_Rostovskii**
    Grand Admiral: Matt
    Nightshade: Chrono/ImAstin
    Scouting: The_Baltic_Baron**
    Exploration: Bagatur

    **=temporary department leader

    M&F=Management and Finance (i.e discussing diplomacy, sorting out problems with other factions, paying members if they need money, receiving and keeping safe parcels and gifts from allies)
    P&E=Planning and Engineering. Also Known as Scientific Division and the Research Department (i.e. building ships or bases, making plans for their usage and engaging in battles occasionally)
    O&I=Operations and Intel. Also Known as Bogatyr Army And Covert Ops (i.e. clearing out pirates, responsible for intelligence about allies, enemies and neutrals, responsible for preventing threats and fixing any ongoing threats. Partially engaging in diplomacy and partially engaging in building ships)

    Each row eats together at one time.
    Note 1: Due to there being many Engineers and Warriors, there are not all that many people on that level.
    Note 2: Agent, Bogatyr, Head of Inquisition, Retired Bogatyr, Warrior Monk all eat separately. National Security and Religious concerns are the reason for this.
    Note 3: After reaching rank of Boyar or equivalent you are eligible for promotion to Officer. This is not the same as Military Officer. A Military Officer is equivalent to 'Junior Officer' and usually is only held by members who would be promoted to Officer if they had higher activity.
    Appearances Contribute to Reality
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    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    Welcome to the wide universe. I've never seen a lore dump of this magnitude in forever, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the aesthetics of your ships evolve.


    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Thinking Positive
    Oh wow. This is a level of detail that I have only seen from some people trying to make a NPC faction for their universe. Nice job! :)


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score

    OOB Vessels
    These are the most commonly used OOB vessels, utilized across all colonies of the Order.

    Bogatyr Light Fighter: Credits to Kaban
    Medium Speed, Medium turning speed. Very easy to spawn with cheap materials and can beat pirates or weak intruders easily.

    Bogatyr Hound: Credits to Sgtwisky
    Strong, cheap patrol vessel utilising the latest technology and artificial AI controls to patrol OOB territories.

    Bogatyr Light Turret: Credits to Markonius

    Small rail turret which has rapid cannon fire. Suitable for ship defense.

    Bogatyr Standard Turret: Credits to Matt
    Moderate rail turret with large amount of beams firing at opponent. Moderate range and suitable for ship and small outpost defense.

    Bogatyr Raider: Credits to Bogdan,
    Kniaz_Markov (not in the order), Jake_Lancia (not in the order)
    Standard OOB Raider. Packs a punch, moderate speed, many different weapons arrays. Recommended for use against pirates, pirate stations, faction warfare against small-medium factions.

    Bogatyr Extra Light Combat Drone: Credits to Bogdan,
    Fast with rapid fire cannons. Strong in groups. Good for dodging missiles and exploiting enemy weaknesses with great maneuverability.

    Bogatyr Extra Light Short Distance Travel Drone: Credits to Bogdan, Kniaz_Markov (not in the order)
    Fast with rapid fire cannons. Useful for escaping a tight situation with very good maneuverability.

    Bogatyr Vengeance MK II Heavy Assault Frigate: Credits to DefMunky

    Bogatyr War Freighter: Credits to Keras

    Heavy Machinery carrying large cargo storages and armed with 8 powerful turrets as well as military capabilities such as 12.7million shield power.

    Bogatyr Vindication Class Destroyer: Credits to DefMunky
    A destroyer with multiple cannons for beating off peripheral enemies. This ship has 5 missile systems for the pilot to use to allow for efficient power management and the ability to make frequent strong attacks.

    Bogatyr Attack Drone: Credits to Jotonex

    A heavy drone with two side turrets for obliterating opposite from all directions this drone has a suprising level of flexibility and can execute complex manouveres without problems. This Vessel has both military and civilian functions having both AntiMatter cannons as well as salvagers, Atrotech and jump kits for all occassions.

    Bogatyr Bullshark: Credits to TheAcesGamble

    This is a military raider designed to strike terror into the enemies off the Order while conveying the advanced building skill and moderate firepower of OOB vessels. This vessel also functions as an accompanying vessel for the protection of military cargo.

    OOB Hound: Credits to SgtWisky
    The OOB Hound is a moderately massed patrol ships primarily focused on rapid fire and missile backing to take down enemy or rogue vessels. This vessels comes with strong rapid fire cannons as well as a good anti-missile defense system.

    OOB Viper: Credits to TheAcesGamble
    The Viper is an advanced light fighter which can reach high speeds and provides a comfortable experience for short-distance travel, whilst also having strong guns to tear apart unwelcome visitors or provide useful assistance if the main ship it is docked to is under fire.

    OOB Peregrine: Credits to TheWendigo
    A moderately sized yacht coming with a full complement for an OOB officer or councillor to travel long distances on diplomatic missions, this yacht is currently rated as the most expensive luxury-focused ship within the Order with demand predicted to increase with the coming increase in the net balance of trade. This ship comes with adequate shielding and turret defences to see off pirates or raiders on the way as well as being equipped with advanced jumping equipment and a chain drive. The high thrust speed allows the ship to reach speeds off over 254 knots, with no added discomfort at travelling at maximum speed.

    OOB DR-1: Credits to Broomsage
    A small dropship, this vessel carrying all the necessities for a series of military personnel to be transported to a location for military operations, the ship can reach high speeds due to inherited thrust, carries high-level jumping equipment such as a chain drive and is very affordable for all colonies of the Order.
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Bogatyr Auxilary Fleet
    These are vessels designed through co-operative work between OOB engineers and foreign workers. These vessels are specialized units and are usually only deployed on major colonies.

    AUX Paladin: Developed by Jake_Lancia for Order of Bogatyrs AUX Fleet

    AUX Griffin: Developed by Jake_Lancia and Re-modeled by Bogdan for Order of Bogatyrs AUX Fleet

    AUX Vanquisher: Developed by OmegaGame for Order of Bogatyrs AUX Fleet

    AUX Potemkin: Developed by Bagatur with the use of Insidious faction technologies for Order of Bogatyrs AUX Fleet

    Very large salvager with moderate defences capable of withstanding an attack of multiple pirate ships as well as carrying lock-missile system to remove obstacles. Has docked power generators to provide power so that one can mine, defend and prepare jump drive at same time.
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    OOB Ground Forces
    These are the cheap OOB ground units, utilized across all colonies off the Order.

    Bogatyr Medium Delivery Truck: Credits to Bogdan

    Bogatyr Delivery Truck for deliveries your totally legal goods across the universe

    Comes with long range lights for driving in dark areas, an automated speed up for deliveries and a self-destruct option if all is lost.

    Bogatyr Large Milk Truck: Credits to Bogdan
    Original Exterior courtesy to 'SpaceMart' Station Design (from CC). Interior completely re-done on both truck and trailer.

    Comes with a bar. Various Milk-Lactose products from Yak's Milk, Goat's Milk, Cow's Milk.
    Personal recommendation: Yak Milk Cocktail.

    The Hyper Milk Generator-Intricate technologies are at work here with special computers on the side to make sure the temperature is just right to make the best milk possible.

    Bogatyr Medical Cart: Credits to Bogdan
    Bogatyr Medical Cart has comfortable medical beds which allow you to sit or lie without any discomfort. The ship has rotating sides and flashing lights on when it is carrying patients. Moreover, the ship comes with 3 jump drives, astrotech computer and cannon to remove any obstacles.
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Bogatyr Multi-use structures
    These structures are available for deployment to any officer within the Order. They are deployed across the colonies off the Order.

    Bogatyr Vigilance Statue: Credits to Bogdan
    Large statue of a Lion. Comes with a few extra facilities inside such as public prayer room. To be garrisoned by 2 warrior monks whenever spawned.

    Bogatyr Military Defensive Fortified Outpost: Credits to Bogdan and DefMunky
    Military outpost spread across the colonies of the Theocracy. Carries 16 turrets, 4 drones and has facilities to allow for an optional 12 warrior garrison.

    Got some more pics of the homebase + updated members list + updated allies list + now have an 100k+ mass ship on Aetherion!

    Next few plans:
    • More recruits!
    • Better turrets on homebase!
    • Ground force development!
    • Colonize a natural planet!
    • Sign more alliances!
    • Possibly consider joining up in a union with one of the major factions on starmadedock!
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    HS stands for Human Singularity which is the point in which the machine surpassed man.
    HS is not a generic faction but functions as an autonomous sub-faction inside OOB. HS vessels are considered to be elite vessels within the Order and only major colonies can afford their deployment. All HS Pilots report directly to Grand Admiral Matt.

    HS Astraeus Satellite: Credits to Matt
    Armed with laser cannons capable of constantly firing for days and piercing any material, standard orbital missiles, scanning system and even jump capacity this war weapon is a must have for anyone planning to invade a planet.

    HS Fighter: Credits to Matt
    This is a small but technologically advanced fighter being able to reach fast speed with good acceleration. It is considered to be a much stronger fighter than the generic Bogatyr Light Fighter and is therefore becoming more popularly used.

    HS Troop Transport: Credits to Matt
    This ship is designed to carry up to 20 soldiers into any territory for military or research gathering operations. The ship is designed to be resistant to fire from light ships and comes armed with offensive and defensive weaponry in case there is intervention on way to destination.

    HS Light Combat Suit: Credits to Matt
    This "small" suit was designed by our engineers as an advanced exoskeleton that would allow our soldiers to fight in almost any environment.

    HS Heavy Combat Suit: Credits to Matt
    This suit is a heavier and stronger model of the light suit. Equipped with heavier armor, greater shields and a powerful rapid-fire missile launcher, with a trained driver this weapon shall prove itself hard to take down.

    HS Assault Unit: Credits to Matt
    This advanced construct was built by SI as an AI controlled unit capable of inflicting heavy damage to it's enemies thanks to it's energy shot machine gun and missile launcher.

    HS Energy Cannon Tank: Credits to Matt
    This small war machine was built to launch energy shots capable of piercing weak to standard enemy hulls.

    HS Laser Tank: Credits to Matt
    This combat vehicle is equipped with advanced laser cannons capable of inflicting great damage to any ground construct that dares to stand in it's path.

    HS Missile Tank: Credits to Matt
    This armored vehicle was designed with the ability to launch several missiles into locked targets, upon contact the missiles will cause big explosions thanks to it's latest explosive modules.
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Ok so 16 members atm and growing. We're open to alliance requests on aetherion and off. Recently built a torpedo launcher for military and a torpedo launcher for civilian purposes (working as a shuttle boost from one end of base to other in a seconds).
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    Reactions: MrFURB


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Signed an Alliance with Nova Fleet Dynamics.
    Signed an alliance with Nightstar Industries.
    Accepted the_m4ch1ne.
    Accepted killer4utoo.
    Accepted Essenmacher.
    Thus updated alliance tab and members tab.
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    New policies:
    Members who join the operations and Intel department get a Bogatyr Light Fighter at first rank and a Bogatyr Red Raider upon reaching Officer/Bogatyr rank.
    Members who join Engineering department get a recruitment package which can be collected from Bogdan or Markonius upon joining.

    Only applies from 21/10/2015


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Latest Works:
    Felt like people who join should be least morally.
    Achievement for joining Order of Bogatyrs:

    New Order Credit= 100 marks | 1 mark=100000 intergalactic credits | 1 denarius=10 credits
    1 mark

    We needed a peaceful diplomatic symbol alongside our Red Cross faction symbol and 'The Bear' symbol.
    Order of Bogatyrs Diplomatic Sign

    And of course I needed a stamp so......
    Bogdan Official Stamp (By the Grace of God, Master and Defender of the Faith of the order of Bogatyrs)
    Latest News:
    Signed an alliance with Trident Industries
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    Reactions: Jake_Lancia


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Oh, my, God. This is the cutest ship I have ever seen.

    Will you ever share it?
    It's a faction build. You could see these ships on our bases. As for sharing them... if you really desire it for private usage I can send it to you via pm. Or you could always join the faction and find our for yourself. :)
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    New policies:
    Members who join the operations and Intel department get a Bogatyr Light Fighter at first rank and a Bogatyr Red Raider upon reaching Officer/Bogatyr rank.
    Members who join Engineering department get a recruitment package which can be collected from Bogdan or Markonius upon joining.

    Only applies from 21/10/2015
    Really now
    Sep 1, 2015
    Reaction score
    if you really desire it for private usage I can send it to you via pm. Or you could always join the faction and find our for yourself. :)
    Yeah, for private use would be awesome. Personally I don't play much in the faction scene, mostly build stuff on singleplayer, but if I do start actively playing multiplayer, I'll probably join you guys!


    Nov 14, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    That is a ridiculous amount of lore... I have nearly as much for the Aethi Imperium written up somewhere, but seeing as this is just a StarMade faction I never thought there would be any reason to include it all... Either way, avar, serenu kei eliara, Bogatiiri. May the stars guide your path, people of the Bogatyr.
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    Reactions: Bogdan