The good, The bad, and the horrible.

    Feb 7, 2015
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    I'm really liking that Tortoise freight ship, I might be as interested in the detachable containers as the ship itself. What corporation made them? LDCT?

    LDCT logo
    The four planet types connected by transports

    They even have a logo? Well then, here's a small .png version I made, I couldn't resist.
    Edit: Now with 50% less eye strain!

    The symbols on the top of the white band are an abstract representation of the letters.

    Alt version with red symbols representing trade routes.

    Feel free to use it however you like. If you want me to change it I will do so gladly. Keep up the creative work!
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I'm really liking that Tortoise freight ship, I might be as interested in the detachable containers as the ship itself. What corporation made them? LDCT?

    They even have a logo? Well then, here's a small .png version I made, I couldn't resist.

    The symbols on the top of the white band are an abstract representation of the letters.

    Alt version with red symbols representing trade routes.

    Feel free to use it however you like. If you want me to change it, or send you a larger version privately I will do so gladly. Keep up the creative work!
    Awesome, thats exactly what I wanted it to show
    Though I dont get why there are two "D"s on the top part


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    That's a C, it's facing the other way. Perhaps the tail of the T makes the C look like a backwards D?
    It's just me who is blind
    The pic was too small for me to notice it was the four letters mixed together.
    Great job at doing that with the letters!


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Yes, the D was too small if you catch my drift.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    They even have a logo? Well then, here's a small .png version I made, I couldn't resist.
    Edit: Now with 50% less eye strain!

    The symbols on the top of the white band are an abstract representation of the letters.

    Alt version with red symbols representing trade routes.

    Feel free to use it however you like. If you want me to change it I will do so gladly. Keep up the creative work!
    I suppose it is a bit microscopic. I'll update my previous post with some larger versions.
    Try using the svg (Scalable Vector Graphic) format here, it usually does great on logos such as these.(for abvious reasons)
    Feb 7, 2015
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    Try using the svg (Scalable Vector Graphic) format here, it usually does great on logos such as these.(for abvious obvious reasons)
    The small logo is meant to be slapped unobtrusively onto a screenshot with any program that supports transparent .png. If Nauvran needs it bigger, I'll just send him a bigger version.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    The small logo is meant to be slapped unobtrusively onto a screenshot with any program that supports transparent .png. If Nauvran needs it bigger, I'll just send him a bigger version.
    I will gladly use the modified logo on any future ships that are supposed to be from the LDCT.
    And I would like to see what you can do with the Far-Traveler logo :p
    Jul 21, 2013
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    The small logo is meant to be slapped unobtrusively onto a screenshot with any program that supports transparent .png. If Nauvran needs it bigger, I'll just send him a bigger version.
    An svg can also be scaled down without unnecessary pixelation/pixel-artifacts.
    Feb 7, 2015
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    An svg can also be scaled down without unnecessary pixelation/pixel-artifacts.
    I think you're going off topic. I severely doubt anyone will need to scale down a 48 pixel tall logo.
    Look, the customer seems happy.
    I will gladly use the modified logo on any future ships that are supposed to be from the LDCT.
    And I would like to see what you can do with the Far-Traveler logo :p
    Glad you appreciate the work, I'll look into it in the future.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I think you're going off topic. I severely doubt anyone will need to scale down a 48 pixel tall logo.
    Look, the customer seems happy.

    Glad you appreciate the work, I'll look into it in the future.
    I would love if you have any ideas for either a proper name or a logo for my City-Gate project.

    And I believe Mega was simply trying to help.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Little update on what I plan to do the coming week

    Finish those stupidly hard to get right mass fighters for that contest.

    Try to work some more on the City-Gate project,
    probably going to work on the gate itself and/or try to finish the shell

    Most likely not going to get more than that done but just in case then I have/am planning a bigger version of Al the tortoise. Hopefully with a better exterior and interior design.​


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    And now finally for the horrible

    I just finished the pirate corvette, was flying around to take pictures with crusades thruster mod
    what happens?
    I fly into a pirate station and the ship gets blown to bits
    Now Im trying to repair the damaged part, two engines got blown up as well as most of the back.

    Note to self, always activate god mode when you log in.​


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    There is currently at the time of this post a competition going with pirate ship therefore I tried my hand at some pirates.

    The Salvagers
    (Quick terrible logo)

    The Salvagers is a notorious faction from the human world.
    As their name suggest they live by salvaging ships the come across, if the ship is still full of people though then they will destroy it and assimilate it into their fleet.

    The Salvagers have long been a big problem for the LDCT and the City-Gate project although they have made The Far Traveler a very profitable company.
    Many try to seek out the Salvagers to find their treasures hidden amongst old wreckages that they use as their bases. Though none of those who dare try to look for this treasure returns.

    The Salvagers started as a simple salvaging group back on earth, trying to live of what they could salvage, this was not because they wanted to but because they had no other choice since they were amongst those humans that lived in the slums of planet Earth.
    A good amount of years after space-travel had become a normal thing for the human race, the Salvagers started to do what they did best, they salvaged the older ships, repaired them, and improved them, and now, now they are out amongst the stars continuing their life as salvagers, hoarding in ships and the valuables these contain, constantly improving their abilities, fleet, and bases.

    Beware, they are out there in the dark, waiting for you to be alone, waiting to kill you and harvest your ships...

    Small collection pack

    As it is easy to see with their ships, they salvage everything usable.
    Their fighters are mainly made out of the body of the Lombax hypercoil racer, while the engines are heavily modified engines from the Seeker, though the wings are either their own design or from a derelict ship is not know but these wings are noticeable a signature design

    Their corvettes follow the same design procedure as their fighters except they use another design for the cockpit, this is also as the wings from a derelict ship or of their own design.
    The main weapons are mixes from the fighters and two extremely modified version of the Seeker's pull-beam, these overdrived beams are very dangerous, do not get too close.
    As one can see the Salvagers do still use the Lombax in their design although it is now rather a nose and a cannon than a cockpit and engine.

    These vessels are until further the only discovered ships from the Salvagers but as how they are they can easily have bigger and stronger vessels in their possession or in the works of being built though this has yet to be confirmed.​
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    Feb 16, 2015
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    I really like the central design for the Pirate ships... Reminds me of the Corellian series :P
    (I hope you get the reference, if not, it's Star Wars :D The Millenium Falcon is a YT-1300 :P)


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I really like the central design for the Pirate ships... Reminds me of the Corellian series :p
    (I hope you get the reference, if not, it's Star Wars :D The Millenium Falcon is a YT-1300 :p)
    The central design is most of my other ships from my gate project :P
    I just took bits from them and copy pasted it together.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    I stumbled upon some old pictures of the very old disc planet homeworld from the Tartaran Empire
    The shells of the buildings were built by me, Incap made the interior of the senate (the tower).

    Some people might remember this old base.

    And here are some old stuff I made on some ships, A cannon for one of the oldest krakens and some logos for the two imperial fleets Chronus and Hyperion.



    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    So Warsong got me curious enough to join the April challenges.

    I have made/re-used stuff to make the first 8 entries to the challenges.
    All made today because I felt like it.

    Week one

    Day one
    Point Defence
    (re-used the turret from AL)

    Day two
    Cherry miner

    Day three
    Pretty Pretty Drone

    Day four
    Cargo Drop Pod
    (re-used the old LDCT cargo pods to make an even smaller version)

    Day five
    Cloaking Manned Probe
    (I cannot make cloaker/jammer ships)

    Day six
    Docked Reactor

    Day seven
    Anti-fighter Missile Turret

    Week two

    Day one
    Harasser Drone
    (Reworked the Lombax microcoil racer into a drone)

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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    The next 4 weeks or so will most likely be very stressing for me as I have about 4 or 5 maybe more exam projects I need done.
    So building and playing other games will most likely be put on hold.
    This means I will get seriously behind with the april challenges but I will finish them when I have time again.

    Now to the good news.
    Remember those drawings I made?
    I made those for an interveiw with the local art school.
    And guess what. I got in :3
    So after summer I will be going to be learning much more about art and arrtyyy stuff.

    Also made this little thing for one of the days of the challenges, problem is just that the ship is too big for the 200 mass limit, oh well got a nice vertical ship for the Far Travelers.
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