The good, The bad, and the horrible.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Other than that I think I might finally say fuck it and release the City-Gate Security (CGS) ships that I have had floating around collecting dust.
    "i'm going to release my ships"

    *doesnt release ships* >_>


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Harpy fighters? What're those supposed to do, launch from a carrier and give the enemies a case of harpies?


    Nov 14, 2013
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    No, I know what they are... Doesn't mean I can't make a bad joke. :P


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    The City Gate Security is proud to present their newest vessel in the fighter sized category.
    This ladies, gentlemen, squids, cakes, and other, is the CG-S A-Vecto 22-12.
    Click here to go to proceed to the information about this vessel

    This small vessels is a combined fighter and dropship especially made for nearby planet to planet travel or mothership to planet transport of either troops or small amounts of cargo. While it is mostly used as a dropship for the CG-S it is also used as a fighter when need be.
    The A-Vecto is equipeed with a dual cannon set-up that is sure to distract the enemies, although the guns on this beauty is not the best it will do it's job as an A-Vecto never travels alone.

    With it's two large engines the A-Vecto qucikly reaches to speed in forward or backwards acceleration but with the sacrifice of not being quite as fast in the acceleration of the other directions. And therefore to make sure that the ship can get off planets the engineers had decided to make the engines able to rotate 45degrees, making take-off from planets with even strong gravity easy.
    As the ship is designed for high speed even in atmospheres it was needed to make sure that it was easy to handle at these speeds which resulted in the ship having adjustable tail wings.

    As the CG-S is the protectors of the City Gates and the owned territory they are obliged to help anyone in need, so if you are ever stranded on a planet with no way off and you do have your security number and your CG card that shows you live in a City Gate system you can request a helping hand from the CG-S and get picked up in a A-Vecto.

    The CG-S is here to protect and serve the City Gate Project.

    (Civilian versions of the A-Vecto, the C-Vecto version, might appear sometime in the future when and if the CG-S gives a green light)


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Might have started a new project that involves no engines, a ton of power,
    and some weird looking turrets like this one I made yesterday.

    Now if everyone, or well at least someone would be so kind to give me some
    feedback on any of my current or old projects then that would be greatly appreciated.

    It's a rather slow and difficult task to improve your building style without much criticism.​

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Might have started a new project that involves no engines, a ton of power,
    and some weird looking turrets like this one I made yesterday.

    Now if everyone, or well at least someone would be so kind to give me some
    feedback on any of my current or old projects then that would be greatly appreciated.

    It's a rather slow and difficult task to improve your building style without much criticism.​
    Wedge the base skrub


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Oversized core room for a tiny frigate like thing Im building
    If you're anywhere near chat you have probably seen some more pictures of it​