The Final Battle Vaygr vs DFN

    Jun 24, 2013
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    We ARE NOT on either side Epic.

    We are neutral, because we do not want to blown to smithereens.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    Little news for you, there was no battle, it\'s for next Saturday, so the accusations of me kicking participants (and anything related) is obsolete.

    Little news two, they weren\'t ridik\'s \"ships\", they were a minefield, and we had an agreement on it, in the end, I helped him cleaning something he messed up a bit (he didn\'t precalculated that non participants would start colliding them into eachother and cause worse effects).

    Little news three. You don\'t need to have evidence or try to defend zoro\'s post, he admitted it himself already, so your \"proof or it never happened except if I say it happened (like your method in chat accusations with no evidence)\" is useless and a funnier gem.

    And like you guessed I will not apologize after being
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    Dec 30, 2012
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    Ok folks, keep in mind to not start spamming a star-made site\'s threads with conflicts anymore ^^

    Things has to start looking clean from NASS\'s side on StarMade\'s site. This is not NASS forums (you oughta find the correct board for that).
    Sep 7, 2013
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    So, are we based in the saturn server or what? I can really dig the mobile drydock BTW. If only there was a way to force-dock unmanned ships to a docking module. Epic tugboat, except yours has repair turrets.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Little news 1: Saberrom will testify to being kicked multiple times while trying to join NASS during the time that the battle was originally supposed to take place. Invalid argument.

    Little news 2: You originally claimed that the vaygr base was causing the lag, now you claim it was his minefield. Pick a story and stick to it.

    Little news 3: He hasn\'t admitted shit. I understand that you have a limited grasp on the english language so I won\'t be too harsh. What he says there is that he refuses to apologize for the tone he has taken with you. Furthermore, I saw what you did with Travbros post. I was not quick enough to screencap it but I saw it. Nice work covering your tracks you despicable excuse for a moderator.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    it is not an \"obsolete\" accusation, you did in fact repeatedly kick saberrom and delete ridik\'s ship, both for no reason

    michael you are literally the definition of a bad moderator and admin on nass and starmade

    stop abusing your powers, ive even talked to other admins and they too have noticed the difference
    stay out of these events and please do your job correctly
    Sep 7, 2013
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    \"I understand you have a limited grasp on the english language so I won\'t be too harsh\"

    \"Nice work covering your tracks you dispicable excuse for a moderator.\"

    Thanks for saying that my dear friend, because that is disrespectful behavior towards a moderator on the public forums, which is an easy ban. Are you LOOKING to get banned?
    Apr 21, 2013
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    No, but I\'m not looking to drive my nose so far up his ass for a little bit of recognition. Mike deleted a post that proved my point regarding the chat deletion because it would put his position as moderator at risk. He\'s used his abilities to harass people he doesn\'t like before and he will continue doing it as long as he has these powers.

    edit: I also meant the limited grasp thing seriously. English is not Mike\'s first language and I understand that this can lead to some miscommunication. However, there is a line where you can no longer hide behind that excuse.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    I replied to Comrade about an hour ago, but Sephirothis deleted my post. How typical. I don\'t have the exact text saved, but this was basically it:

    Seph deleted all my posts in public chat a few days ago. At one point, early on in the conversation, I used all caps. BECAUSE IN SOVIET RUSSIA, WE SPEAK IN MANNER OF SHOUT, ESPECIALLY DURING REMOVAL OF KEBAB. We continued talking and had a nice little conversation, and several minutes later (I was actually AFK at the time), Sephirothis showed up (presumably he was offline or AFK). He deleted every post I made in general chat, unconditionally, including the entire conversation.

    Schema needs to step it up. People like MichaelSeph drive players away from the community. Seph constantly abuses power just to mess with people he dislikes. If you speak up against him, you get your posts deleted. If you fight against him in NASS, your ships get deleted and you get banned for reasons that are ambiguous at best.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    It actually sounds like your using your own abilities to harass those you don\'t like. there are so many videos on youtube, FILMED BY YOU, AND/OR YOUR FRIENDS, showing you and your buddies griefing or otherwise attacking micheal for no other reason than you didn\'t like him.

    Case closed.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Little news 1: I don\'t have a starmade channel. Or even upload to my youtube channel. Plus if you had actually found my youtube channel you\'d have a lot better stuff to throw at me than that.

    Little news 2: We attacked mike because he had been abusing admin on NASS, including but not limited to:

    -Shutting down the server while he was fighting someone

    -Granting resources to himself and thus giving himself an unfair advantage over other players

    -Taking advantage of his ability to teleport so as to spy on other players that his faction was at war with

    Saying that we attacked for \"no reason\" is an insult. Educate yourself before you spout nonsense.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    Funny, the only person he even attempted to drive away was you, for obvious reasons of griefing and flaming him. He hasn\'t even managed to do that. The day you show up with solid evidence is the day I start taking you seriously.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    We wouldn\'t have a problem with mike if he didn\'t abuse his position. The fact that we take issue with his abuses does not give him the right to harass us or delete our posts, ESPECIALLY when they contain evidence. If you could extract your face from mike\'s ass for half a second you\'d see that. Unfortunately you seem absolutely content to be a sycophant to mike.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    LOL, I wasn\'t trying to flame anyone, I\'m just stating facts. I was talking about the biopass channel, which contains content consisting of you griefing on NASS. One would think, since this has been over or months, that you would just roll over and shut up about it. Thats not the case, we are sitting arguing about this because you were too imature to just stay out of this, and once again bring up this retarded fued you have with him, of which he does not want to be a part of.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    You don\'t have to have a problem with mike period. YOU are the ones who harass him, and I\'m not even sure he harasses you back anyways. If you want the evidence to be seen just PM it to doomsider etc. Public humiliation of mike isn\'t as important as getting him fired period, right?
    Apr 21, 2013
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    I don\'t even care if he gets fired or not. I want him to stop abusing his powers. It\'s like whenever he stops doing it long enough for me to start to warm up to him, he starts pulling this shit again.

    Sod off. This isn\'t your place to be involved in the first place.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    Wow. There seems to be a universal hate of mike going around, no? Something tells me you know each other in real life, and your attempting to ruin him online. And this was between mike and zoro, NOT you and mike, so take your own advice.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I\'m not pointing fingers here, but really guys? Come on, grow up, and not just one or two of you. Here\'s a list of people who I think need to find some reset button on their opinions of others.


    Now, before everyone I put down starts flaming, think long and hard about what the other people see of you. Think of all the angry posts we\'ve all made. Think, even if just for a second, how many people we\'ve accused of something, simply because we dislike them? I say we just go through our comments on all of our pages, and delete all the not-so-well-intended ones. Now, I\'m not calling for a reset of everyone\'s posts, but simply for us to take time and think about, what would I say if it was them sending this to me? Now, before any one of you post another comment, think long and hard about its potential consequences, and how that makes you look. If you haven\'t already noticed, one of the main players in this game, the DFN, has taken a backseat, or tried somewhat, and just took the blows, and shrugged them off without blowing up over every little comment.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    Looky here who joined an argument after saying this (Comr4de):

    Sidenote, watching the two of you argue on the forums hurts my brain and probably actively drains the IQ of anyone who reads it.

    Now you don\'t even need me for argueing anymore. Just argue with every random guy who DARES to say something different than you. That insolence they have to reply back to you.

    Anyway your accusations are so sad by now, that I won\'t even bother. You know all it took for you to take sides was this:

    That bro\'hood, and him being stopped from spawnkilling people, and you set your faction on war status.

    I wasn\'t admin at all by when I was accused of shutting down servers :P Becoming an admin happened some days later. Instead of \"losing admin\" as you was saying, I actually Got admin. The irony, right ?