The Covenant Empire

    Jul 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    --Username, age, and gender (preferably over 13, please use English)

    xYFallenYx, 16, male

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire

    Its badass name, cool ideologie and also nice organisation

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: Engineer, Pilot, Crew Member, Ossoona, or Special Operations (explanations below) A Crew member

    --Reason for choosing that role

    Because i am best in working with others and not being the lonely pilot who is focused only on himself

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: fighter, stealth fighter, dropship, light fighter, bomber, or heavy fighter. If you are a class that does not normally pilot any sort of ship, then simply skip this question.

    I could flie a dropship and if necessary also a bomber

    --How long you have been playing Starmade (if you can’t remember because it’s been so long, that’s good enough, just put Extended)

    For about half a year

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other (if other, please explain)

    tactical i analyze the situation and then make decisions
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score

    reason for joining:i have a lot of free time

    id like being a figther/builder

    reason for chosing that is that i like the gameplay in starmade and i like to build in starmade but im not good at building

    i like flying BIG ships

    i dont know how long i have bin playing starmade

    i play agresive
    Sep 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yes I\'m still hear keeping a eye on you still having computer probs but the new and improved more powerfull one is on its way so expect me on before the new year or at it at least and if I don\'t get it in time I will still fly in for 1/17 for our big battle even if I do crash my computer and wind up being space junk tho hopefully no ship on the sever is big enuf to crash me wich bye the way takes quite a ship but im shure we will have quite a few nice sides one\'s wich we know lots of mid sised ships make lag

    Anyways my birthday is almost hear and I still plan to pop in still 12:00ish in USA fl time but if I\'m late it will be sometime before 2:30 so you have a timeframe to see me wich me happy birthday do some messing around and see me off.
    Dec 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    --Username, age, and gender - 121wer The Llama - 16 - Male

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire - I\'ve always been a fan of the Halo Universe, and as the Covenant Empire is low on people, I chose this over the evil humans.

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: Engineer, Pilot, Crew Member, Ossoona, or Special Operations - Pilot

    --Reason for choosing that role - I\'m not really that skilled at building, and feel it suits my strenghts better.

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: fighter, stealth fighter, dropship, light fighter, bomber, or heavy fighter. If you are a class that does not normally pilot any sort of ship, then simply skip this question. - A regular fighter I suppose, gotta start somewhere :D

    --How long you have been playing Starmade (if you can’t remember because it’s been so long, that’s good enough, just put Extended) - Just started this weekend. (Been a fourmstalker for a few months)

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other - Whatever best fits the situation, so adaptable,
    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    --Username, age, and gender (preferably over 13, please use English)

    (42828) fourm name (Bradley) ign 13 (and a half :D ) Male

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire

    I want some pvp. I have played halo since I was about 4 and love it(dont ask). Also I like continuous battles and hate one battle wins.

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: Engineer, Pilot, Crew Member, Ossoona, or Special Operations (explanations below)

    I will be a Pilot, Crew Member, Ossoona(scout?) and Special Operations what ever you need the most.

    --Reason for choosing that role

    They involve the game Starmade. Its not about the gamer its about the game.

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: fighter, stealth fighter, dropship, light fighter, bomber, or heavy fighter. If you are a class that does not normally pilot any sort of ship, then simply skip this question.

    I will fly ANYTHING you give me a damaged core to a supper carrier.

    --How long you have been playing Starmade (if you can’t remember because it’s been so long, that’s good enough, just put Extended)

    Approx 3 months I think.

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other (if other, please explain)

    I usually fight aggressive but I can do support and incombat repairs (bigger ships)etc (Anything you need me to do.)
    Sep 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hay hay hay at long last I come home to find a package at my door 3 guesses what it is.

    That\'s right my new computer it\'s actually two days ahead it was supost to arrive the day after x-mas but im not gona complain.

    Don\'t expect me on right in the morning of x-mas I still need to hook it up put my games on it an other important junk let alone set up my whightlist sever that I host for minecraft but I expect to be playing late x-mas day to some time the day after (don\'t hold me to that) but if I have eny problems geting on you will hear from me and I hope you x-mas will be a good one. O and befor I go to sleep I will say that the big wars are now only the sever hosts prob I have the ram on her to host nearly 20 Feb severs with 100+ players and some to spare... off I may actually be a better chose for a host then whoever\'s hosting us now I have 50 gigs of ram baby thats 42 more gigs
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    I apologize for being so inactive lately. I have been playing other games, and honestly, I have realized that this faction can never be what I wanted it to be. It\'s not your fault, any of you, it\'s mine. Nothing could be what I wanted it to be.

    I am probably not the best leader of this faction. I am sure that someone else could be a better leader. I think I will remain as 2nd in command for now, at least for a while. I will try to find a new leader if I can.

    I must admit, a change would be nice, especially away from freakish purple ships. I\'ve been the Supreme Commander/Master Engineer for far too long. I could do with a change. For the better.

    I hope no one is too upset by this, but I have been feeling this way for a long time now. I think a change would be good for this faction, a new leader with new ideas. Please post on this faction thread if you would like to be the leader. Qualifications include:

    -Able to communicate clearly to other members

    -Decently good with people

    -Has played Starmade for a while and is decently good at it

    -Feels confident leading

    If you feel you meet these qualifications, please post here (maybe as a reply to this) and tell me why.

    I hope this does not destroy the faction, and instead frees it for future development. Good luck, all!

    Jan 6, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    [B]Username:[/B]  Xzien
    [B]Age:  [/B]19
    [B]Gender:[/B]  Male
    [B]Reason for joining:[/B]  I love the Halo Universe.  Halo was the first Xbox game I played and to this day it\'s always had a special place in my gaming life.  My favourite Covee race is the Elites.  They remind me of the Greek Spartans in a way, placing honor above all else.
    To be honest, I don\'t know much about this Starmade faction\'s history, but the name caught my attention so I\'d like to see what it\'s all about.
    [B]Role:[/B]  Engineer/Pilot (if possible) - I enjoy building ships and testing out new designs.  I already have several prototype vessels in the works.  First is the Helios, a carrier-type ship with a fully-designed interior.  Second is the Noxus, a cruiser which I\'m shaping to be like an eagle or something like that.  Third is my line of Preliator turret destroyers.  On top of that I also mess around with building fighters and such.  I get most of my building knowledge from Youtube vids and such like MushroomFleet and GamingWithSaber.  I have yet to try building any stations but I\'m coming up with some early designs.
    As for piloting, I\'ll admit that I have basically no experience fighting against other players.  Before I discovered the wonders of ItemIDs I was being chased around by twenty or so pirates on my incomplete Preliator destroyer, flying in reverse so I could shoot back and get them to bugger off.  A couple weeks later though I was forced to go against my same designs (damn pirates) and had to start dodging missiles.  I\'m more an aggressive pilot in combat, preferring to bring the fight to the enemy and layeth the smackdown.  For this role I\'d prefer a heavy fighter.  In other space simulation games I like to chew away at the enemy\'s critical points and a beefier ship is best for that.
    If I can\'t have both roles I\'ll pick Engineer as my favoured though.  I spend the most time building ships than fighting.
    As a side note, in other games with factions I like to take up an organizational role or something like that; cleaning up documents, giving advice (when I have the experience to safely do so) and providing support in whatever.
    [B]Starmade Playing Time:[/B]  About two months
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    • Top Forum Contributor
    If you would like any suggestions and/or assistance in reorganizing I\'ll be more than glad to help.



    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Purchased!
    Hmmm the covenant, powerful enemy, not to be messed with. I propose a truce between the UFFC and covies. If not ill happily destroy every last one of you :D
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    You truce with them, you\'re against us. That\'s always a problem, choosing sides is never a good thing.

    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score

    --Username, age, and gender (preferably over 13, please use English)

    (42828) fourm name (Bradley) ign 13 (and a half :D ) Male

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire

    I want some pvp. I have played halo since I was about 4 and love it(dont ask). Also I like continuous battles and hate one battle wins.

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: Engineer, Pilot, Crew Member, Ossoona, or Special Operations (explanations below)

    I will be a Pilot, Crew Member, Ossoona(scout?) and Special Operations what ever you need the most.

    --Reason for choosing that role

    They involve the game Starmade. Its not about the gamer its about the game.

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: fighter, stealth fighter, dropship, light fighter, bomber, or heavy fighter. If you are a class that does not normally pilot any sort of ship, then simply skip this question.

    I will fly ANYTHING you give me a damaged core to a supper carrier.

    --How long you have been playing Starmade (if you can’t remember because it’s been so long, that’s good enough, just put Extended)

    Approx 3 months I think.

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other (if other, please explain)

    I usually fight aggressive but I can do support and incombat repairs (bigger ships)etc (Anything you need me to do.)


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Councillor Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    The new weapons update includes chargy beamy type things. You guys could build scarabs and locusts and glassing beam type things. ^^


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Purchased!
    Truce isn\'t an alliance it just means. No shooting each other. An alliance on the other hand is working together against a common enemy. So if you want a truce just PM me
    Jul 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    --bluelightningwizard, 16 , male

    --got too much time and want to get back into action in starmade.

    --any role can be assigned to me but I prefer the role of engineer and special ops.

    --I engoy tactical aspects of any game and find my self very good at it.

    --the ship I would like to fly is the one appropriate for the mission.


    --I like a well planned out attack, to hit the enemy when they least expect.
    Jan 9, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    ~~ 33youtube,13,male

    i would like to join becouse i am a extreme fan of halo mostly the covenant ive read most of the books beaten all of the games two

    id like to be a special operations

    why becouse i have a lone wolf fighting style and do infintrations

    i would fly a steath fighter

    long enouth

    other infiltrations