The Covenant Empire

    Jun 29, 2013
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    Alright, I\'ve sent a message to every member of the Covenant that I could catalog. If you didn\'t get one, please notify me. It contains the IP for the new server, and I sent it to new members as well as old. Hope to see you guys there! (aside from towerbilder, whose dog appears to have died, and anyone who actually downloaded and played SCP Containment Breach, because they will be too sleep deprived to play Starmade).

    Aug 2, 2013
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    I got the IP (yay!) BUT! there appears to be nobody on. ever. We should establish some sort of time that we can all be on and do... stuff! Im off and on just about all hours of the day, U.S. central time, but dont know where everyone else is :P. Also, trying to balance my time between this and Kerbal Space Program, part of a science organisation (ISSO). Cheers!

    Sep 1, 2013
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    i agree a time frame for all to try to get on at will help when I do get on its when I\'m finished my other games if you say 8:00 I will be thare sometimes tho I do try to be on at times whare thares not a Mass of peaple on becuse the computer I have ben using isn\'t the best my beast computer met a end some time ago when it found its long lost trend the floor after my desk gave out so I\'m working on geting a new one but when I do I will happily hang out with you and do the most lag making things we can think of untill then I live in the east cost USA time zone I\'m a Floridian and am available from 1:00pm-3:00am tho I try to be on 10:00pm ish for some just me time and the 11:00pm+ at if I have for a morning German ftb gaming groop (the Germans are fun in ftb)
    Aug 2, 2013
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    Towerbilder, please try to type...normaly? well anyways, I gather that, you, are on from 1pm, to 3am, and would be on starmade at about 10pm. East coast time. Question; towerbilder, do you speak german or some other language, and not know very good english?
    Sep 1, 2013
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    1 I don’t play starmade tru all that time that’s just my free time right now I’m playing 9:00 pm- 10:00pm but when i have a new desktop i will be able to play starmade with you at any time between 1:00pm and 10:00pm though I do have other severs and games i play on I’m just stating this so we might be able to one day say sometime like we will all try to be on around 5:00pm and we can all be playing to gather at that time this way we can actually play together

    2 I do live in the usa and was born hear but I can speak German and Korean and do so better then english
    Sep 1, 2013
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    1 i may not have time to come on the sever alot after the end of the month i will try to pop in when i can

    2 im working on tactical sistoms and battle stratighs and i found something interesting that will help

    i have found a patern of difent tipes of turents in the way of thare sise and what thay shoot and whare and how far thay go from eachother that will make a turrent grid around eny planit/larger ship thats biger then or same sise of a planit and up so far i have used this trick for a 10 by 10 by 10 sector area and it is by far the best

    up sides:

    it is powerfull to take verry very big ships on and destoy then fast

    each turent helps in its own way thare is 3 tipes and useing them right the turents will protect eachother and makeup for eachothers weekspots

    it looks awsome and if i can select whare and the hights of each bilding how meny and the locaton on the planit we deside to bild on next it will make it not only look more like a proper city but make it look more covent like then the last fixing the problem of it looking like a outpost instead of a home world

    down sides:

    i will ahve to paly the part of a bilder for a week or two to show whare the highest point and the lowist point of each bilding and whare thay must go

    it will reqwire alot of help from all of you to make the turents look covent

    it will need a welthy amout of power regen and storage to portect soemthing from a long atack

    thats all i hope you show some intest in this for i look forword to making this happen
    Sep 1, 2013
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    Some of you may have seen my new ship if I do get to me spec ops leader like I want to this ship will be the flag ship of special operations unit it is being made with some clawfish tricks that have been improved and fixed lately and even some new ones so expecting something wonderfull form this ship will do you well I\'ve already equipped 2 antimatter guns with 5000 damage and fully automatic like reload and she has thick shields and she is nowhere near finished I plan to make the antimatter guns 6-20 Times better and add more weapons the power is right now able to hold and im planing to make her more power generators she has the power to prepare and repare small ships already and she will be for show as well she already has a wonderfully command 1 thare will be 4 commands 1 docking and lots of other for show stuff I plan to remake part of the ship to mach part of our new home world to the block in a small airponics bay/housing/world simulator so I hope our new one has trees and we do the housing on the planit soon I may or may not make some tricky ftl utility\'s and yes not then one I think 2-4 ftl pilots may make us go faster or maintain top speeds longer and with the other tricks I plan to op this ship out

    /\\// edit

    we dont have rings in the game maby we shuld i can make a ship that will be big and the ungc can spread them out and we can have are pre defined battles at those rings

    what we can make them do //\\\\

    1 we can put them in a 3erd party fracton thats enmys of both ungc and covys and we can make turents on it so to capture the ring we must destoy the turents and the enmy team deploy a groop to go into a maze i can make with my maze genarator and fight tru it (at the battle you dont have to wait to bord it you just cant capture it without wining ferst leting thare be handgun battles thare in the maze while we fight for thecontrol of the space)

    2 you can destoy the rings so if your loosing as last resord you can destoy it but i will make thare be alot of shelds to make it hard to do

    \\\\// down sides

    1 it will be only 2000 blocks tall and wide becuse thats the bigest my genarater can make

    2 we mostlikely will have to change it so whoever fires it wins so the fact the ungc is more powerfull will not keep us from ever wining tho i have a feeling we will be stoped alot still

    \\\\\\//\\/\\ please help me make this better and stuff i think this will be cool to do
    Sep 1, 2013
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    this is not a aplacaton for towerbilder its for my brother even tho i will mostlikly be useing his acount he dusnt have a acount on the starmade web page right now so im using my acount to wright this out for him.

    --Username, age, and gender, (still working on username mostlikly gona be lizerdfrend-lizerddragon or something like that) 12 man (acts like hes 20+ so he will fit in well)

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire, to play with towerbilder as a difrent vew point when he is bulding and to play with him on a sever. he hates greefing and was having some trubles with that so he wants to try this

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: engenear, Pilot, Crew member, Ship Master/Shipmistress (must be Zealot rank or above to be Ship Master), or Special Operations (explanations below), engenear

    --Reason for choosing that role, he likes to make things and buld and most of the time he will be helping towerbilder build things

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: Banshee, Seraph, Spirit dropship(!), Phantom dropship, Light Corvette, Heavy Corvette(?), Supercarrier/Assault Carrier(!). If you are a class that does not normally pilot any sort of ship, then simply skip this question.

    --How long you have been playing Starmade (if you can’t remember because it’s been so long, that’s good enough, just put Extended) a few months

    --Which ranking system you would prefer (this is a vote): Ranks based on number of human kills, ranks based on length of time you have been playing Starmade, or ranks based entirely within roles. The ranking system with the highest number of votes within the month will win, however, I may change this, as I have come up with a fairly decent ranking system that combines all 3 of these ideas. I will continues the vote for now just to see what people\'s preferences are.

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other (if other, please explain) aggressive and charges alot defensive when shelds are down retreats/stops the chasing

    yet agen this is not for towerbilder but for his brother who wishes to join
    Jul 27, 2013
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    --Username, age, and gender (preferably over 13, please use English)

    Krosulhah, 14, Male

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire

    To help you guys.

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: Engineer, Pilot, Crew member, Ship Master/Shipmistress (must be Zealot rank or above to be Ship Master), or Special Operations (explanations below)


    --Reason for choosing that role

    Obviously not going to get shipmaster yet :p

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: Banshee, Seraph, Spirit dropship(!), Phantom dropship, Light Corvette, Heavy Corvette(?), Supercarrier/Assault Carrier(!). If you are a class that does not normally pilot any sort of ship, then simply skip this question.

    Well, One of Refirendums epic ships would be nice, but, once again, unlikely to happen so, a phantom i guess.

    --How long you have been playing Starmade (if you can’t remember because it’s been so long, that’s good enough, just put Extended)

    Extended extended. (its been that long)

    --Which ranking system you would prefer (this is a vote): Ranks based on number of human kills, ranks based on length of time you have been playing Starmade, or ranks based entirely within roles. The ranking system with the highest number of votes within the month will win, however, I may change this, as I have come up with a fairly decent ranking system that combines all 3 of these ideas. I will continues the vote for now just to see what people\'s preferences are. Within roles.

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other (if other, please explain)

    A mix of aggressive and defensive, I know when to fight and when im heavily outnumbered and outgunned.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    As for applications: Krosulhah is accepted. Towerbilder, if there\'s no name in the application, I can\'t very well accept it... Hopefully he will have a username soon.

    As for your earlier post, towerbilder, the photos of the ship you want to build are actually the same photos I was basing the Shadow of Winter on. Feel free to build your own rendition of it, though!

    The \"rings\" are called Halo rings, ringworlds, Installations, and various other names. If they end up getting built, they will be fairly massive, and will act like Forerunner bases (most likely). Plans for the Halo rings may already be in motion...

    Keep up the good work, everybody!
    Aug 2, 2013
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    Hey, if were (going to be) building halos... should there be a forerunner faction? I know that we, as a faction, are not the best at being on at the same time and working and such, but what of the forerunners? Should some of us be part time forerunner engineers, reconstructing the artifacts to the lost civilization? Should some of us, maybe half, create our own forerunner faction? If we have an actuall faction for them, of brand new people, that would NOT work, but just a group thats already here, working on building the forerunner stuff would be a good idea. Thanks!

    Redwork Studios, Redwork One.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    The forerunners have been impletemented a while back, they ARE working on improving the experience for our server, I just need them to make a faction page on the starmade forums to boost them gaining members. Neither UGSC or Covies need to focus on Forerunner tech anymore.

    Sep 1, 2013
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    elvensong if you can mesage all the covys what time your on and we all respond in that mesage what times were on it will make a base line so if you wan to meat with peples you can and mabb even make us a step closer to us being on around the same time
    Aug 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    --Username, age, and gender (preferably over 13, please use English) snereib 17 male

    --Reason for joining the Covenant Empire i`m looking for a big and active faction

    --What role you would like to serve in the Covenant: pilot/engineer

    --Reason for choosing that role: i like flying ships and my combat skills are pretty good but i dont mind building or repairing ships/outposts (i would also like to build my own ships)

    --What type of ship you would prefer to fly, if applicable: i`ll fly everything

    --How long you have been playing Starmade extended

    --Which ranking system you would prefer (this is a vote): based on number of humans killed

    --Your fighting style: aggressive, defensive, or other: (very) aggressive
    Sep 1, 2013
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    I see you answer all those posts at one time but missed the one whare I requested we use my new turrent patterns on home world I still wish to help with that if thare is still no home world or a response to this befor I get on I plan to be selecting a random world and making it look like a home world so you can see what it looks like and if you like it you can set it as home world

    As for my brother lizzarddragon123 is his user name he just desided