oh wow. are you guys going to use the same planet techinque now that the guys over at the ECO game are using? I have no idea whatsoever how they manage to pull this off with bricks.
From what I know of Eco, admittedly not a lot, it's a planet based game, where all gameplay content occurs on a single planet. There's no reason for it to be interactable or truly spherical externally, so it doesn't need to take that into account. What you're seeing in that image is the world wrapped around a non-interactable sphere, which is quite easy to do, it was done in StarMade for demo purposes:
This is explained in a 2013 post by
schema StarMade dev update: why spherical planets don't fit in a block world
There are ways to address the issues mentioned in that thread, like Seeds of Andromeda have done. However, this is vastly complex, incredibly resource intensive and it's still not perfect. It's not clear whether the approach they have taken supports seamless interaction from space. There are still issues with ground to orbit, and weird distortion effects. You'll find that the SoA devs have abandoned development on that game indefinitely. SoA is a multi planet based game, so it makes a lot of sense for them to spend all that time on planet to space transitions. Ships in StarMade need to to be able to directly interact with planets, not just enter atmosphere, but fire missiles, salvage beams, lasers etc. Hard to get right with the SoA approach (whether it's possible at all).
I don't know what system StarMade is using in that gif. However, I do know, that whatever they use, it's certainly not the same system as ECO, and highly unlikely it's the SoA approach.
My best guess would be warping the plates to look spherical, if the planets are large enough, the plates will be big enough for the "cracks" between them to be less noticeable from space. Additionally, you wouldn't notice on the surface until you came to the plate edges. If they had a nice transition animation between plates, it'd be quite an interesting experience. Whatever system they use, as long as it doesn't kill my frames, I'm happy