Read the title and opening lines, "Semi-Vague Computer Suggestion" andNo, no you can't! Not unless there's a way to link the computer directly to a block and we just established its not going to work that way. Linking 1 computer to 1 display is not an issue, but for the setup you showed you'd need multiple displays linked to a single computer and thats where shit goes wrong. I was assuming that's what you wanted which is why i didnt get the OP, but according to the OP this wouldn't be possible either. Keep in mind that displays can't just be copy pasted with the blueprints because they have to be in specific positions depending on the ship, so now people downloading the scripts need to redo these connections all over again.
I intentionally didn't say "THIS IS HOW IT HAS TO WORK AND THERE IS NO ROOM FOR CHANGE". You could link a computer to the display with C/V, or just place the computer next to it, or something like that. I dunno, that's down to schine.Forgive my crappy laid out suggestion, I'm doing 20 different things
Yes, there's other possible solutions, I've never debated that, I still stand by my belief that a computer system would be a welcome addition that would add alot.What is with all this password nonsense, that's not necessary. Having a password block would be a much simpler way of doing this , where you just activate it, get a prompt, and it outputs logic if right. If programming is added then the logic system might not see useful blocks added because "lol just use the computers, here's a script you can download" another reason they shouldn't coexist.
No, it's not a huge obstacle, so much so that it is taught to young children in school, using games like Minecraft!ACCESSIBLE??? Programming is a huge obstacle, not to you because you know it, but to every other fucking person on earth, NO IT IS NOT ACCESSIBLE.
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It just takes learning it. It's like logic, just with words instead of blocks, and a slightly different way to think things through. Instead of dealing with strictly binary logic systems and gates, you build a list of instructions. Perhaps you should look into the proposed systems instead of blindly blocking them Making a Password Protected Door - ComputerCraft Wiki
You don't need to know how to program to play the game if this got added, just like you don't need to learn the logic system, or use the faction mechanics, or fit weapons to your ship, or use the boarding mechanics.You dont need to know how to program Java to play starmade
Neither do the rails or logic we have, they barely add anything in the way of gameplay, all I can think off is automating factories. There's no need for ships like the Tigerlilly, we don't need chaindrives, we don't need LOD blocks. They're in the game because they're cool. Tigerlilly is used as promotional material for the game now, chain drives are fitted to every ship, LOD blocks add no gameplay, yet are now featured on most builds.EXCEPT THEY WONT WANT TO AND I JUST EXPLAINED WHY. Also the complex shit you're talking about is totally unnecessary for the game, like making your own metro or having programmable computers; they're neat but they don't fucking matter to the game.
They let us build better things. This suggestion would allow better things.
I started using computercraft with no prior experience in progrmaming. It taught me the basic concepts that I needed when I went into education. I've taught class mates with no prior experience in programming the basics of C#, allowing them to create simple things.Any idiot who takes 5 minutes to understand reactor lines can make efficient power system; That's in no fucking way comparable to programming. Hell you can figure them out on your own with a little experimentation. Im not saying don't add it because its not immediately obvious; what you're asking for is fucking complicated, YOU just know how it works.
People learn. They learn't the logic system, a programming language in it's own right. It's comprable to visual scripting systems like PlayMaker, and scratch, which lets you learn programming by arranging blocks.

No, it's like calling starmade obscure, which it is. There's a reason that starmade hasn't seen the mass adoption, well, there's many, but it's always going to be a niche game. It's one thing to spend a few hours watching a film, it's another to sink hours into space LEGO. Speaking of which, LEGO has their own programming line that gets used in schools.That's like calling star wars obscure.
The idea that programming is something that only nerds do and is closed off to everyone else because of some arbitrary skill barrier is stupid.
It's not limiting, it's not making logic inferior, it's just getting past a barrier that many people are annoyed by. I know several people that prefer to use a visual programming system over a real one, logic would still have a place in the game. It's just that computers could help improve that system.Again, explain to me why a game about building should limit building to people with programming skills, since people who can't program are going to be limited to an inferior system? And no, making these obscure gimmicky machines aren't a good reason to do that.