Saber's Thread


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    On an entirely different note, I wanted to share with you what was created on the stream last Thursday. Several of the items created were developed directly with viewer input. It was a very interactive experience and I had a ton of fun building stuff on the fly with everyone. So without further adieu here is a shot of what we made:

    I want to first say, before talking about each one that all of these were built in a matter of minutes, as such they are likely subject to change before implementation into the game AND there is no guarantee they will all make it, more on that with each description.

    From left to right:
    Transparent Display - This is something which has been discussed before by both the community and the dev team. The idea is to have a display with the same functionality as our current ones only with a transparent background to it. I also wanted to create something that could be used in various other ways. As a side note I've moved the display from a centered position, to one side of the block like the grates. That allows it to be used against a wall, or as a sort of glass handrail, or any number of other things.

    Solar Panel - In the current state of the game this is just a pipe dream. I'd love to have solar power be a thing, and have discussed it briefly with the dev team but we need to make sure we could balance it in with our upcoming system, as such no decision has been made though I plan to bring it up again in the near future.

    Wedge and Corner Consoles - I'm not 100% happy with these two, it's a shape that we need for consoles, and allows for diagonal consoles when used together, however they're a little too "sharp" feeling to me so I'll be trying out some other designs for them.

    (top to bottom on the right side now)

    Wedge Grates - A shape we've been needing for grates, so they can be better used for handrails next to wedges, or diagonal trusswork.

    Panel Button - Assuming we can get a few things currently missing from the Block Editor we should be able to have buttons that aren't the huge block we currently have.

    Panel Lever - This was straight from chat, and wasn't anything I was planning to make. The thought that came out of it though, was the Panel Button could maybe behave like a logic button, and the lever could maybe act like a logic Activator. Originally the lever was centered, but someone requested asymmetry to it so I added what would likely be nonfunctional buttons (or just lights) to the side of it.

    Bed - This one is really rough, just some boxes with chamfers, but could also be a barricade or two-tone panel. This one is also dependent on a system we don't yet have in the game which is the ability to place LOD objects larger than one cubic meter.

    Hopefully you enjoy the insight into the creation, and I had a blast working with the community in such an interactive manner. The majority of those assets I believe will make it in the game at some time or another, however I can't guarantee that they all will.
    that works for me (covers the broad idea).

    also, hows that explosive collar working out? - itchy? ;D
    There will be no explosive collar.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    I have said it before and I will say it again- allowing players to lock up another player is both extremely annoying, boring, and unfun for the person who is captured. At most you will just end up with them permanently logging out from the server. Keep it for NPC crew only if you're going to add something like this.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    There will be no explosive collar.
    *scraps gimp suit skin* :sick:

    Those consoles look great! They all look great!
    I think if you apply textures to the consoles they'll look fine.
    allowing players to lock up another player is both extremely annoying, boring, and unfun for the person who is captured

    Perhaps a server admin game control or timer mechanic could be used so servers can disable it if they wish.
    Also, the items could be hellishly expensive or technically nightmarish to manufacture.

    Top 4ce

    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    On an entirely different note, I wanted to share with you what was created on the stream last Thursday. Several of the items created were developed directly with viewer input. It was a very interactive experience and I had a ton of fun building stuff on the fly with everyone. So without further adieu here is a shot of what we made:

    I want to first say, before talking about each one that all of these were built in a matter of minutes, as such they are likely subject to change before implementation into the game AND there is no guarantee they will all make it, more on that with each description.

    From left to right:
    Transparent Display - This is something which has been discussed before by both the community and the dev team. The idea is to have a display with the same functionality as our current ones only with a transparent background to it. I also wanted to create something that could be used in various other ways. As a side note I've moved the display from a centered position, to one side of the block like the grates. That allows it to be used against a wall, or as a sort of glass handrail, or any number of other things.

    Solar Panel - In the current state of the game this is just a pipe dream. I'd love to have solar power be a thing, and have discussed it briefly with the dev team but we need to make sure we could balance it in with our upcoming system, as such no decision has been made though I plan to bring it up again in the near future.

    Wedge and Corner Consoles - I'm not 100% happy with these two, it's a shape that we need for consoles, and allows for diagonal consoles when used together, however they're a little too "sharp" feeling to me so I'll be trying out some other designs for them.

    (top to bottom on the right side now)

    Wedge Grates - A shape we've been needing for grates, so they can be better used for handrails next to wedges, or diagonal trusswork.

    Panel Button - Assuming we can get a few things currently missing from the Block Editor we should be able to have buttons that aren't the huge block we currently have.

    Panel Lever - This was straight from chat, and wasn't anything I was planning to make. The thought that came out of it though, was the Panel Button could maybe behave like a logic button, and the lever could maybe act like a logic Activator. Originally the lever was centered, but someone requested asymmetry to it so I added what would likely be nonfunctional buttons (or just lights) to the side of it.

    Bed - This one is really rough, just some boxes with chamfers, but could also be a barricade or two-tone panel. This one is also dependent on a system we don't yet have in the game which is the ability to place LOD objects larger than one cubic meter.

    Hopefully you enjoy the insight into the creation, and I had a blast working with the community in such an interactive manner. The majority of those assets I believe will make it in the game at some time or another, however I can't guarantee that they all will.
    There will be no explosive collar.

    Captain Tankman

    Cake Build Server Staff
    Oct 25, 2013
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    A thing about the bed
    As long as it's not possible for LOD objects to be bigger than 1m³, how about splitting it up? I can see these "half beds" stacked ontop of each other as nice shelves in a corner and when placed next to each other they form a bed.


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    A thing about the bed
    As long as it's not possible for LOD objects to be bigger than 1m³, how about splitting it up? I can see these "half beds" stacked ontop of each other as nice shelves in a corner and when placed next to each other they form a bed.
    Based on my last talk with Schema it isnt impossible, it actually didnt sound like it would be a huge problem, it just hasnt been worked on yet. In the event it won't work though you're correct. I'll need to split some assets into multiple parts. But only things that are a full two meters, anything less and I'll redesign it so it fits in one. Which is why the chair hasnt been released yet, we have a one meter, and 1.25 meter version.
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    May 8, 2015
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    Based on my last talk with Schema it isnt impossible, it actually didnt sound like it would be a huge problem, it just hasnt been worked on yet. In the event it won't work though you're correct. I'll need to split some assets into multiple parts. But only things that are a full two meters, anything less and I'll redesign it so it fits in one. Which is why the chair hasnt been released yet, we have a one meter, and 1.25 meter version.
    *whispers* show ussssss


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Which is why the chair hasnt been released yet, we have a one meter, and 1.25 meter version.
    Could we possibly have the 1m version soonish and the 1.25m version added later? A choice between a short and tall chair-back would be preferable anyway.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    Could we possibly have the 1m version soonish and the 1.25m version added later? A choice between a short and tall chair-back would be preferable anyway.
    I agree that it would be nice to have a choice (e.g. Captain's chair Vs. Pilot's chair) but there's not much point in releasing either unless they can actually be used by the game engine. Personally I want a chair which can be linked to a Core in order to remotely access it's Flight Mode. But, if that functionality hasn't been built for such a thing yet, then it's nothing but a pretty alternative placeholder to a wedge.
    Oct 11, 2016
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    hello saber i slabbed out some blocks that i think needed it. shaker said i should see if you wanted these for the game as a time saver so you devs didn't have to do it. here are some pics

    I'm not done yet i plan on slabbing some more that i haven't got to yet and some i what thinking on making the other shapes for id like to know what you think and if you might want them for the game when I'm done.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Not really Saber's area, as the models already exist. This would more be kupu's territory and ultimately Schema's
    Jul 7, 2013
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    Suggestion for a new decorative item: An antenna.

    This could be used to decorate an actual antennae array, the tip of a weapon output block, the nose of a small ship or generally cover something in spikes which would look good spiky.
    Oct 11, 2016
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    Suggestion for a new decorative item: An antenna.

    This could be used to decorate an actual antennae array, the tip of a weapon output block, the nose of a small ship or generally cover something in spikes which would look good spiky.
    still learning mate need a little time