[RP] Vivacitas | Whitelist | Modified economy | No catalog

    Sep 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Name: Praestanti \"Prae\"

    Age: 23

    Traits: Untrusting, slightly withdrawn, somewhat incapable in battle but great at navigation. If he trusts someone he is quiet but caring.

    Allegiance: Lunaris

    Bio: Originally from a planet on the borders between Solaris and Lunaris space, when a Solaris military fleet came across the colony and attacked it, Prae and the rest of the colonists attempted to escape on the light Frigate FCS Colonial. However the Solaris fleet attacked the Colonial and dealt severe damage to its hull, and destroyed its engines. In an attempt to survive, Prae and several others still alive entered cryo-sleep while the ship drifted away from the fleet. Roughly 2 months later he woke to find the Colonial\'s wreck had crashed on a moon, and that no other colonists had survived. Alone, he took the Colonial\'s shuttle and left towards Lunaris space.

    Military: While Praestanti has never been a good shot, he is an excellent pilot and a good navigator. If he does joint it would be as pilot, not gunner.

    Initial Plans: Get a decent ship and slowly gather salvage to make it bigger and eventually get a Battleship, or at least Frigate.
    Sep 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Character name: Grant

    • Age: 22 (IG: 31)
    • Traits: Loyal to the highest bidder, coldhearted, dedicated, intelligent when it comes down to devastate his foes, lone wolf though he might ally with someone if he can get any benefits from it.
    • Bio:?

    G\'rant, former Lieutenant Senior Grade Gerard Rant of Lunaris.

    No Known Relatives.

    Current Position: Unknown

    Last Known Position: WF-X1Z

    G\'rant, L. SG. // Stardate 0805.07 // -3,-10, -5

    G. is about to enter the Solaris WF-X1Z facility. Cloak is working as intended...
    - inssufficent permission - - security level A5 or higher needed -
    Jammer Signal is ... - inssufficent permission - - security level A5 or higher needed -
    We can\'t ... - inssufficent permission - - security level A5 or higher needed - G. is still...
    - inssufficent permission - - security level A5 or higher needed - Abort Mission, Ab...

    - inssufficent permission - - security level A5 or higher needed -

    Left behind in a hostile surrounding, where loyalty didnt count a thing G\'rant managed to escape his fate. Abandoned by Lunaris, he now worships mankinds doom: money. Who ever pays the most gets what he wants. Guardiance. Assassinations. Robbery, you name it - he does it. If the price is right.

    Fake ID\'s, ten years of sabotage experience and a handfull of luck managed to get him a Solaris citizenship. Now waiting in its safehaven to pickup some rumors and valuable jobs.

    • Allegiance: //
    • Do you plan to join the military? No (see Bio)
    • Initial plans upon joining server: Work as a mercenary. I had so much fun playing around with the explosives on SP I wanted to step it up and go into MP with it. I am also a huge RP fan and I am quite excited about how RP in SM will turn out.
    • Other: Docendo Discimus though in my terms I prefer Amat Victoria Curam.
      Besides that, I am from germany so I will probably be online when most of the Americans are asleep, which kind of fits my role of a sabotuer mercenary. Acting in the dark and such. Well I am looking forward to it and hope I get a spot on the WL.

      Best regards, tryyy or G\'rant


    Meat Popsicle
    May 29, 2013
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    The wiki could be more user friendly. Unless you come to this site first it can be difficult to find the application process.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    We spoke via the messaging system here on the website, but I just wanted to thank you again for your interest in the server. I hope you find one that you\'ll have fun building on!
    Jul 22, 2013
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    I really appreciate your persistence, Alexandros. Unfortunately, though, I have to deny your application (for same the reasons that I detailed in a previous private message to you). The server is first and foremost a roleplay server, and as such it relies heavily on the textual interaction between players. I feel that there would be some difficulties in this department which would contribute to a less fun environment for you. Again, thank you for your interest, and I hope you find a fun server to play on! There are many here in the forums that I\'ve had the pleasure and privelege with which to spend time.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Hello, Prae! Thanks for the application. However, I ask that you carefully review the rules in the initial post. Also, could you provide some context about why the Solaris Royal Navy would attack the colony your character is from? They don\'t simply murder civilians willy-nilly. The lore hook in the initial post also has you arriving at a customs station after a pirate attack on your ship. Could you expand the circumstances under which that happened after the Colonial\'s shuttle left towards Lunaris space?
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Thanks for the application, G\'rant! I enjoy these profiles that include transmission logs and creative use of security redaction. I would like to see, though, an expansion on the circumstances that brought your character to the Lunaris customs station (lore hook provided in the initial post) after being robbed by dirty rotten pirates.

    Also, collectively the community on the server has agreed that they don\'t want to allow players messing with other players\' ships, bases, possessions while the person is offline. It\'s simply in good sport to allow someone to respond and/or retaliate. So, your planned role as a sabotuer mercenary may be hampered by that. Finally, we have some folks on the server that are in European time zones - so, there would certainly be people to interact with when us Americans are sleeping. :)
    Jul 22, 2013
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    While I disagree with your assessment of the quality of the wikia, I do agree that it is lacking in directing prospective players to information about how to apply to the server. That information is contained in the \"Server Info\" section of the wikia, but I\'ve made edits to the main page to make that navigation easier and direct people more clearly.

    Sorry about deleting your additions, but you added the pages before even applying or being accepted to the server. This may have been a result of the confusion surrounding how to join, but happily you did find the StarMade forum application thread. Your additions did seem \"trolly\" which raised a red flag with me (what with your character name being a mash up of \"Don\'t taze me, bro\". However, if you don\'t have a copy of the text you inputted into the wikia, I\'d be happy to reinstate the pages to copy the text over to a private message so that you can have what you wrote.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Character name: Vestalia

    Age: 22

    Traits: Quiet, Obidient, Anti-social

    Bio: She was a calm girl, always following those she admired. [EDIT] She was taken into custordy with Rassilon when his ship was detroyed, she tried to get away in the escape pods which is why she was taken into Customs to be checked over, unlike the other passangers who were clearly held against their will. They were released instantly, then [EDIT] when she saw Rassilon get through with his fake papers, she tried as well. It didn\'t work and they were split up, she knew Rassilon would come back...she hoped, atleast. He did, after two days he payed her bail and put her on his ship and transported her all the way to his base, where she was then taught how to build Ship systems and use Guns, as she was just a follower before, but now as they are both outcasts and parted from the oldways, they have to join forces and make an empire.

    Allegiance: Solaris

    Do you plan to join the military? Nope

    Initial plans upon joining server: Jump on Rassilons ship and fly over, then use his ships to get myself some money.

    Other: Docendo Discimus
    Sep 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Fair enough. I could make it that it was formerly a Solaris mining colony, so a misconception led the Solaris Navy to believe it had been attacked by Lunaris, although it had been abandoned a few years earlier.

    Name: Praestanti \"Prae\"

    Age: 23

    Traits: Untrusting, slightly withdrawn, somewhat incapable in battle but great at navigation. If he trusts someone he is quiet but caring, although he is quick to rescind(is rescind the right word?) this trust.

    Allegiance: Lunaris

    Bio: Originally from a planet on the borders between Solaris and Lunaris space, when a Solaris Navy fleet came across the colony and attacked it, believing that Lunaris people had attacked the former Solaris colony for its rich resources, although the colony had been abandoned years earlier, Prae and the rest of the colonists attempted to escape on the light Frigate FCS Colonial. However the Solaris fleet attacked the Colonial and dealt severe damage to its hull, and destroyed its engines. In an attempt to survive, Prae and several others still alive entered cryo-sleep while the ship drifted away from the fleet. Roughly 2 months later he woke to find the Colonial\'s wreck had crashed on a moon, and that no other colonists had survived. Alone, he took the Colonial\'s shuttle and left towards Lunaris space. After narrowly evading a pirate band he reached, he reached Lunaris Prime he found that airspace(airspace?) over the planet was too thick, and his shuttle had been damaged more than he thought by the pirates, and so (roughly) landed outside Lunaris Customs.

    Plan to join the Military?: While Praestanti has never been a good shot, he is an excellent pilot and a good navigator. If he does joint it would be as pilot, not gunner.

    Initial Plans: Get a decent ship and slowly gather salvage to make it bigger and eventually get a Battleship, or at least Frigate.

    Other:My play time is often a little sporadic, as I do have other things to attend to, but I will usually come on about twice to four times a week.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanks for making the revisions I requested! It seems like \"The Business\" is going to be growing. See you serverside. :)

    Whitelist name: Vestalia
    Jul 30, 2013
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    Character name:Mitchet pronounced (mich-it


    Traits:a buiseniss man

    Allegiance Lunaris

    Bio(the longest thing i have made on this website) Mitchet Grew up on a planet still not mapped on the average Starmap on this Exclusive planet Mitchet Learned EVERYTHING he would ever need in his life. Or so He thought On this Planet Mitchet Became as some would say \"superhuman\" Now now Your probobly asking Why does he feel like leaving? The reson for this is well He dident quite fit in He was Above all else even in the Superhuman Catagory, One day On this unamed planet witch we will call OMEGA-466 Mitchet Was having a standerd a standered Day with his friends Killing weaking humans and giants When A announce ment comes over the loud Speaker withc is actually as cleverly made Cave system And according to what we can gather it said something like this ALPHA_BROV___Camero_EZ EZ witch in english is basically \"A GIANT CARGO SHIP IS CRASHING MAKE SURE TO GET OUT OF THE Way but Mitchet Being Above human standereds Even in the Superhuman catagory Looked up and saw This massive ship And from what he coudl glimpse it was called the Horizon And Mitchet Being the kind of guy he his just stood there with his arms Extended And he knees bent And as this massive ship approched It impaced with Mitchet Pushing him an estimated 5 miles still trying to slow this ship down. Adventually after about 6 Days Mitchet HAS Dug this Massive ship out of the ice lava And Gets a good look At just What He has found he realises Its somekind of trading ship but Mitchet Being the kind of aweosme person he is Has it refitted for his own purposes This only took him a record of 3000 years (his species Has extrodanarily long life spans) He has this ship Completely Refitted with Guns Hangers Crew rooms and much much more This ship is renamed the Sun Set and Mitchet Claims its a force to be reconed with Mitchet Then brings several Of his Best friends With him to explore the universe Mitchet Has landed on the planet Luraris Prime His ship is deffinitly Not the most pretty Ship ever but it works After having his ship Refules Mitchet is confronted by a customs official That goes my UNAMED after giving him a brief History He Left the planet to explore the galaxy (PS his friends died Via a certain pirate)

    Plan to join the Military? Will they accept a thing that can sorta hold back a Huge cargo frigate? if so then yes i will join

    Initial Plans Try to resist the urg to kill humans \"Keep working on refitting his ship\" possibly Ally with other players (Yea right well anyone have an opening for Anger management?

    Other Docendo Discomis ( I HOPe you enjoyed this :D
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Thanks for incorporating my feedback and making the changes! The bio looks good now. There\'s still something missing, though. Hint: Read through the rules carefully.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    IGN: Captian Edward

    Traits: Great leader and constructor.


    Bio: Once a man of earth now a man of space has decided on making the best crew in the universe, he will search many galaxies for the sake of having the best crew. The reason behind him wanting to do this is the fact that his father was a great caption among the military, ever since his dad died he has wanted to become the best captain in the universe

    Allegiance: None Yet

    Do you plan to join the military? Nope

    Initial plans upon joining server: Survive Pirate Attacks farm Minerals and Explore Space
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Character name: Xero Duvall

    Age: 22

    Traits: Free-spirited, is skilled in piloting and a decent strategest, however rarely submits to the dicipline neccesary to operate in a larger force. He is adept at designing and repairing ships. Considers himself an intellectual, however lacks patience and discipline.

    Bio: Xero was born into a family of substantial wealth on Terra, and sent to a military academy to win glory for Solaris and the family name. However, this life was not for him, and as soon as he was able to gather the funds, he left for a ship-engineering academy off-planet.

    After completing his courses at the academy, Xero decided to travel away from the well-charted, safe sectors he had lived in, and seek his fortune among the stars.

    Allegiance: Citizen of Solaris

    Do you plan to join the military? Sir, no sir!

    Initial plans upon joining server: Build a small ship and explore the stars.

    Other: Docendo Discimus
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Let me start off by staying that the server has been great so far. Lots of good RP going on. I would also like to commend you for being so attentive and punctual with replies in this topic.

    Anyway, I have a few questions.

    First, is there a better place to have these sort of discussions? I don\'t want to interfere with the application process by filling this topic with server related talk and making it harder to find new applications.

    Second, could you get/make a new ship classification chart? The one we are supposed to be following is a mess. There are a ton of errors on it, like ship size classes overlapping, ship types appearing in multiple size classes, and the only ship type listed under frigate is a destroyer, which is generally a different type of ship altogether. The ship sizes get to big to quickly as well. The only reasonably sized ships above corvette class are all listed as frigates and if you were to build bigger than that they would be ridiculously huge. I\'d prefer to see the chart top out at 480 meters, which is as long as a planet is wide. I\'m prepared to submit my own revised chart for review if you think it would help out.

    Third, can I have a second name added to the white list? I wanted to make some environmental props, such as the stasis chamber my character was in, alien ruins, etc. But, I realized that didn\'t make much sense to have Victor building them since he\'s not supposed to know about some of them or they were supposed to be there before he woke up. It would also make it easier to distinguish between when I\'m in game working on a build, and when I\'m actually in game as my character. If you do agree, I\'d like to use my regular IGN, sagethe13th.

    I stand by whatever decisions you make regarding these requests.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I really don\'t know what I\'m missing here. I\'ve looked at the rules like 3 times.

    Docendo discimus? Seriously, throw me a bone here.