[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 24, 2013
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    -------character stuff--------

    Character name: Apples

    Character age:\"my age would result in an arguement that would take far too long\"

    Personality: Sparatic, Businiess minded, eccentric, creative


    \"Hello there little one, would you like to hear a story\"

    \"Yes, Please Mister!\"

    \"That will be $5.25\"

    *throws money at mans face*

    \"First lets start with my name, I am the GREAT Apples, now you may be curious and wondering why my name is so strange, well my parents left the hospital while i was getting my shots, and the nurse who named me was high. Growing up with the name wasn\'t so hard most people ignored it, primarily because i was entertaining enough to get a chukle out of anyone, i brought people together\"

    \"Gee Mister, you sure sound nice!\"

    \"SHADDUP I\'M NOT FINISHED\" \"now, where were we, oh yes. after the development of the juggernaut, we had seen it on the news so much, it\'s iconic shape was Unmissable, Eternia was just about to establish an Empire, they decided to do so on my home planet as there capital. one day, in the skyline I woke up to see the juggernaut, just hovering ominously in mid air. I began to panic, running threw the streets, to the disaster Center, seeing how crowded it was, i realised. This is the end. I turned and walked instead of the disaster center, to a casino. and started playing the slots, what can money do once you\'re dead, right. It was then that i had the idea, Steal the TrSpace, a small fighter that was the grand prize, once the workers turned there backs, to go have an \"end of the world drink\" I rushed to the TrSpace, hopping i it, and blasting off straight between the legs of the neon woman above the casino! I flew, not stopping, by the time I looked back, my home Planet was just a spec, when i looked forward again, a Briggadeir was Pulled out directly in front of me, slamming on the breaks, attemting everything to avoid the ship, I spun wildly out of control, the spastic paterns cought the Eternia soldiers Attention, I was arrested for grand theft auto, and drunken driving, thats how i got here.\"

    \"How long have you been here?\"

    \"four years\"

    \"how old were you when Eternia attacked?\"


    \"so your 21?\"

    \"Don\'t go starting arguements kid!\"


    Escape Prison, Start a Business(They think my name is steven Muahaha), possibly join dendrakes \"Evolution\"

    Other: I liked my planet better, WHEN IT WAS\'NT YOURS, Death to Eternia!
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Ok then, your application now passes, welcome to the server once we are live you will be good to go.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Here\'s a hell of a surprise for you guys. I\'ve extended the new beta limit to FIFTEEN rather than ten. Here\'s the next ten accepted people, and with this we go into the second phase of beta, and the sessions have been extended to four hours.

    If your on the list, please PM me and I will send you the IP. This is to prove that you are active, and are willing to check the post often.










    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character name: LoadedPig

    Age: 21

    Personality: Kind, creative, thoughtful, fiery, funny, explosive when annoyed.

    Bio: Everything, everything lost. My family, my friends, and my honor, its all gone. Taken from me by the Empire. I swear I\'ll get my revenge if I get off this god damn ship. Intercom: Prisoner 27 report to office 6! Damn it I haven\'t don\'t anything what do they want with me? ... So Zach Trenton is it?-Officer. Yes sir.-Zach. As I heard it you\'re here because you rebelled at a shooting?-Officer. Yes.-Zach. Well I would like to tell you something. I\'m not with the Empire, I\'m a rebel spy. And I\'m helping some others prisoners break out tonight. If you are willing to join the cause you can come.-Officer. Why, why yes please I would love to join.-Zach. OK then here are papers that will let you enter the hanger. It has to be tonight.-Officer. Thank you.-Zach.

    Plans on server: help any rebels and build a ship yard and a ship that can take down the Empire Erernia if possible.

    Other: Eternia
    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Name: Ixalite

    Age: 42

    Personality: Surly

    An Ex-Commodore in the navy of a conquered star-system, Ixalite Arbetoir is of vaguely asian extraction, somewhat overweight, bald, and wears a moustache. A brilliant tactician, and true believer in the cause of freedom and self-determination, the young commodore Arbetoir was taken prisoner when his system was overrun by Eternian forces fifteen years ago. Years of not so much torture as neglect and beurocratic apathy in the prison system have long sense drained any sense of vibrancy or joie de vivre from the once bucolic officer. His pollitical views are completely neutral, as he truly believes that nations are comprised mostly of people just trying to make their own way. Dispite an utter lack of offensive-mindedness, he will nonetheless react strongly to threats, remembering the glory days of commerce protection and the defense of his long lost homeland.

    Plans for character:
    Ixalite plans to seek commission as captain of an armed merchant-cruiser in the 1000 tonne range, carying trade and Quietly policing the trade lanes on the periphery of imperial space.

    Other: Eternia is full of people!

    ((I plan to bring to the server plans for several classes of lightly armed (but VERY large) merchant ships, utilizing a modular cargo docking system. The Seiglinder herself will be a 1000+ tonne merchant vessel with several concealed turrets, concealed main gun, and some armed \"cargo boxes\" as well as carying regular trade. I figure I would make a good attempt at a fairly law-abiding \"innocent merchant\" for other RPers to riff on, running out the guns only when necessary. I do hate to say it, but most of my ships tend to be... large, so I expect to have at least the firepower of a destoryer even with most of the hull devoted to peaceful ends. I am open to suggestion or rejection of this character/plot idea.))((edited: thanks for the catch there. The point where cpt Arbetoir would be taken from prison (on the heil?) and given opportunities would be a good place to start, would it not?))
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Well, you are on the Hail but, it is kinda important that as a player you start in a cell for both RP and in-game reasons. Also while we don\'t have any rules when it comes to names, I feel that the name is a bit odd for the setting.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    Looks like Evolution will be getting two more members on the server even before the end of beta! We will become the SuperPower!!
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    So... I decided some shameless advertising couldn\'t hurt so I decided to make this little post.

    Evolution, the bounty hunter faction of Eternia, is recruiting! If you wish to apply you can head to the topic here.

    You can also check out the ESI line of Evolution\'s ships here.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Darkwolf

    Age: 20

    Personallity / Additional Information: Chearful and peppy, loves to have a laugh and laze about but does have a serious and caring side to him when the time comes. Due to having a PHMC (a Privately Hired Millitary Company) background he has alot of tactical knowledge to him which gives him a slight edge when it comes to certain situations, depending on what ship he is in naturally.

    Bio: This was found to be made using a typewrighter, placed in one of the cells for the inmates to use though it seems the ink now is all used up.

    Where shall I start.. It seems that I have found myself in a situation which I didn\'t expect to be in, stuck on a prision ship for just doing my job right.

    My name is Alexander Vontinsky, a mercenary in part of a privatly hired millitary company which was used to assist in the convoy of colonial ships which were to colonise local planets for others to begin new lives on. Just a normal thing for me really, defending those who cannot against those who would try to harm them.

    Apart from my job, I\'m just a normal boy.. well man now really, turned 20 last week; still feel like a kid at times though, been hard away from the family and this doesn\'t help. Was raised on a planet not too far from here now that I think of it, I wonder how everyone would be doing back at home, probably would be having a nice roast dinner tonight. I can just imagine my mother walking in with her classic right about now, would love to see that but.. all I see now around me is the cold steel walls of this cell..

    Aparently while I was helping a convoy of transport ships with goods for the planet below, a group of marauders decided it would be \'fun\' to throw a few 30 missiles out way... the transport ship went down before we realised what was happening and we had a dogfight on our hands.

    It was an even fight until a Eternia company dispatch appeared to \'assist\' with the situation... little did we know that they would arrest us too for \'vigilantal millitary work\' which to them was not allowed... Seriously? Not allowed by THEM? We were hired to defend so we had contracts and everything, we were helping the civilians while others would not. This is what I don\'t get.

    I heard a few others talking about some ways through the ship to the escape pods near the back of the ship, I might try to follow them tomorrow and get out of here, I don\'t really want to know where we are headding in this ship but I know that I do not deserve to be here, and from the people I\'ve talked to here too.. I can say that alot here also feel the same.

    I hope tomorrow goes well...

    Starting Information: (due to the change in lore, the bio is the same though because its something which was wrote down on a peice of paper in his cell) Due to the destruction of Hail, I will start with not much but being stranded with some others would be a good idea to get me started, maybe finding a broken ship or something would work for me (or have a broken or basic ship nearby)

    Plans for on server: Well you can get a good idea of what I might do in the future in the \'other\' section but this is just an idea, tbh my roleplay could go either way at any time, but I will be setting up a neutral zone at some point for all to use :) sorta like a bit trading port.

    Other: \'With the confusion of Eternia on his mind, he wants to find a way to prove that what he was doing was the right thing. Eternia it seems have gone far from the path it once first stood for and he will try to see what he can do to fix this... even if that means replacement.\'
    Jun 27, 2013
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    i have been a member of evolution (the same corp as dandrake) for about 0.5/1.0 year now and i am the number 4 poster on the website.
    i can type and read english without any probleme. i only miss things from time to time and thats when i use google translate. so i dont miss it a second time.

    altho i have to say my grammer isent the best (most peaple agree with that statement)
    Jun 27, 2013
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    lol it might be smart to chanse the rule a bit so it is more clear what to do seeing how i am not the only player who dosend get it (without google translate)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The thread for the glorious Ryzan Empire is being written. Should be up today.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Character Name: SiaXiz & tville1244

    Age: 17 and 17

    Personality: Calm, Creative.

    Bio (one paragraph minimum!): We\'re 2 friends, seeking some RP action. I\'m writing my friends application here aswell, hoping to get accepted, as he is not able to write this at the moment. We\'re passionate ship builders and we\'d like to start a faction.

    Plans once your in the server: Make a faction named \"The Trade Federation\" and work our way to become a superpower in the game.

    Other: I\'ve got a lot of great ships for our faction in the catalouge (That I\'ve created myself, all of them), so if you guys are up for some fun RP battles, let us in! :D
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    The Bio is for your character, not you.

    You\'ve missed some stuff, go and reread the rules.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Your application overall is pretty sound, however you are missing a part go back and reread the rules.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Thanks for the help Java, although it wouldn\'t have taken too long to go through these applications it\'s still nice that someone else is helping out with them.