[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Maybe you guys could make several Massive joinable factions: Eternia Military and Rebelion, along with all of the player factions. So the players in Military and the players in Rebelion could have missions to fight eachother, and the player factions could decide to ally eachother and the large factions. Just to make the story line more interesting and so players can fight eachother without risk of banning. Also you guys could have ship yards where players can save ships in their catalouges and buy them. So rebels could buy their own rebel ships and Military players could do the same.

    Just a few ideas
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Players are left to do whatever they wish. Be that they join Rebels or make their own faction, it\'s up to them. Currently we have two other than Rebels and Eternia. That would be Evolution and I can\'t remember Java\'s.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Ok, right we did decide recently to make an age requirment for characters, that being 18-50 years old. This is not your actual age but the chatacter you want to play. As for your bio, just please try to write more then a sentence you need to do more then that. Last thing is you need to reread the rules, they are important.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    RP name: Lance Dolenson


    Personality:Due to abandonment Dolenson is broken but acts tough and like he simply doesn\'t care anymore for anything exept one thing. The last thing he has left, the empire he grew up with and will hold onto it to the death.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Lance Dolenson grew up in a wealthy family. He was the son of a succesful bussinessman. Soon after he finished his studies earlier this summer his dad fell ill and lost his money to a crooked partner. With in two weeks of that Greg Dolenson was dead. His mother did not work and could not find any. He was tossed out onto the streets by her while she hogged the last of his fathers money. Lance found his way into the Eternia military that accepted him and found him valuable due to his natural as a spy. He was cunning, a pathelogical liar, (which is simply one who does not produce stress hormones allowing them to lie well among other things) and athletic. Now he is preforming his first mission after a recent promotion.


    Lt. Dolenson, this is your mission breifing as you continue you great work for you Eternia. This mission will be as a spy on the friendly ship the Hail. We have caught what we believe to be a high ranking rebel. We need a spy that we can trust to go in. Torture only leads to bads information. Get any and all information out of him. We think he is Cpt. Cannon of the Rector. If we capture that signature rebel frigate we will crush the morale of the rebels and deter those who may join. Cannon should have the coords. After this mission you will be asigned a ship that you are to stay on and mabye command one day.

    Good Luck

    Plans once your in the server:See what info I can get out of Rebels on the Hail then report for duty and help Eternia!

    Other:Eternia will always prevail!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This is missing a name (an in-game character name). Also, the age and personality are your character\'s, not yours.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Was a fun BETA session, found some juggernaut pirates and made my new mining ship
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So, it\'s after the beta has ended and i never got the ip, though i was told i was an accepted admission. I assume this means that I and others accepted are on the whitelist and simply need to wait for the ip to be publicly posted. Correct?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Is there a scheduled date for all the accepted applicants to be allowed on? And will it be on a strict schedule, or 24/7 uptime?
    Jun 22, 2013
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    For beta, we do have set times when the server is active, its so we actually play during the same time. Five or ten players is not enough to keep constant activity 24/7, so shorter sessions means we actually do something. To my knowledge when we go public it will be a 24/7 server.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I have not made any date for the beta to end. When it ends, the server will be 24/7
    Mar 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Legion

    Age: 31

    Personality: Very eccentric. (if not entirely insane) Speaks to himself rather often, especially when working through problems. Fairly reserved, but extremely loyal to anyone who has earned his respect. Inwardly extremely arrogant, but rarely displays this. Will always do his job, but wont hesitate to point out someones mistake or suggest something better.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    There wasn\'t a man in the TCC engineer program who was perfectly sane. Being hooked up to the ARM interfaces for hours on end, staring at electronics and managing the ship\'s systems, was enough to make anyone go mad if they werent already a bit off.

    Daniel Draiden was recruited into the TCC Cruiser Engineer Program at 18, and very quickly excelled. There were many good Engineers, who could solve problems with power distribution and create improvised work arounds and munitions using a Cruiser\'s nanite factories. But Lt. Draiden didn\'t simply fix problems, his ships evolved.

    In a TCC (Tyrannan Cosmonautical Corporation) Cruiser, the Engineer was arguably the most important man on the ship. The Commander called the shots, but it was the Engineer who kept the ship running and adapted its systems in the heat of battle. Each TCC Cruiser was large, but with very few internal corridors. The bulk of the ship was made out the IntelFrame, the Nanite Factories, and raw material storage. The reason for this unorthodox layout is the Adaptive Re-purposement Module. (ARM) The ARM is a series of networked nano-fabrication units designed to allow an Engineer to quickly make changes to a ship in-flight, allowing for a much greater ability in combat. The ARM allows the Cruiser to adapt to any situation, if its got a good engineer. If Anti-Matter Cannons need a power boost, the Engineer can quickly re-create power conduits to accomodate. If one side of the ship is taking more fire than another, the Engineer can fabricate new emitters on that side. If an enemy has a unique or particularly troublesome hull, the Engineer can modify the Cruiser\'s torpedoes to compensate.

    And Lt. Draiden was one of the best Engineers in the TCC fleet. After a string of unlikely and particularly innovative successes, and due to his eccentric nature, Lt. Draiden earned the nickname \"Legion.\" It stuck, and even he uses it as his name now.

    On a recent mission, Legion was asked by the Cruiser\'s Commander to create a missile designed to cause maximum loss of life to any un-shielded target. Legion followed his orders. What he did not know however was that the Commander intended to use these missiles to strike at unshielded human transport vessels owned by Eternia, to settle a personal vendetta against them. When Legion\'s Cruiser came upon the intended target, there were unexpected escort ships. The Commander fired on the transport vessel, and due to Legions modifications of the on-board torpedoes, killed all on board. The escorting vessels returned fire, and the battle was cut short when one of the vessels, knowing it would soon be destroyed, put itself on a collision course with the Cruiser, crippling it. The Cruiser was boarded, and all crew taken prisoner by Eternia forces.

    Legion has been incarcerated for months now. Isolation and a lack of tasks has caused Legion to get progressively more eccentric and restless. He wants out, and doesn\'t much care how.

    Plans once your in the server:

    Immediate goals: Get off that ship.

    Short Term: Find and return to the TCC OR join Eternia if the work environment and goals are acceptable.

    Long Term: If returned to TCC, promote their longstanding mission. If joined Eternia, promote their longstanding goals.

    Other: \"Death to Eternia\" sounds so catchy, but I dont know, maybe they are ok people.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Hello people. So, I understand you are all waiting for the server in your whitelist. If any of you play Minecraft and would take part in a RP server there by me, say so. I could construct both servers, since Eternia is near completion. If I made a Minecraft one, it would be a fantasy setting similar to Skyrim, but not a complete clone. The Minecraft one wouldn\'t take long to setup, as I\'d arrange the lore in such a way that I wouldn\'t have to do much construction.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Jagun

    Age: 22 for character, 15 for real life.

    Personality: Intelligent, cold, indifferent

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Born and raised in a colony ship gone rouge, Jagun never really had many ideas on what was out in the reaches of space due to the ship having to avoid nearly all other ships and planets to be undetected, so he focused on education instead of wondering. One day he found out from a radio transmission that the ship he lived on was a criminal ship and couldn\'t believe it. He knew he couldn\'t do anything about it though, so he kept living life as normally as he could. A few weeks after, the ship got caught in a military checkpoint and was recognized and boarded. Since he was around 10 at the time, the military decided to put him in an orphanage. He was adopted by a military family and he feels he needs to continue that legacy.

    Plans once you\'re in the server: Join the military and fight the criminals that threaten us.

    Other: Eternia or whatever it is. Just don\'t eat my soul.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I\'m not sure about your application. Players start as a prisioner aboard the ship Hail, while your application overall is sound I can\'t approve it as of right now. Tweak it a bit, maybe instead of going to the orphanage he went to the Hail, for this he could have also been older. These are just ideas, it\'s your character do what you want, but every player has to generally start in the same plance, aboard the Hail.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You\'re good to go now, when the server goes live you will recive the IP then.