[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Character Name: Crusader


    Personality:Tough, Moulded by his stay on the Hail. Dislike in corruption, Educated, Serious, Reserved, Intelectual,Quiet


    Life was good, You could say it was perfect until Eternia came. My familly, The Aggrodamus family have been know for Centuries as a powerful yet good ruling familly. I was 17 years, almost 18. I had the best education on my planet of Titan. My education was supposed to end at 18 becuase that was the time when i would start ruling and contine my familiy\'s legacy on the planet. Then came Eternia, Eternia that horrible pestilence... When they first arrived that where willing to offer me and my people supplies and weaponary for Plurum (our most abundend resource that was used to make shields and mega conductors). They had a good bargin, but as time passed, they demanded more, and they payed us less. I tried to stop this, but doing so would make Eternia attack. I tried to help but spreading the truth about these cold people. Eternia wasn\'t happy with me. After i delivered to the people the truth about Eternia and what is was planning to do, my parents and familly have been kidnapped! It turned out that they have been taken and drugged by Ethernia to say that I have lost my mind. The people believed what Eternia told them. They though that i was the one who kept the money and made the nation poor. Sourounded on all sides, I was arrested by Eternia and sentenced to be on the Prison frigate of Hail. My stay isn\'t confirmed but i do not suspect isn\'t short. Abord the Hail, i was subject to torture, both Physical and Mental. Each and every time i was thinking how I could escape and distroy these cold monsters. I have made a few friends to make my \"stay\" less painful. I planned that once i escaped i would have my revenge for me, my familiy and my home planet. I spent weeks figuring ways i could escape the Hail. I found out that after a patrol i coudl sneek in and get a pod that could be directed where ever you want. For weeks i have attempted to weaken the lock so i can escape. That night i went past the patrol and got my ship. Now I can contine my plan. Using the information i learned across the years (weather it\'s in science or History) I will use it to defeat the Eternia. Though this isn\'t a moral action/s, it must be done to avenge my family and my people.

    Plans once your in the server:

    Build an Alliance that has no leader but rather everyone is equal and everybody has the same power (a direct democracy). These people will have the same goal in mind. To defeat Eternia, we won\'t be savages who hurt people that aren\'t involved with Eternia in a way that would threaten us. If anyone breaks a law, they are immediatly killed for their actions

    Bring to Justice the people who have suffered under the tyranny of Eternia.

    Have my own ship that fosters the alience or have a base that fosters the members.

    Other: Eternia must be brought to justice for their crimes!
    Jun 24, 2013
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    *I have already been accepted, just wanted to change a few things.

    Name: Eron Landsone

    Age: 27

    Personality: Cunning, Quiet, Smart, Tactical

    Bio: I was born to a young ship building couple in the Eternian owned Payele 6H. My father was a very talented craftsman, building small space rigs outfitted for combat and cargo. My Father\'s biggest client was the Eternian military, as they bought 100% of his JJ-263 fighters. After growing up around my father and his ships, I began to understand the mechanics and even help my Father. Some times we would travel to the Eternian Capitol to see the shipyards manufacturing Frigates and Dreadnoughts. From my very first trip to those very ship yards, I knew I wanted to pilot one of those mighty vessels.

    I stayed with my Father until I was 18, my Mother had passed away when I was16, and my Father was now dieing too. His wish for me while I sat next to his deathbed was that I continue his buisness. I didnt have the heart to an old dieing man that that was not what I dreamed of, so I told him of course I would continue his legacy. After my Father died I stayed on the homeworld making a few ships here and there. one year a Merchant and his beautiful daughter showed up and asked me for a large cargo freighter. In return I would have his daughter\'s hand in marriage. I eargerly accepted, and after a long year of being together we fell in love. The freighter was almost done, and now my wedding was closing in. I had never been so happy in my life.

    After we were wed my wife and I had a son, Erik Landsone. I was more than content with my family and loved them very much. But adventure was whispering my name, and soon enough it would become a screaming voice no man could resist. When Erik was 4 I was drafted into the Eternian Military, I rose quickly above my class in Strategy and Piloting. That was when my life long dream came true, I became pilot of the Eternian Frigate EverStar. I spent 4 long years of my sons life in the military, and finally I got out, many combat medals and comendations on my breast. I returned home to a ruined planet, my wife was one out of 27 survivors. My eight year old son had been murdered along with thousands of others by an Eternian Planet Crusher. My wife and I took an old JJ-263 from my fathers damaged warehouse and upgraded it to be combat ready.

    My wife and I flew many Guerilla raids against the Eternian Suplly Convoy, until one day it all went wrong. We attacked a Military convoy carrying WMD\'s. We thought that this was just a routine logistics run, but we were never more wrong. Clocked Frigates appeared like a plague. My wife was shot through the co-pilot canopy of our fighter, and I soon surrendered under withering fire.

    I was flown for about 500 cycles into a far away Eternian sector and loaded onto the prison ship HAIL. I have been brutally battered by guards and prisoners alike, and I can only hope for a way out of the floating Hell. Omnissiah save me.

    ~Erik Landsone

    ===Transmission Start====

    Sir, that was an excerpt from the personal diary of prisoner 771. Seeing as he was a captain what would you like to do, sir?

    ===Transmission End===

    ===Transmission Start===

    Bring him to the recruitment centers, force him into piloting. We need captains for the new Mother ship Dreadnought.

    ===Transmission End===

    Plans once on server:

    1) Become salvager and Cargo freighter

    2) become a trade hub

    3) Join Java\'s faction

    4) build and captain a Frigate

    5) Help Java

    6) Get rich

    Other: Eternia is an opressive backstabbing regime!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    All whitelisters are to read the lore, as there have been changes. If you\'ve already applied, there\'s no reason to change your bio, you simply escaped when the Hail was destroyed.

    Also, I added a second video.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You need to go back and reread the rules, and while there are no rules when it comes to names, I don\'t think a name with numbers fits, this is the name of your character not your username.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    For those interested in the Ryzan Empire, there is a thread here:

    Jun 24, 2013
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    I\'m not sure what rule you could be refereing to but ill just have a quick go through.

    1. This rule is something which would / should be implimented on a rp server and I\'ve fully understood this

    2. Rather the same as rule one

    3. Rather the same as rule one + two

    4. I\'m sure I did this in some way in that paragraph, sorry if its not what was needed exactly (and will change if need)

    5. OOC is understood and just to clarify you mean chat like this?:

    ((Something like this or do you mean

    ((Something like this?))

    6. No meta-gaming, god modding and powergaming. This is completly agreed on, would make things unfair for others if someone is just litrally making themselves \'invincible\'

    If this could be the problem -regarding the tactical knowledge- this is just a rp element, tbh my skill on how i play is how the characters skill is and thats rather normal for a starmade player.

    7. If people do this I would be surprised really, I think the only reason why anyone would WANT to go far would be if later on someone (as in a faction) were to make a station in their name or something along that line but only like 10,10,10 away furthest, nothing more really or the roleplay would make it anoying when trying to get from place to place

    Edit 1: Oh and I did change my starting information quickly

    Additional question: I\'ve just been wondering, what would be ship speed in the server be set too? the default 50 km or would it be higher? ive noticed that anything about 90 can cause a lag upon other people inside the same ship as you and is quite anoying in fights at times; not sure if others have the same problem or not though so don\'t just take my word alone :)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think he means rule #4. I was going to bring it up but saw it in a paragraph in your \'Other\' section. Best to make it abundantly clear.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I moved it so the 2nd paragraph only is in that other section, ill put Eternia in bold to make it a bit more clear, I did think this could be the issue.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    No problem. I\'ve attempted to help the server since I was accepted. Might as well get to people as early as possible so they can make changes sooner.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Charcter Name: Private Tom Columbus

    Age: 14

    Personality: Joyful, Funny, Intelligent, Calm, Creative and Born Leader.

    Bio: I joind the the army as soon as I could. They took everything away from me. My family, my home... my life. Now I\'m looking for vengeance. I will infiltrate the highest command and bring the Eternian military to their knees. But I can not do this alone. I will need others... brothers looking to help me to free this world from their shackles of despair. When they are at their weakest, I will raise an army and crush them and even better use their prized Juggernaught against them. However to do this I will need to become someone else... something else!

    Plans once you are in the server: Join a faction. Start putting a plan together of how to defeat them.(Won\'t defeat them for role play sakes). Start building my fleet.

    Other: Death to Eternia
    Jun 20, 2013
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    So the faction you join, you\'re going to betray it?

    And also your character must be age 18-50.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I need to know that you know the rules, a lot of people place Eternia in a small phrase like \"Death to Eternia\" If you place it in a paragraph for one I don\'t know for a fact that you read the rules and two I could miss the word all together. Anyway you are now cleared to go, just wait until for server goes live.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Ingame name - Fakee, Login name - Fakeeh

    Age: I am 14 years old.

    Personality: I am a 14 year old dude that likes to play games, hang out with friends and talk to other people. Personally I think I\'m pretty mature for my age and I take rules seriously and respect the staff.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Fakee was an 20 year old merchant, all he was looking for was an place to settle down for the rest of his life, he was an very peaceful man with respect of the nature. But once the planet he lived on got destroyed and raided by the pirates he decided to arm his X901 and enter the empty and lonely space out there. He started off as an merchant selling goods to people and mining asteroids for his living, but since he never got left alone at his travels he decided to arm his ships up with powerful guns that could bring down other Battleships. And now, he has been turned into an total warmachine that destroys everything hostile in his sights.

    Plans once your in the server: Build my X901 and travel out into the other sectors mining asteroids and helping friendly people.

    Other: Too be honest, I have nothing more to add to my application :)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    The entire application is for your character not you, also we did decide fairly recently that there is a range of ages 18-50 years old since we did have wierd ages for some characters. You should also reread the lore and rules.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Character Name: Nicolas 225

    Character Age: 34

    Personality: Intelligent, Strategic, Tactical, Skilled, Creative, Compassionate, and Happy.

    Character Biography: According to known collective records, Nicolas is a shadow who came into the governments eyes as a pilot destroying a pirate fleet that was being hunted by the Eternia Military. As fast as he had appeared, he was gone. However, some sources have released information about this strange circumstance. With no known last name so far, Nicolas was born on the trading colony of Aeternis, taking a initiative towards space travel. In his nature, persistence led to the years of lessons and flying. Unfortunately, an incident with the pirates led him to use his skills as a pilot and leader to make ties with important officials to oppose those who do harm to the lives of the innocent. There is a strange gap in the records, giving most theorists the idea that he went \"off the grid\", and went undercover to investigate more pirate incidents. It has been rumored that he has flown back to finish his campaign against evil. But no one can be sure. It is fairly hard to track a ghost.

    Plans once your in the server: My plans would be to collect resources, build a small, simple, ship and use it for reconnaissance work. Once I had figured out the personality of the inhabitants in the galaxy, I would begin to make ties and ally with those who are enemies with those who threaten the welfare of the innocent people.

    Other: The war between good and evil is coming soon, and the Eternian empire better show its place on the line before it ends up next to a red X on my list.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Personality:derpy,dramatic,helpful,caring,i am a fast builder, becuse i can picture 3d shapes in my head like it was my life.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) :......(i have bad grammer..i will do my best) Genn was a boy who grow up in a family of hard workers, all of the men in the family were ship builders and desiners, some of the best ships made came from he family,but Genn was diffrent ... he had a strange feeling all the time when he was building, it was like he could do anything when building , he got confidence and stronger and faster, he could see thing too, see could see the stress in metals and he can tell what were the weak ponits in a ship by looking at it. but in a fight he would brake under the pressure, making him a bad leader. the fachion the has genn in it will have some of the strongess ships.

    Plans once your in the server: build ships for poeples and have fun role playing
