[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Age is for your character. It has to be 18-50.

    You need to read the rules more.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You need to review the rules again, you\'ve missed something in your app.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character: Incudem



    Bio:Iv always been light fingered when it came to tech, guess thats why im here. Everyone I befriend has had the same problem and its something that has gotten us in over our heads often. One positive side of being a theif however, is that you know \"fool proof\" security is anything but. Even on a prison ship.

    Plans: Link up with some friends, make some noise.

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Right, you are cleared and good to go once the server goes live, although the numbers in your name could be removed for RP sake.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I have just implemented the whitelist. If you are a beta tester and find you are unable to connect because of not being whitelisted, please inform me.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 13

    Personality: Funny,calm and adventures

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): At age 20 completed an elite piloting school and is trained with lots of battle experiance from the past.Is very hardworking and might be the most loyal friend or

    just bail but usaley has the best intensions

    Plans once your in the server: Either adventure into space and fight pirates or enemys or settle down with a faction or join a fleet of fighters and destroyers and what not to destroy even the toughest of enemys

    Jun 20, 2013
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    So, the beta is still on i see and the whitelist has just been implemented. Until now, the server has been wide open for anyone to join, though only beta testers were given the ip, correct? Sorry if I\'m asking too much, I\'m just eager to get on such a magnificent looking rp server. :3
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Right, few things you need a name for your character, age is a bit too young there is a recently made rule anything in the range between 18-50 is fine. You should put more effort into your bio and you do need to reread the rules.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    just thought of this, but will there be any illeagle class weapons? like planet cracking torpedeos or ultra MAC platforms?
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Myxam

    Age: 42

    Personality: Laid back, Clever, manipulative, slightly insane

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    \"Internment Audio Record 9872: State your name, and crimes you are charged with.\"

    \"I\'m quite pleased with the efforts you\'ve gone through to make me right at home Proctor. Disentigrating my clothes, delousing, the shave was nice too, can\'t forget the first day beating either, and this lavish orange Jumpsuit, you spoil me you cold witch,\" the grizzled spacer chuckled in response to the AI interface\'s question.

    \"Invalid Answer, administering neural prod.\" \" Now there\'s no nee--\" The man started, his lax disposition and tone interrupted like his sentence by a powerful jolt of electricity administered through a shock collar buckled around his neck. He spasmed and squirmed in pain for a moment before relaxing, prostrated across his restraints in the chair.

    \"State your name, and crimes charged.\" \"David \"Myxam\" Alariez. Treason, Premature Contract Termination, Assault of Corporation Facilities, Incitement of a Riot, Murder of a Corporate Official,\" The man rattled off, moaning in agony through his teeth, the stench of burning flesh wafting off of him in streams of smoke.

    \"Thank you, please wait while are you processed. Welcome to the Hail Mr. Alariez. Please enjoy your stay,\" The Synthasized voice of the Proctor orrated coldly,\" Transferring to Theta Max Wing D.\"

    \"Go to Hell you metal demon...\" he whispered as the chair slid through the small cubicle eliciting a whine from the railtrack it was on. \"Disobidence, Administering Neural Shock,\" were all David heard before pain turned his world black.

    David \'Myxam\' Alariez Served with Distinction as a Privateer after the Juggernaut inncident, serving along side the Eternian Military against several Pirate Strongholds. During a mission in Sector XYZ, Myxam turned on its escort -- a Destroyer bound to terminate a Pirate Base on a planet surface and opened fire. Myxam was able to severely cripple the destroyer, forcing it to turn back before it could complete the mission. Myxam was branded a traitor and placed among the Military\'s Most Wanted. Myxam was cornered in Sector YYZ and captured after his Corvette The Vigilant forced into an Asteroid field by the Eternian Fleet. He is currently serving 19 consecutive Life Sentances aboard the Hail for his crimes.

    Plans once your in the server: Escape Custody, build a starship, recruit crew, Avoid Incarceration, Rebuild The Crucian Expedition Fleet.


    ETERNIA if you please.

    10 pages late but...


    On an OOC note, it might be a good idea to turn a planet into a City planet like Taris, Coruscant, or Nar Shaddaa from Star Wars, just cover the entire surface with skyscraping towers.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Koonzey

    Age: 25

    Personality: Silent, Deadly, Productive, Fun.

    Random person on ship... part of the Evolution.

    Plans once your in the server: To make awesome ships, team up with a few people, Kill some pirates..

    Other: Eternia.

    Edit.. adding RP stuff:

    Character age - 42
    Brigadeer general Koonzey - Or so he once was.. In his yunger days he was a bright hope for Eternia, a rising star of military command, that is. until a fatal incident lead to the death naught but one, General Koonzey was found in his wreached command ship. no survivers, only koonzey hanging on a wall as a statement. barely alive. as fate had it. Koonzey was sentenced for hes lack of duty end abandoning his post. and ended up with a dishonorable distchage. That lead him into the hands of Evolution - where he made his way to the top as a reliable commander. altho not always on the right side of the law.. this lead to his capture (buy surrendering his ship with no casualties simply because he was surrounded and decided to take the punushment and save his crew) this is why he was one of the escapees at the Hail Incident (altho not buy choice but buy survival)
