[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: Eron Landone

    Age: 20

    Personality: Quite, Tactical, Aware, Cautious

    Bio: I was born during the hight of space exploration in Eternia. My father owned a small shipyard creating fighters for the military on our home world, Xenos. We were not rich, but because of my fathers work we had access to a lot of hardware for ships. As soon as I was able I built my own small cargo freighter. Soon after that my father was hung as a traitor to the Enternian empire. I was caught on a Gun Run to a neighboring planet and branded a traitor as well. The Eternian empire believed I might be useful some day, seeing as I can build ships, so they locked me up in Hail, the prison ship. I was sent to a shipyard and forced to work without pay.

    After my first and last escape attempt I am back aboard Hail, right next to my old cell.

    Plans once your in the server:

    1) Escape

    2) Build a small salvage and cargo vessel

    3) Work as a Cargo ship for factions that are trading supplies

    4) Salvage and gather resources

    5) Buy my ship and sail the universe

    6) Try to join a faction or Eternia\'s military

    Other: Eternia

    Question: Can you buy blueprints or do you have to build everything?
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    You are approved and ready to go once the server is live, although I should point out that the escape doesn\'t happen until in-game.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Your application checks out and is approved. To answer your question, one can buy blueprints it works just the same as normal Starmade, at least for now. Remember anything can change between now and server launch.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Cheers Damian for pointing that out since I was unsure if the escape already happened or was about to.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    And I say

    Hey yea yea yea yea

    hey yea yea

    I said hey

    best friends from now on
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    You do need to review the rules, you are missing a part of your application.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    i think this is all i am missing

    plans once on server: to play on a RP server and eventualy make my faction not atm
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: SealJuice

    Age: 15

    Character age: 23

    Character Personality: Good sense of humour, Laid back, Organized.

    Character Bio: Born in a small town called Freyhold, SealJuice had few friends in this sparse neighborhood. He couldn\'t wait to leave this damn place. Working day in, day out, spending little to no money on himself. Saving all of his earnings on traveling, discovering, exploring. Ever since he was a young boy he dreamed of venturing off into space, forgetting about worries and fears.

    When SealJuice heard that Eternia had received funding for a military, he knew this was what he wanted to do, blowing the last of his earnings on traveling there. Climbing aboard the Destroyer Valiant, he met Java, a cunning, intelligent man. Kostova, a ruthless, master tactician.

    The feeling of restriction grew too much for them. The three made master plans, to rebel against, and destroy Eternia. However Eternia had other plans... Bugging their rooms, spying on them, building a database of evidence to use against them. The crew aboard the Destroyer Valiant were ordered to detain the trio. They were sent to the prison ship Hail. Continuing their plans, the three plot to escape and create a new Empire.

    Plans once you\'re in the server: Join Java\'s faction, help build it.

    Other: Eternia.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    character name Thrawn

    age 19

    personality: smart,inventive,coolheaded,

    bio:i was origanly on the rebellion agianst the eternia army i was the head of a destroyer The Acendancy in the rebellion navy we were on a patrol around a frozen plant in the syca then out of nowherea eternian fleet poped out of hyperspace. \"raise the shield commander\" \"yes sir\" we fought for about 5 hours.And finally my ship and the enemy comand ship were left.I fired the last of my tactical missles and destroyer her shield at the same time they fire their railgun cannon andobliterated the right half of the ship i fired the left salvo

    and hit the bridge after that our reactor went critical and we launched the escape pods we drifted for about 7 days.Then finally a prison ship the Hail now i am stuck on the ship in the prison cell with what is left of my crew we are waiting for the right time to escape.

    plans to do once on server: be on a rp server and eventualy make my factio not atm

    other eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Right you look alright now, you are approved and good to go once we are live.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Five more applications will soon be selected to join the beta. You are allowed to go back and edit any application you\'ve already sent in, and notify me or Damiann. Best applications will be accepted. Happy RPing!

    Oh, and like my new picture? :D
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name:darknuju


    Personality:I am calm easy to get along with and is the last person you look to to cause an argument or disrupt fun for everyone.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    Dark nuju was a beggar on the streets, due to his parents dieing when he was only 7 he was not able to care for himself. Noone cared for him and was constantly abused by the military however he was very intelligent and started to form a plan to escape Eternia. His plan would take a specific set of circumstances to be pulled out so he waited. About 4 years later the defenses of Eternia were down for maintnance and many of their ships where out at the prefect distance away for his plan to fall through as well as some other minor circumstances also occured. He then started up the ship he had worked almost his entire life on and set outunfortunately one of the Destroyers were returning and was able to catch dark nuju. Over the course of his life he made many other attempts in many different ways but always got caught and recently tried again but even though he is locked up in jail and on his way back to eternia, this time will be different.

    Plans once your in the server: To make a ship and set up a station where i will form a crew and create a fleet of ships of my own.

    Other:I cant wait to join Eternia (if i can)